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METHODS                                             The distribution  of the  patients  in  the  Group  H and
                                                              Group C cohorts as per the cause of burns was statistically
          A total of 326 patients with burns injuries were admitted   not significant (P = 0.176) and is depicted in Figure 1.
          to Government Wenlock  Hospital, Mangalore, between   The stratification of patients according to the extent  of
          December 2005 and January 2007.  The first consecutive   the thermal injury has been depicted in Table 4.
          60  patients  with  10-60% second degree  burns  between
          the ages of 10 and 60 were enrolled in the study. Patients   The division of burn patients in Groups  H and C with
          with liver disease, renal disorders, a blood-coagulating   respect to their duration of stay in the hospital revealed
          diathesis, an allergy to heparin, an active peptic  ulcer,   an earlier discharge from the hospital in Group  H,
          thrombocytopenia, active bleeding or potential bleeding   except in cases of extensive burns of more than 50%
          from trauma were excluded.  Patients who met the    BSA  [Table  5]. The mean duration of hospital stay was
          inclusion criteria were randomly assigned a control   significantly less in the Group H compared the Group C,
          group  (Group  C)  or  heparin  group  (Group  H).  Thirty   in 10-20% burns  (13  vs. 26  days), 20-30% burns  (23  vs.
          patients were started on topical heparin (Group H), while   41  days), and 30-40% burns  (26  vs. 67  days). A  shorter
          the other 30  patients in the control group  (Group  C)   hospital stay has many positive ramifications in an Indian
          were treated with conventional dressings with silver   family, in addition to the reduced economic burden of
          sulfadiazine,  intravenous antibiotics,  analgesics and   treatment.
          intravenous fluids.                                 Patients in Group C were prone to numerous complications

          The dose of heparin required for topical  application  was   as compared to Group  H. The occurrence of these
          calculated  to be 100,000  IU/15% burn surface area  (BSA)   complications as depicted in Table 6 was highly statistically
          per day in 3-4 divided doses. The medication was applied
          to the burnt surface drop by drop with a 50 mL syringe,   Table 1: Age distribution of the patients under evaluation
          until the pain was relieved, repeated for 2-4  times  until   Age group (years)  Number of patients
          blanching occurred. Beginning on the 2nd day, heparin
          was applied twice a day, using a diminishing quantity for                    Group H          Group C
          1 week.                                              10-20                      6                6
                                                               21-30                      6                8
          Blisters were rinsed with heparin solution via hypodermic   31-40               11               8
          syringe and were not de-roofed. Blood  was drawn to   41-50                     4                3
          test for bleeding time,  clotting time,  and activated   51-60                  3                5
          partial thromboplastin time,  in addition to routine blood   Total              30               30

          Relief of pain as recorded by a visual analog scale, healing   Table 2: Distribution of patients according to gender
          of wounds, dose of heparin, complications, mortality and   Gender              Number of patients
          duration of hospital stay  were  reported and analyzed.
          This was a single-blinded  study that was approved by                    Group H              Group C
          the  Ethics  Committee  of the  Institute.  Written  informed   Male        15                   8
          consent was obtained from the patients or guardians.  Female                15                   22

                                                              Table 3: Cause of burns

          Among  the  60  patients  enrolled in  the  study,  the  age   Cause of burns     Number of patients
          distribution between the two groups was not significantly                     Male             Female
          different [Table 1]. The majority of the patients admitted   Accidental        18                15
          were  in  the  economically productive age  group of   Homicidal                4                17
          31-40 years old (19 patients, 31%).                  Suicidal                   1                 5
          There were equal numbers of male and female patients in   Total                23                37
          Group H. The gender distribution among the two groups
          was not statistically significant [Table 2].
                                                              Table 4: Number of patients according to extent of
          The study showed a statistically significant  (P  =  0.017)   thermal injury
          difference  in  the  cause of burns  between  males  and   Percentage of burns    Number of patients
          females.  Accidental burns were seen  in 33  patients   (%)
          as compared to 21  patients with homicidal intent,                            Group H         Group C
          and  6  patients with suicidal aim. Males  (18  patients)   10-20                8               10
          figured  predominantly  in  the  accidental  group,  21-30                       10              5
          whereas females were significantly more represented   31-40                      9               7
          in  the  homicidal  (17  patients) and suicidal  (5  patients)   41-50           0               4
          subgroups [Table 3].                                 51-60                       3               4

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