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shows that silver can be used as an antimicrobial agent in   CANCER TREATMENT
          grafts while previous studies showed its topical use.
                                                              Cancer treatment often involves multiple modalities,
          Kose et al.  examined silica‑based mesoporous materials   including surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.
          to characterize the features that determine the loading   The  single  most  important  predictor  of  patient
          capacity and delivery  of  medications  integrated  into   survival for cancer is complete surgical resection.
          these devices. They specifically focused  on silica‑based   Nanometer‑sized particles such as quantum dots and
          mesoporous materials because they can be manufactured   colloidal  gold  have  novel  size‑tunable  properties  that
          with a high degree of homogeneity with a tunable pore   neither  discrete  molecules  nor  bulk  materials  can
          size.  Their work highlights  the importance of pore size,   provide.  These particles have the potential for tumor
          volume, and surface area in both drug adsorption  and   localization, tumor margin detection, identification
          drug elution from the device.                       of  important adjacent  structures, mapping  of  sentinel
          Nanotechnology has further applications  beyond the   lymph nodes, and detection of residual tumor cells
          fabrication of devices and materials on the nanoscale.   or micrometastases. Contrast agents containing such
          Nanotechnology also allows us to study and quantify   particles can be accumulated in solid tumors through
          biological processes at this level using various techniques.   passive  and  active  targeting  mechanisms.  In  addition,
          Differences of regional bone on the nanoscale may allow   intraoperative imaging can be used to overcome
          for improved or novel harvesting techniques in addition   problems  with  tissue  penetration  of  traditional  optical
          to infrequently used donor sites for graft harvest. Through   methods  [Figure  5]. Such agents include quantum dots,
          this  knowledge, we can improvise the architecture of   and surface‑enhanced Raman scattering nanoparticles.
          materials to increase success rate in tissue reconstruction.   Evaluating the long‑term fate and toxicity of nanoparticles
          Leong  et  al.  have utilized tissue characterization on   remains  a  challenge.  Finally,  it  is  important  to  design
          the nanoscale to categorize  the various tissues  present   agents that are accumulated in tumors, but are cleared
          during bone callus formation. Understanding bone healing   from other organs and tissues.
          biology at the nanoscale will help us develop ways to   In conclusion,  nanotechnology has a vast array of
          improve this process for reconstructive purposes.   applications in plastic and reconstructive surgery [Table 2].

          Table 2: Summary of nanotechnology applications in plastic and reconstructive surgery
           Material                      Device                          Application
           Lipids, peptides, nucleic acids,   Vesicles, nanotubes, nanoparticles  Drug delivery
           polysaccharides, viruses
           Peptides, antibodies          Activatable probes, tumor paints  Tumor targeting, theranostics
           Polymers (poly-lactic acid, glycolic   Vesicles, spheres, nanoparticles,   Drug delivery
           acid, caprolactone, propylene, etc.,)  micelles, dendrimers
           Silicone, silicone dioxide    Nanoparticles, nanoneedles      Drug delivery
           Carbon                        Nanotubes, fullerenes           Drug delivery
           Carbon                        Semiconductor quantum dots      Tumor targeting
           Gold, silver, palladium, platinum  Nanoparticles, nanoshells  Drug delivery, quantum dots, tumor detection
           Gold                          Surface-enhanced Raman scattering  Tumor targeting
           Poly lactate, poly glycolic acid  Layered scaffolds           Composite skin grafts, chronic wounds, burn
                                                                         wounds, skin diseases
           Poly lactate, poly glycolic acid  Contoured scaffolds         Customized fat grafts, breast reconstruction
           Poly lactate, poly glycolic acid  Flexible scaffolds, bioreactors  Functional muscle grafts, solid organ transplants
           Poly lactate, poly glycolic acid  Hydrogel scaffolds          Moldable cartilage scaffolds, craniofacial and skeletal
                                                                         reconstruction, dental restoration and reconstruction
           Poly lactate, poly glycolic acid  Rigid scaffolds, mineralized substrates  Bone grafts
           Collagen                      Nanofibers                      Wound care
           Chitosan                      Nanofibrils                     Wound, burn care
           Silver                        Nanoparticles                   Wound and burn care
           Zinc oxide, titanium dioxide  Nanoparticles                   Sunscreen
           Fullerene, lipids             Vesicles, nanotubes, nanoparticles  Skin care products
           Silicone, silicone dioxide    Nanofiber, nanoparticle         Breast implants
           Peptides, collagen, PLGA, chitosan  Flexible scaffolds, nanofibers  Nerve conduits
           PLGA, titanium, polyethylene  Nanoscale surfacing             Bone prostheses and implants
           Hydroxyapatite                Nanoparticles, implant coating  Bone replacement, implant coating
           Titanium, carbon              Nanotubes                       Bone regeneration scaffolds
           Carbon, metal colloids        Nanorobots                      Tissue healing, bone replacement, tumor
                                                                         theronostics, anesthesia
           Ceramics (nonorgainic, nonmetallic   Nanocoating, nanofibers,   Bone restoration, reconstruction
           compounds)                    nanocomposites
           PLGA: Poly‑DL‑lactic‑co‑glycolic acid

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