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neurological clearance in patients  with possible head   dehiscence of the  oral wounds. No  other significant
          injury, or other traumatic  injuries  of the  body.  It  is   complications were  noted. Two patients  complained of
          acceptable to wait for the peri‑orbital edema to resolve   persistent  infra‑orbital  nerve  paresthesia,  which  is  an
          since it  allows for better  palpation and manipulation of   accepted side effect of ZMC fractures and their treatment.
          the  fracture  segments  intraoperatively.   In  this  study,  all   This  side  effect  may  or may  not be  related to actual
          these reasons accounted for the delay in surgical treatment   surgical manipulation. [17]
          after injury ranging from 0 day to 6 days. Various surgical   Our review of patients with iZMC fractures shows that an
          approaches for reduction of iZMC fractures and  nonrigid   individualized approach to need for surgical reduction and
          methods of fixation have been proposed  even with the   type of fixation provides optimum outcomes with minimal
          advent of mini‑plate  osteosynthesis.   However,  recent   complications.
          reviews state that each case must be individualized
          because fixation requirements differ greatly from one
          fracture to another. [2]                            ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

          A detailed review of iZMC fractures was performed by  Ellis   We  would like  to thank the  faculty and staff of Cheema
          and Kittidumkerng.  They proposed an algorithm to   Medical Complex, Mohali, Punjab,  where the surgical
          assess the need for fixation of reduced iZMC fractures and   work and patient care was performed.
          concluded that each case must be individualized for type of
          surgical fixation. As per the suggested algorithm, reduction of   REFERENCES
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          Many authors have noted complications in the         How to cite this article: Datta R, Harit K, Grewal Y. Management of
          management  of iZMC  fractures  and they  range  from   isolated zygomaticomaxillary complex fractures with an individualized
          malunion,  improper reduction,  failure  of hardware,   approach: a retrospective study. Plast Aesthet Res 2014;1:51-3.
          aesthetic  and functional impairment. [4,14,16]   In  this  study,   Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.
          bone  plates  were  removed  in  two patients  due to   Received: 23-05-2014; Accepted: 10-07-2014

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