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materials using manufacturing techniques on a nanoscale.   multi‑drug  resistant  organisms as well as exhibiting
          The nanofibers provide a three‑dimensional structure that   antiinflammatory  properties. [9,10]   Nanoscale fabrication
          mimics the native extracellular matrix  (ECM) while the   techniques  have  allowed manufacturing  silver  into
          host tissue regeneration replaces the scaffold. Nanofiber   nanoparticles, which markedly increases the rate of silver
          scaffolds provide several properties that are essential for   ion  release,  and thus  increasing  its  clinical utility. [10,11]   A
          tissue repair: mechanical integrity, temperature control,   nanocrystalline silver dressing was recently evaluated
          fluid absorption, and gas exchange.                 in  chronic wounds by  Sibbald  et  al.  In a prospective,
                                                              uncontrolled study,  a  variety  of  chronic,  nonhealing
          In rat models, scaffolds made of collagen nanofibers
          accelerate acute  wound healing  by  enhancing  capillary   wounds  (foot, pressure, and venous stasis ulcers, and
          and fibroblast proliferation.  In a study by Choi  et  al.,    miscellaneous wounds) were treated with a nanocrystalline
          recombinant  human  epidermal growth factor  (EGF) was   sliver dressing  [Figure  1]. Surface bacterial counts were
                                                              found on semi‑quantitative  swabs to be  significantly
          immobilized  on electrospun biodegradable nanofibers   diminished in those wounds treated with nanocrystalline
          to treat diabetic ulcers in a rat model. Human primary   dressing.  Since bacteria contribute to tissue damage
          keratinocytes  were  cultivated on the  nanofiber  matrix   leading to poor wound healing, the decreased bacterial
          to investigate the effect of EGF nanofibers on their   load from silver nanocrystalline dressing facilitates wound
          differentiation. Wound healing effect of the EGF nanofibers   healing.  In addition,  growth factors have been  shown to
          was confirmed in diabetic animals with dorsal wounds. In   play a critical role in  the  proliferative  phase of wound
          in  vivo  wound  healing studies, the EGF‑nanofibers group
          was superior to control groups  (conventional  dressing,   healing. Growth factors serve to attract the cells necessary
                                                              for fibroblast and epithelial cell growth and migration, as
          nanofibers  alone,  or EGF solutions).  This  study  showed   well as initiating the formation of new blood vessels into
          that EGF‑conjugated nanofibers could  potentially be   the  area  of injury.  Novel polymerized  nanocarriers have
          employed as a novel wound healing material by increasing   been produced, which can provide for consistent and
          proliferation and phenotypic expression  of keratinocytes   significant dosages of growth factors. The growth factors
          in diabetic wounds.
                                                              are  embedded into  the  polymerized  nanocarriers that
          Chitin  and chitosan nanofibrils are nanocrystals of   allow sustained release of these bioactive molecules. The
          natural polysaccharides derived from the exoskeletons   nanocarrier drug  delivery  system  has  been  successful in
          of crustaceans. These fibrils have been used in a variety   treating wounds in a clinical setting. [10]
          of formulations to aid wound healing.  Muzzarelli  et  al.
          showed in  murine  models that  different  formulations  of   The  cosmetic  and topical skin  care  industries  have  also
          chitin nanofibrils almost lead to normal physiologic   benefited from advances in nanotechnology. For example,
          repair of wounds. They subjected various formulations of   micronized zinc oxide and titanium dioxide (TiO ) are used
          dibutyryl chitin  (DBC),  a modified chitin carrying butyryl   in  sunscreen  manufacturing by functioning  as ultraviolet
          group at the three and six positions, to a battery of in vitro   blockers  in  these  products. Their  nanoscale fabrication
          and in  vivo  tests.  The  DBC’s  were  then  incorporated into   increases their transparency on skin and allows increased
          a  5‑methylpyrrolidinone  chitosan solution  and submitted   user compliance. In addition, it also increases their
          to  freeze‑drying  to  produce a  reinforced wound dressing   refractive index, resulting  in a “stronger” sunscreen.
          material,  which was then tested in  vivo  in full thickness   Lipid nanoparticles have  been  added to various cosmetic
          wounds in rats. The rats had full thickness dorsal wounds   and dermal products to increase contact with the stratum
          bilaterally and treated with the experimental agent on one   corneum. Therefore, it allows increased drug penetration
          side,  and control on the  contralateral side.  The  animals   into the skin, improved hydration through their occlusive
          were studied at either 7 or 14 days and the skin of each   properties, and provide controlled  release of active
          surgical wound was excised. The use of 4  mm  ×  4  mm   ingredients.   In  an  open  clinical trial,  fullerene  gel
          pieces  as  wound  dressings  resulted  in  significantly  less   applied to patients with acne vulgaris showed a significant
          cutaneous scarring, as measured by collagen I/collagen III   reduction  cutaneous  inflammation  and  infection,
          rations, and as measured clinically.                suggesting  yet another application of nanotechnology in
                                                              skin care. [14]
          Chitin  nanofibrils/chitosan  glycolate  can  be  manufactured
          into a spray, gel or impregnated onto a dressing for   IMPLANTS AND PROSTHESES
          wound care. Using a rat model, Mattioli‑Belmonte
          et  al.  demonstrated that each of these delivery systems   In 2012,  breast augmentation and implant‑based breast
          has a specific application: use for superficial abrasions,   reconstruction after mastectomy were the most common
          shallow wounds in aesthetic areas, and slow healing   plastic surgery  procedures.  Breast  implants  that  contain
          dermo‑epidermal wounds, respectively. Enhanced tissue   nanofiber  coatings  for the  delivery  of tumor‑specific
          repair and reduced scarring was seen in all the applications.   anticancer drugs  are  currently  being  evaluated.   This
          Although the results from all of these studies are impressive,   technology has the potential to revolutionize cancer care,
          they have not been examined in human clinical trials.
                                                              by  facilitating  area‑specific chemotherapy  to the  tumor
          Silver has long been  heralded for its  antimicrobial   bed while alleviating some of the undesirable effects of
          properties  and has demonstrated efficacy against   current  systemic chemotherapy regimens.  In  addition,

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