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segment. Ideally, a single end-to-end primary arterial repair   arch. The ulnar artery appears to be the main  feeding
          of the ulnar digital artery can obviate the need for two   vessel.  The ability to reconstitute the arterial flow when
          anastomotic sites, as in the case of vein grafting.  revascularizing the thumb using the palmar arch or radial
                                                              digital artery of the index finger depends on the anatomic
          A classic morphology of the  complete superficial palmar
          arch is  formed  by  the  superficial  palmar branch of   configuration of the superficial palmar arch. The surgeon
          the ulnar artery and the superficial palmar branch of the   should always be aware of the variations in the superficial
          radial artery.   Superficial  and deep palmar arches  of the   palmar arch before proceeding, and the expendability  of
          hand, formed by the radial  and  ulnar arteries, provide   the superficial palmar arch or the  radial digital artery
          the dominant blood supply to the hand, with an intricate   branch must be established to avoid ischemia of adjacent
          network of collateral flow. The superficial palmar arch is   digits.  If the  anatomy  of the  superficial palmar arch is
          classified  into  two  categories:  complete  or  incomplete.   normal  [Figure  8], then  the  palmar arch or the  radial
          The latter is formed when the anastomoses between the   digital artery of the index finger can be safely transferred
          radial and ulnar superficial vessels constituting  the arch   distally to the ulnar digital artery to revascularize the
          are absent. [2]                                     thumb  [Figure  9]; however,  the  possibility  of using  a
                                                              reverse  radial forearm flap to resurface the palmar or
          It  is  important  for surgeons  dealing  with  reconstructive   dorsal defect associated with these types of injury may
          hand surgeries and restoration of the functional anatomy   be  compromised.  Richard and Goldner have  discussed
          of hand to understand how the pattern of the superficial   transposing the  digital neurovascular bundle in  patients
          palmar arch can vary.  Several  cadaveric and radiographic   who have experienced a crush injury of the digits. [4]
          studies  have  revealed enormous  variability  in  the   Other methods used to revascularize such injuries,
          vascular anatomy of the deep and superficial palmar   include reconstructing  the  injured  segment  with  vein
          arches.  Conventionally, the superficial palmar branches   grafts harvested from the distal third of the forearm,
          of the ulnar and radial arteries form the superficial palmar

                                                              Figure  6:  The superficial palmar arch and digital vein from the index
                                                              finger were used to revascularize the thumb
          Figure 5: C-arm picture demonstrating skeletal fixation with Kirschner wires

          Figure 7: Postoperative picture following revascularization                                 Figure 8: Schematic depicting the normal superficial palmar arch anatomy

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