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Figure 10: Options for thumb revascularization

                                                              important consideration  and warrants further evaluation
                                                              before attempting a clinical transfer.
                                                              The  principle of transposing  the  radial digital  artery  or
          Figure  9:  Schematic representing transfer of the palmar arch or radial   superficial palmar arch could  very well be used in cases
          digital artery of the index finger for revascularization of the thumb  of amputation at the level of the base of the thumb,
                                                              where venous grafts may be avoided for establishing the
          vessel shift of the radial or ulnar arteries, and forming an   circulation.
          arteriovenous fistula [Figure 10].
          The advantage of the vein graft procedures is that
          there  is  no  need  to  sacrifice  the  palmar  arch.  The
          disadvantages are the need for two anastomoses, and   Revascularizing the thumb is a challenging and rewarding
          that  the proximal  part of the injured artery can be in   experience for the plastic surgeon. Knowledge of the
          spasm since it is near to the zone of trauma. This can   superficial palmar arch and its  anatomical variability
          result in an unfavorable outcome following anastomosis,   are critical for successful  revascularization. Therefore,
          with the need for further revision procedures and   bridging the vascular  gap to repair the transected ulnar
          additional incisions for vein graft harvest. The advantages   digital artery of the thumb, superficial palmar arch or the
          of the transfer of superficial palmar arch or radial digital   radial digital  artery  of the  index  finger  could be  safely
          artery for thumb revascularization over vein grafts are   transferred distally for revascularisation.
          the  need  for  just  one  anastomosis,  which  reduces  the
          incidence  of  thrombosis,  and  that  the  artery  borrowed   REFERENCES
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          no suitable  artery in the devascularized part. Better
          results are obtained when the volar  veins are used for   How to cite this article: Korambayil PM, Ambookan PV, Dilliraj VK.
          anastomosis and when there is less tension on the    Options for thumb revascularization: our experience and literature
                                                               review. Plast Aesthet Res 2014;1:37-40.
          anastomosis between the proximal volar digital artery and
          the dorsal vein.  Morris  et  al. have suggested  that the   Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.
          presence  or absence  of venous  valves appears to  be  an   Received: 27-02-2014; Accepted: 28-05-2014

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