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at  the  level  of the  shaft  of  the  proximal  phalanx of  the   artery of the thumb, facilitating end-to-end repair without
          thumb [Figure 4]. Intraoperatively, transection of the ulnar   a vein graft. The digital vein of the index finger was also
          digital artery was at the level of the base of the thumb.   utilized to allow venous drainage of the thumb [Figure 6].
          The thumb  was ischemic.  Skeletal fixation  was achieved   On release of the tourniquet, there was good blood flow
          using Kirschner wires [Figure 5]. Dissection of the digital   into  the  thumb  and fingers  [Figure  7].  Postoperatively,
          nerve revealed contused nerve fibers, although the fibers   the  patient  received six  sessions  of hyperbaric oxygen
          were  intact.  The  ulnar digital  artery  was  found to  be   therapy.  After  an  uneventful  hospital course,  the  patient
          transected at the  shaft  level with  segmental  loss; this   was discharged on the tenth postoperative day.
          segmental  loss made primary  repair difficult. The radial
          digital artery and the nerve of the thumb were contused   DISCUSSION
          but intact. The dorsal veins were contused.
          To  bridge  the  gap,  the  superficial palmar arch was   Avulsion injuries  to the thumb can result in extensive
          dissected until  its  ulnar end where  the  branch to the   damage to long segments of vessels, which makes direct
          common  digital  artery  to  the  index  and middle  fingers   suturing of the structures difficult. The decision to proceed
          arising from the palmar arch. A digital clamp was placed   with revascularizing an avulsed thumb depends on several
          over the ulnar end of the palmar arch and the radial digital   factors, including the mechanism of injury, the  patient’s
          artery of the index finger. The tourniquet  was released   age, occupation and hand dominance, and overall medical
          and the  vascularity of the  index finger  was confirmed,   condition and  intraoperative assessment of  the  injured
          before reapplying the tourniquet. A  Vascular clip was   structures. When the decision is taken to retain the thumb
          used to ligate the superficial palmar arch just before the   by revascularization, the options available are to use a
          division of common digital artery to the index and middle   vein graft to reconstruct the segmental loss or to transfer
          fingers.  To obtain  additional length,  the  radial digital   nearby vessels to adequately bridge the gap of the injured
          artery  to  the  index  finger  was  also  ligated  and divided.
          The palmar  arch  was turned to reach the ulnar digital

                                                              Figure 2: Dorsal aspect of the injured thumb

          Figure 1: Crush injury to the base of the right thumb, volar aspect

                                                              Figure 4: Radiograph of the right hand in the antero-posterior view, showing
          Figure 3: Ulnar aspect of the injured thumb         a fracture at the level of shaft of the proximal phalanx of the thumb

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