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Letter to Editor                                   Plastic and Aesthetic Research

          Progressive drain withdrawal without

          suture removal: a technical note

          Zaher Jandali , Charles Yuen Yung Loh , Athanassopoulos Thanassi              2
          1 Department of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive surgery, Asklepios Klinik Wandsbek, Hamburg, Germany.
          2 Ninewells Hospital Dundee, Scotland, UK.

          Address for correspondence: Dr. Charles Yuen Yung Loh, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, Scotland, UK. E-mail:

          Drains are traditionally used in a variety of surgical
          procedures; [1,2]  although there is limited evidence of
          their usefulness.  Drains are classified based on various
          characteristics: as open or closed systems, as active
          versus passive, as prophylactic versus therapeutic; or by
          composition (e.g. polyurethane, silicone, or rubber). [2,4]
          Closed vacuum drains apply negative suction (60-80 kPa)
          in a sealed environment.  Drains are often secured
          using  a  single  suture  or  adhesive  tape  to  prevent
          inadvertent removal. Complications from drains include
          pain, hemorrhage, drain entrapment, and retrograde
          bacterial migration that can result in postoperative
          infections. [1,2]
          We routinely use drains after flap  reconstructions. For   Figure 1: Progressive drain removal without suture release. Gentle traction
          example,  we  place two  or  three  vacuum  suction  drains   on the drain with the forceps in place permits withdrawal of drain
          in  the  gluteal  myocutaneous  rotation  flaps that  are  used
          to cover sacral pressure sores. The drains are sutured for
          security and are completely removed if drainage is less   tied with multiple knots, and a simple dressing  over the
          than 30  mL/day. [1,2]  If fluid production  from the wound   drain is used for wound closure.
          exceeds 30 mL/day for 5 days and is serous in nature, we   For drain withdrawal, the drain suture is soaked with
          progressively remove the drain in 3 cm steps until removal   disinfectant spray  (Bode Cutasept F, Hamburg, Germany),
          is complete.                                        to facilitate passage of the drain. The vacuum is then
          The present  report describes a method  of progressive   released to prevent the drain from adhering to the
          removal of an external drain without suture release.   tissue.  The  forceps  are  positioned  directly  proximal
          Specifically, we suture a loop through the skin and fix the   to  the  securing  suture  and  closed  firmly.  The  drain  is
          drain by a double-loop through the first loop. One or two   compressed and slid through the suture with gentle
          additional loops can be added if necessary. The suture is   traction. If toothed forceps are used, the drain must be
                                                              positioned proximal to the teeth to avoid tearing. This
                                                              technique is applicable to drains of various diameters and
                         Access this article online           materials.
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                                   Website:                   We have used this technique to gradually extract drains
                                                              during 7 years of high-volume plastic surgery [Figure 1].
                                                              Our  patients have  reported no  discomfort or  pain.  The
                                   DOI:                       technique is safe and useful in situations where gradual
                                   10.4103/2347-9264.135564   drain withdrawal is advantageous, such as high-output
                                                              seromas, postflap harvests, and groin dissections. It

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