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Figueroa-Hall et al.                                                                                                                                                     TLR4-mediated signaling in CHME-5 cells

           model an inflammatory state in the CNS and studied   further analysis of ubiquitination in CHME-5 cells is
           several signaling proteins that are constitutively   warranted to elucidate these events.
           expressed  and  activated  in  the  TLR4  pathway.
           Analysis of 2 crucial intracellular TLR4 signaling   TLR4, a transmembrane glycoprotein, is part of
           proteins, IκBα and NF-κB, were chosen to investigate   the innate immune response, and is expressed in
           neuroinflammatory signaling in CHME-5 cells. LPS-  the CNS, primarily in microglia [17,18] . Consequently,
           induced NF-κB p65 activation was consistent with   in addition to assessing LPS-induced signaling,
           other microglial cell lines [28,37-39] . Given the fact that   we were interested in the effects of LPS on TLR4
           many studies investigating microglial responses used   expression. Increased TLR4 gene expression
           the same dose of LPS (1 μg/mL), we are confident   following LPS treatment was consistent with reports
           that CHME-5 cells were adequately treated to       showing increases in TLR4 expression in whole
           observe inflammatory responses  [36,40,41] ; unlike the   blood cells and monocytes as early as 2 and 3 h,
           use of a lower dose of LPS (1 ng/mL), which failed to   respectively [49,50] . The increase observed in TLR4
           activate and release nitric oxide in CHME-5 cells [42] .   gene expression in CHME-5 cells following LPS
           Additionally, other studies using human primary    treatment has been reported to occur through binding
           microglia and CHME-5 cells have used similar LPS   of  the  master regulator PU.1  to  TLR4  promoter
           dose range (0.1-1 μg/mL) and time points (6 h for RT-  regions, in response to endotoxin . The expression
           PCR) to investigate inflammatory responses  [26,36,37,40,41] .  of TLR4 as early as 3 h may be attributed to TLR4
                                                              being an early or middle phase gene that peaks at 1 h
           The ability of p65 to be activated, translocate into the   and 3 h [45] . LPS-induced TLR4 protein expression
           nucleus, and bind to NF-κB consensus sequences,    increased compared to unstimulated cells as seen in
           is crucial in mediating inflammatory responses in a   both immunoblot analysis and immunocytochemistry.
           timely manner. Here, we demonstrated a second,     Activation  at  270  min  may  also  be  due  to  late-
           more functional mean of NF-κB activation. LPS-     phase NF-κB activation, which is attributed to TRIF-
           induced NF-κB binding activity was exhibited in 2   dependent signaling . On the other hand, the lack
           waves, at 10 and 90 min. This LPS-induced biphasic   of TLR4 protein expression at 180 min may be due
           activity, has been previously shown in macrophages   to negative regulation. There are several negative
           and is attributed to several possibilities: (1) platelet   regulators that control TLR4 inflammatory signaling
           activating factor (PAF), which is up-regulated     at different stages in the signaling pathway, such as
           during inflammatory stimuli, is involved in NF-κB   selective androgen receptor modulator, RP105, and
           nuclear translocation, which in turn produces pro-  ST2L, which can be induced as early as 10 min, as
           inflammatory cytokines, ultimately up-regulating PAF   in the case of IRAK-M [52,53] . Further investigation is
           again in a feedback loop or (2) the release of p65   warranted to determine mechanisms for regulation of
           is not only attributed to IκBα, but IκBβ as well [43,44] .   LPS-induced TLR4 signaling in CHME-5 cells.
           NF-κB is first released from IκBα and then from
           IκBβ, causing a biphasic response [43] . In fact, we   We  provide  novel  images  of  CHME-5  cells,
           also observed that the NF-κB target gene, TNFα,    showing TLR4 and CD68 immunofluorescence.
           displayed similar biphasic-like expression in CHME-5   Epifluorescence imaging revealed that CD68
           cells following LPS treatment, which was also seen in   and TLR4 are constitutively expressed and are
           HeLa cells [45] .                                  robustly up-regulated following LPS stimulation.
                                                              Understandably, up-regulation of CD68 is expected
           LPS-induced IκBα activation as demonstrated by     due to its state of activation in response to LPS.
           phosphorylation is an early (within 10 min), transient   Moreover, confocal  imaging provided novel
           event in CHME-5 cells. Phosphorylation was assessed   visualization of the expression of TLR4 and CD68 in
           in cytoplasmic fractions; thus it is presumable that   unstimulated and LPS-stimulated cells. Furthermore,
           after 10 min IκBα translocated into the nucleus or   we provided a 3D representation of these proteins
           underwent proteasomal degradation [46] . Additionally,   in CHME-5 cells, in response to LPS. The ability to
           even though the data shows a trend towards IκBα    reconstruct cells and observe protein expression in
           degradation, the analysis revealed that this was   a 3D setting provides spatial awareness based on
           not the case during early events in CHME-5 cells.   fluorescent intensity. Together, these imaging studies
           It may be that in CHME-5 cells, evaluation in whole   provide new, qualitative information about CD68/
           cell lysates is needed to get a detailed assessment   TLR4 expression in CHME-5 cells.
           of IκBα degradation, as research indicates that
           IκBα is also present in the nucleus [46,47] . IκBα signal-  In summary, understanding microglial inflammatory
           dependent degradation only occurs in response      responses is very important given the instrumental
           to ubiquitination of lysine residues [47,48] , therefore   role of these cells in the innate CNS immune response
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