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Chen et al.                                                                                                                                                        Characteristics of viral encephalitis with epilepsy

           examination  is  divided  into  five  grading  standards,   macrophages, enhance B cell and  T cell activity,
           that is, normality, marginal state, mild abnormality,   and slow viral replication. However, patients in my
           moderate  abnormality,  and  severe  abnormality.   research have not used interferon due to its potential
           The abnormal rate of EEG is 37.07% (43 cases) in   to  aggravate  nausea  and vomiting, and, besides,
           my research including 10 cases with epileptiform   it is expensive. Dehydration is induced in patients
           discharge.  There  were  significant  discrepancies   with intracranial hypertension to reduce intracranial
           between the two groups in abnormality of           pressure as well. Glucocorticoids have powerful
           electroencephalogram (P = 0.001) in which patients   anti-inflammatory  and  edema  alleviating  effects  and
           with epilepsy are more severe [Table 6].           are  used  to  treat  severe  patients  with  white  matter
                                                              demyelination and severe brain edema. Glucocorticoid
           Treatment                                          treatment is accompanied with potassium and calcium
           All viral  encephalitis patients were  given antivirotic   supplement and inhibition of gastric acid secretion
           treatment. Ninety-nine cases were treated with     to  protect  the digestive  tract.  Immunoglobulin  can
           acyclovir, a broad spectrum antiviral drug, which is a   neutralize the virus, enhance immune cells, kill cells,
           purine nucleoside analog that competitively inhibits   neutralize antibodies, and other immune protection
           the binding of 2’-deoxyuridine to block viral DNA   and anti-infective function.  But immunoglobulin is
           synthesis and interfere with viral replication. The dose   expensive and has adverse reactions, such as, allergy,
           is generally 0.5 g Q8 h and treatment for 2 to 3 weeks,   transmission of blood diseases, and kidney damage.
           critically ill patients can be extended according to their   Therefore, it is currently used for rapidly progressing
           condition. The main adverse reactions are acute renal   and severe encephalitis. One case complicated with
           failure, elevated transaminase, or encephalopathy   Guillain-Barre  Syndrome  developed  quickly  and
           in patients with normal renal function (seizures,   was given immune globulin. If necessary, we give
           dysarthria, hallucinations,  etc.).  Seventeen cases   electrolyte replacement and rehydration, oxygen
           of patients were treated with ganciclovir, a derivative   treatment,  respiratory  and  circulation  support,  etc.
           of acyclovir with the same mechanism of action. The   Among the 39 cases of viral encephalitis complicated
           conventional dose is 150 mg Q12 h, and 10-14 days   with epilepsy, and there were 11 cases (28.20%) of
           for a course of treatment. The main adverse reactions   patient using antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). There were
           are for leukopenia and kidney damage.  It is reported   18  cases  (46.15%)  using  magnesium  valproate
           that interferon can activate natural killer cells and   to treat epilepsy, and 12 cases (30.77%) using
           Table 4: Comparison of imaging data between the two groups
                                                      With epilepsy group           Without epilepsy group
            Imaging examination
                                                    Case         Rate (%)         Case           Rate (%)
            Frontal lobe                              7            16.67           8               14.55
            Parietal lobe                             5            11.90           3               5.45
            Occipital lobe                            4            9.52            3               5.45
            Temporal lobe                            16            38.10           19              34.55
            Insular                                   3            7.14            3               5.45
            Brainstem                                 0             0              2               3.64
            Basal ganglia, thalamus, lateral ventricles  1         2.38            11              0.20
            Corpus callosum                           2            4.76            3               5.45
            Ventricle                                 0             0              1               1.82
            Hippocampus                               3            7.14            1               1.82
            Cerebellum                                1            2.38            1               1.82
           Table 5: Comparison of cortical involvements between the two groups
                                         With epilepsy group       Without epilepsy group      2
            Imaging examination                                                               χ         P
                                         Case        Rate (%)       Case        Rate (%)
            Cortical involvements         23          58.97          20          25.97
            Cortical not involved         16           41.03         57           74.03      12.085    0.001

           Table 6: Comparison of EEG examination between the two groups
                                         With epilepsy group       Without epilepsy group
            EEG examination                                                                    Z         P
                                         Case        Rate (%)       Case         Rate (%)
            The normality                 16          41.03          57           74.03
            The marginal state            1            2.56           3            3.90
            Mild abnormality              1            2.56           6            7.79      -3.967    0.001
            Moderate abnormality          16          41.03           9           11.69
            Severe abnormality            5           12.82           2            2.59
           EEG: electroencephalogram
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