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Chen et al.                                                                                                                                                        Characteristics of viral encephalitis with epilepsy

           in  sensorium.  There  were  significant  indications   content in CSF was less than 0.15 g/L, and 38 cases
           between the two groups in consciousness disturbance   of patients whose protein content was between
           (P = 0.001) and cognitive dysfunction (P = 0.01), both   0.15 and 0.45 g/L, and 77 cases of patients whose
           of which were higher in the epilepsy group.        protein  content was above 0.45 g/L.  There were 12
                                                              cases  whose  glucose  content  in  CSF  was  less  than
           In the 39 cases (33.62%) of viral encephalitis with   2.5 mmol/L, and 93 cases of patients whose glucose
           epilepsy,  there  were  25  case(64.10%)in  which   content was  between  2.5 and  4.5 mmol/L, and  11
           the main form was generalized seizure, which is    cases whose glucose content was above 4.5 mmol/L.
           consistent with current domestic reports.  There   There were 30 cases of patients whose chloride in CSF
           were 7 cases of status epilepticus, 2 cases of simple   was less than 120 mmol/L, and 80 cases of patients
           partial seizures, 5 cases of complex partial seizures,   whose chloride  was between 120 and 132 mmol/L.
           7 cases of generalized seizures secondary to partial   There  were  non-significant  differences  between  the
           seizures. In the 32 cases of non-status epilepsy, there   two  groups in protein and chloride. However,  there
           were 12 cases whose duration of seizure was within   was significant difference between the two groups in
           1 min, 8 with duration of 1 to 5 min, 8 with duration of   glucose (P = 0.001), with higher glucose in those with
           5 to 10 min, 1 case with duration of 10 to 20 min, and   epilepsy. Cytological examination of the CSF showed
           another 3 cases with unknown duration. There was   95 cases with mainly increased lymphocytes, 16
           a range in the number of epileptic attacks: 13 cases   cases were  normal,  4 cases were  mainly  neutrophil
           were once; 7 cases were 1 to 5 times; 4 cases were   predominant, and 1 case with elevated mononuclear
           5 to 10 times; and 8 cases were more than 10 times.  cells. One percent of the phagocytes were found in
                                                              one case and the same was true for granulocytes and
           Examination                                        plasma cells. Four cases were neutrophil predominant,
           CSF examinations                                   3 of them were from the group with epilepsy and one
           All patients received a lumbar puncture. There were 53   from the group  without  epilepsy.  A lumbar  puncture
           cases of patients (45.69%) whose intracranial pressure   was performed in the early stages of their disease, and
           was higher  than 180 mmH O,  including  9 cases of   in this stage part of patients were mainly neutrophil
           patients whose  intracranial  pressure was more than   predominant. With the treatment and development of
           300  mmH O.  The mean encephalic  pressure  was    disease, lymphocytes and monocytes were gradually
           184.10 ± 64.29 mmH O in the group with epilepsy and   increased and prevailed. However, this phenomenon
           192.92 ± 70.65 mmH O in the group without epilepsy.   is rarely seen in clinical practice because patients visit
           There  are  non-significant  discrepancies  between  the   the hospital out of this period [Table 3].
           two groups in encephalic pressure but the incidence
           of  intracranial hypertension is  lower than the  study   Imaging examination
           of Gong et al.,  which is 58.7%. On the one hand,   Brain imaging of viral encephalitis patients, using CT
           some patients received a lumbar puncture in the early   or MRI, showed foci mainly located in one or both
           stages of disease, and the intracranial pressure did not   temporal  lobes,  followed  by  frontal  lobe,  parietal
           increase remarkably; on the other hand, some patients   lobe, occipital lobe, insula, hippocampus, and other
           had been using drugs to reduce intracranial pressure   parts of involvement [Table 4]. There were significant
           before the lumbar puncture.                        differences between the two groups in cortical
                                                              involvements (P = 0.001) in which patients with
           No clot was found in CSF routine examination. Only   epilepsy were higher [Table 5].
           1 case of patients with epilepsy manifests with yellow
           color and slightly mixed, 4  cases of  patients were   EEG examination
           pale  red, 111 cases of patients were colorless  and   According  to  the     book    of    Clinical
           transparent. There was only one case whose protein   Electroencephalography  written  by  Feng,  EEG
           Table 3: Comparison of biochemical and cytological examination of cerebrospinal fluid between the two groups
                                        With epilepsy group    Without epilepsy group
            CSF                                                                            Z           P
                                           M (P 25 , P 75 )          M (P 25 , P 75 )
            CSF protein (g/L)             0.53 (0.34,0.87)         0.58 (0.43,0.85)       -0.885      0.376
            CSF glucose (mmol/L)          3.40 (3.10,4.20)         3.03 (2.76,3.45)       -3.350      0.001
            CSF chloride (mmol/L)       122.60 (116.00,125.70)   123.00 (121.15,125.00)   -0.790      0.430
            Leukocyte (*10 /L)          61.00 (25.00,150.00)      37.00 (11.00,92.50)     -2.237      0.025
            Lymphocyte (%)                0.84 (0.66,0.90)         0.89 (0.81,0.94)       -1.901      0.057
            Monocyte (%)                  0.09 (0.06,0.14)          0.08 (0.05,0.15)      -0.763      0.445
            Neutrophils (%)               0.04 (0.01,0.18)         0.02 (0.00,0.05)       -1.620      0.105
           CSF: cerebrospinal fluid
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