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Chen et al.                                                                                                                                                        Characteristics of viral encephalitis with epilepsy

           Table 7: Comparison of prognosis between the two groups
                                   With epilepsy group          Without epilepsy group
            Prognosis                                                                         Z         P
                                  Case          Rate (%)        Case          Rate (%)
            Cure                    0              0              15            19.48
            Improved               35            89.74           56             72.72
            Aggravate               1             2.56            1             1.30        -2.443     0.015
            Death                   0              0              1             1.30
            Others                  3             7.69            4             5.19

           phenobarbital, 4 cases(10.26%)using lamotrigine,   in the outflow of potassium ions, inflow of calcium, and
           2 cases (5.13%) using levetiracetam, 2 cases       sustained depolarization, which can cause seizures;
           (5.13%) using topiramate, and1 case(2.56%)using    (3) when the hypothalamus is involved, the abnormal
           sodium  valproate.  There  were  7  cases  (17.95%)   secretion of antidiuretic hormone leads to fluctuations
           using diazepam to prevent generalized seizure or   of  blood  sodium,  which  can  further  cause  brain
           status epilepticus. Most seizures can be terminated   dysfunction and cause epileptic seizures. [17]
           after treatment with one or two kinds of antiepileptic
           drugs; however, there were still 2 cases with status   There  were  non-significant  differences  between  the
           epilepticus terminated by midazolam or propofol.   two groups in encephalic pressure, chloride, protein,
                                                              and  cytologic  examination,  but the patients  with
           Prognosis                                          epilepsy had higher levels of  glucose.  At  present,
           According to the standard  of prognosis,  discharge   there is no relevant research on this feature. The view
           situation are divided into five conditions, that is, cure,   that  hyperglycemia leads to  epileptic seizures has
           on the  mend,  aggravated, death, others (due to   been  generally accepted.  However, whether  glucose
           various reasons such as the interruption of treatment).   in  the  CSF  of  epileptic  patients  is  increased  or  not
           (1)  Cure:  all indexes including  the  symptoms,  signs,   and what the mechanism might be still needs further
           related auxiliary examination results return to normal;   research.  Brain imaging  examination  showed  that
           (2) improved: at least one index including symptoms,   cortical involvements  in patients with epilepsy  were
           signs, related  auxiliary  examination  did not return to   higher.  Therefore, we should  be alert to seizures  in
           normal; (3) aggravated: exacerbations; (4) death; (5)   patients with cortical lesion. EEG examination shows
           others: treatment is interrupted  due to the patient’s   that patients with epilepsy are more severe. We also
           own and other reasons. The discharge situation of the   should be alert to seizures in patients with moderate
           two groups were statistically analyzed with Rank Sum   and severe abnormal EEG. Just as these researches
           test and the results proved that there were significant   about prognosis of viral encephalitis report, the severer
           discrepancies  between the two groups (P  =  0.015).   the EEG manifestation, the worse the prognosis.
           The prognosis  of patients with epilepsy was poorer   EEG examination  plays an important role in the
           [Table 7].                                         treatment and prognosis of viral encephalitis because
                                                              EEG changes are usually consistent with changes in
           DISCUSSION                                         patients’ conditions. Non-convulsive seizures and non-
                                                              convulsive status epilepticus can aggravate the severity
           Viral encephalitis can occur in any season and at   of dementia in patients with severe encephalitis. Non-
           any age. Viral encephalitis frequently manifests with   convulsive seizures are detectable only by continuous
           seizures.  Its  etiology  and  pathogenesis  is  not  yet   electroencephalographic  monitoring, so EEG is
           entirely clear. The pathogenesis has been found as   particularly important.   Conscious disturbance is a
           follows: (1) in acute phase, many pathological changes   common manifestation of brain damage in encephalitis
           can be found in viral encephalitis including the release   patients  during  the  acute  stage.  We  find  that  the
           of toxins and viral metabolites accumulation, cerebral   proportion of patients with conscious disturbance and
           edema, cortical arteriovenous thrombosis. All of these   cognitive impairment in the epilepsy group was higher
           pathological changes can reduce the stability of cell   than that in  the non-epileptic  group.  Therefore, an
           membrane  and  cause  epileptic  seizure.  Electrolyte   episode of viral encephalitis complicated with seizures
           disorders and excessively dehydration may also     aggravates  conscious  disturbance  and  cognitive
           increase the incidence of epilepsy; (2) in the later   impairment. Bartolomei et al.  reviewed the research
           stage,  epileptogenic  focus  is  formed  in  the  brain.   about the relationship between conscious disturbance
           The manifestations of epileptogenic focus are neuron   and seizures over the past 50 years, and found that
           loss and disorganization because of cerebrocellular   patients with seizures complicated with conscious
           necrosis and gliocyte hyperplasia. Metabolic disorders   disturbance  have poor prognosis.  The prognosis  of
           of neurons, owing to ischemia, result in functional   patients with epilepsy is  poorer if  these izures are
           disorder ofion pumps across the membrane, resulting   more frequent and/or longer duration, or the conscious
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