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Chen et al.                                                                                                                                                        Characteristics of viral encephalitis with epilepsy

            examination. Treatment and prognosis: all the patients were given antiviral treatment. Twenty-eight cases of the patients with epilepsy
            (71.79%) are used of antiepileptic drugs. The prognosis of patients with epilepsy was poor (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Viral encephalitis
            frequently manifests with seizures in its acute phase, and the incidence of seizures in our study was 33.62%. The main form was
            generalized seizures (64.10%), which could occur at any age; patients with epilepsy had a higher cortical involvement on imaging and
            a higher degree of EEG abnormalities than patients without; patients with epilepsy had a higher level of glucose in the CSF; an episode
            of viral encephalitis complicated with seizures could aggravate disturbances of consciousness and cognitive impairment. The prognosis
            of patients with epilepsy was poor.

           INTRODUCTION                                       most cases. The numeration of leukocyte is (50-500) ×
                                                              10 /L in the cytological examination and most of them
           Viral  encephalitis  refers  to  an  acute  inflammatory   are lymphocytes. Cerebrospinal fluid examination has
           process of the brain parenchyma due to direct viral   important  significance  for  distinguishing  other  types
           infection.  The estimated incidence  of clinically-  of encephalitis.  The appearances on early EEG are
           diagnosed viral encephalitis is 3.5-7.4/100,000/year.    mainly abnormal rhythm and increased slow wave
           At present, we have found more than 130 viruses that   in viral encephalitis patients.  CT shows foci mainly
           can cause viral encephalitis.  The  common viruses   located in one or both temporal lobes and single or
           found in the clinic are the herpes simplex virus Type-I,   multiple  low  density  foci.  CT  is  currently  used  only
           Type-II  (HSV-I,  II),  varicella-zoster  virus,  Japanese   for infant patients and patients who do not cooperate
           encephalitis virus, and enterovirus (mainly for ECHO   or  who  move  restlessly.  MRI  is  the  most  important
           virus and Coxsackie virus). Among the sporadic viral   imaging examination. The edge of an abnormal area
           encephalitides, herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE) is   on a routine MRI scan is often unclear and may
           perhaps the most frequently associated with epilepsy,   include lesions and peripheral edema. It will show
           which may often be severe.  Among the epidemic     a  long  T1 and long  T2 signal and a short  T1 and
           (usually  due  to  flaviviruses)  viral  encephalitides,   long  T2 when it is accompanied by hemorrhage.
           Japanese encephalitis (JE)  is  the  most  common   Lesions also show high signal on diffusion weighted
           and is associated with acute symptomatic seizures,   imaging (DWI). An enhanced MRI may have a higher
           especially in children. [2]                        sensitivity for immune compromised patients and mild
                                                              patients and may include blood brain barrier damage
           There are many methods for detection of viral      [Figures 1 and 2]. [5]
           encephalitis,  but  they  all  have  advantages  and
           disadvantages. Even with the best efforts, 30-60%   Viral encephalitis frequently manifests with seizures in
           of patients with clinically suspected viral encephalitis   its acute phase with an incidence of 19.0-62.69%. [6,7]
           still cannot be diagnosed. Virological diagnosis is the   Epileptic  seizures may aggravate brain  parenchyma
           “gold  standard.”  But  isolation  of  the  virus  is  seldom   damage and induce many severe complications that
           accomplished  due  to  the  difficulty  in  obtaining  brain   affect prognosis and quality of life, such as: pulmonary
           tissue through biopsy and a  lack of specialized   infectious  disease;  respiration-circulation  failure;
           facilities for viral cultures in many places. Moreover,   fractures and  tongue  biting  in patients  with general
           there were greater complications of brain biopsy. Virus   tonic-clonic seizures; and water-electrolyte imbalance
           antibody testing in serum or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)   in patients with status epilepticus. So far the researches
           are simpler to perform and more widely available than   of viral encephalitis  complicated  with  epilepsy  are
           brain biopsy, but it has low sensitivity because many   not completely consistent. Herein, we retrospectively
           viruses do not express specific antibodies. Virus nucleic   studied 116 cases of viral encephalitis and compared
           acid  testing  has  higher  sensitivity  and  specificity.   the difference between those complicated with epilepsy
           Polymerase  chain  reaction  (PCR)  technology     and those without. As a result, we are able to diagnosis
           has  significantly  improved  virological  diagnosis.   early and take effective treatment to reduce mortality
           But  many  laboratories  fail  to  meet  the  technical   and improve prognosis.
           requirements and, thus, restrict the widespread
           application in this area of clinical microbiology.   METHODS
           Therefore, the diagnosis of viral encephalitis currently
           depends  on  cerebrospinal  fluid  examination,  brain   Subject investigated
           magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed       We retrospectively studied  116 cases of  viral
           tomography (CT), and electroencephalogram (EEG).   encephalitis admitted to the General Hospital of Ningxia
           Cerebrospinal fluid examination manifests with normal   Medical  University and the Cardio-Cerebrovascular
           or elevated encephalic pressure, normal or mildly   Disease  Hospital  of Ningxia  Medical  University from
           elevated protein, and normal sugar and chloride in   January  2011 to December 2016.  The inclusion
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