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Nwabuobi et al.                                                                                                                                                                   Thymoma associated panencephalitis

                  Improvement  1 day after steroids  Over 4 weeks after steroids   and thymomectomy  Improved after initial  treatment, with recurrence   3 months later and  improvement after removal   of thymic met 6 days after thymomectomy   and doing fairly well 7   months later  MG symptoms improved   after IVIG, then  seizures improved after   thymomectomy; MRI  normal 2 years later and   patient doing well Improvement in mental   status 10 days after  thymomectomy a

                  Treatment  Steroids, IVIG,   chemotherapy,   thymomectomy  Steroids,   thymomectomy  Steroids, PLEX,   thymomectomy  Thymomectomy  IVIG,   pyridostigmine  Thymomectomy  Thymomectomy,   steroids, IVIG  IVIG, steroids,   thymomectomy  Thymomectomy,   steroids, IVIG,   PLEX

                 Cell surface vs.   onconeuronal Ab  Cell surface/  onconeuronal  -  Cell surface  -  Cell surface  Cell surface  Cell surface  Cell surface  Cell surface/  onconeuronal

                  Antibodies (-)  Hu, Ri, Yo, VGCC,   NMDA, GABA-B,   AMPA, ANNA-3,   anti-glial nuclear,   PCA-2, PCA-  Tr, amphiphysin,   AchR (ganglionic   neuronal)  Hu, Ri, Yo  GABA-B, AMPA,   NMDA, Caspr2,   GlyR, mGLUR5,   mGLUR1, GAD  AchR  VGKC-complex  Hu, Ri, Yo  -  -  VGKC-complex,   Hu, Ri, Yo, Ma-2,   amphiphysin

             Table 1: Literature review of cases of thymoma-associated panencephalitis
                  Antibodies (+)  GAD, VGKC-  complex, AchR   (binding),   CRMP5  -  GABA-A, LGI1,   AchR  -  AchR  AchR  AchR, GABA-A,   LGI1  LGI1  CRMP5; later   AchR

                 Neurological   symptoms  Seizures, confusion,   agitation, decreased   to no verbal response  Psychosis, seizures,   ocular weakness  MG; 8 years later,   memory loss,   behavioral changes  Leg cramping/inability   to walk, seizures  Seizures, MG (bulbar   symptoms)  Memory loss, voice   change, ptosis,   agitation, drowsiness  MG; 4 years later,   aphasia, seizures,   delirium, visual   hallucinations  Seizures  Vertigo, diplopia,   nystagmus, left hand

                  Gender      M       M   F         F     M          F          M         F   M

                  Age         35      47  45        66    43         42         46        61  32

                  Year                2016  2015    2015  2013       2013       2012      2011  2009

                  Paper       This case  Reginold  et al. [11]  Simabukuro  et al. [12]  Aragaki  et al. [13]  Aysal  et al. [14]  Suh  et al. [15]  Miyazaki  et al. [16]  Erkmen  et al. [17]  Werry  et al. [18]

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