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Nwabuobi et al.                                                                                                                                                                   Thymoma associated panencephalitis

           seizures.   The target antigen when it  manifests in   hyperexcitability  over the right  temporal region and
           thymomas is largely unknown, however, some cases   frequent focal seizures and he was empirically treated
           have reported antibodies to  α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-  with  IV acyclovir, lacosamide  and  levetiracetam.
           methylisoxazole-4-proprionic  acid receptor, leucine-  Cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) analysis revealed protein
           rich glioma inactivated 1 protein (LGI1), contactin   of  0.51  g/L,  glucose of  3.5 mmol/L, 3 ×  10 /L  red
           associated  protein 2 (Caspr2), and glutamic  acid   blood cells and 9 ×  10 /L white blood cells (76%
           decarboxylase (GAD).   A new entity has been       lymphocytes, 18% monocytes, 6% neutrophils). CSF
           described in a few cases of paraneoplastic encephalitis   and  serum studies  were  also positive  for neuronal
           associated  with thymomas, with lesions  extending   antibodies to GAD [3.93 nmol/L in the CSF (normal <
           beyond the mesial temporal lobe structures.        0.02 nmol/L), >  250.0 kIU/L  in the  serum (reference
                                                              range 0-5 kIU/L)], VGKC-complex antibodies [159 pmol/L
           CASE REPORT                                        in the CSF (reference range 0-31 pmol/L), 98 pmol/L
                                                              in the serum (reference range 0-31 pmol/L)], CRMP5
           A 35-year-old man presented with a 2-week history   (reflex titer < 1:240; positive western blot), and AchR
           of seizures,  poor  appetite,  generalized  headaches   [binding  antibody  17.5 nmol/L in the CSF (normal
           and nausea. Neurologic  assessment revealed poor   < 0.02 nmol/L), and 142.8 nmol/L in the serum
           attention, orientation and memory loss, without    (reference range 0.0-0.4 nmol/L)]. Additionally, serum
           clinical seizures. Computed tomography head showed   studies revealed  presence  of systemic antibodies  to
           multiple cortical hypodensities, prompting an magnetic   thyroperoxidase (37.8 kIU/L, reference range 0-5.5 kIU/L),
           resonance imaging (MRI) brain, which revealed      thyroglobulin (372.2 kIU/L, reference range 0-5 kIU/L),
           multiple  foci of cortical  hyperintensity  involving  the   Ro/SSA (6.8 AI, reference range < 1 AI), and an ANA
           medial left frontal cortex, the right dorsal aspect of the   titer of 80 (reference  range  0-40)  with a nucleolar
           insula and adjacent right temporal cortex as well as the   pattern.  A paraneoplastic  syndrome  was suspected,
           posterior left temporal cortical medullary junction and   and full body imaging revealed a large multilobulated
           the medial posterior left temporal cortex and lateral   right anterior mediastinal mass,  interfacing multiple
           cortex  [Figure 1]. Electroencephalogram  revealed   right-sided mediastinal structures  and invading the

           Figure 1: Initial and follow-up magnetic resonance imaging brain scans showing multiple cortically-based signal abnormalities. Images A-C
           are axial fluid-attenuated inversion recovery images showing multifocal elevated cortical T2/FLAIR signal intensity with associated swelling
           with involvement of the adjacent subcortical white matter from patient’s initial presentation. There was no contrast enhancement, and there
           was no definite involvement of the deep gray structures, brainstem, or cerebellum. Images D-F are follow up images approximately two
           weeks later that reveal overall improvement, for instance, previously seen abnormality along the medial left frontal lobe, and in the posterior
           right insular lesion improved
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