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Nwabuobi et al.                                                                                                                                                                   Thymoma associated panencephalitis

           bilateral lung apices. This mass was later confirmed to   drastic  improvement in  his  clinical  symptoms with
           be a metastatic type B2, stage III thymoma via biopsy   just immunotherapy, unlike  other cases that showed
           and after resection [Figure 2]. The patient was treated   improvement  after thymomectomy and/or  extensive
           with intravenous methylprednisolone  (1 g/day for 10   immunotherapy. In order to further characterize TAPE
           days) followed by 0.4 g/kg daily immunoglobulin (IVIG)   as a paraneoplastic syndrome, antibody associations
           for total of 4 days. He had significant improvement in   need to be elicited.
           his mental status with the first dose of steroids. Repeat
           imaging 2  weeks after  initial presentation showed   In reviewing the prior reported cases, these patients
           improvement  in  the  cortical  lesions,  specifically,   can have a variety of autoantibodies as seen in
           decrease  in  the  abnormal  fluid-attenuated  inversion   Table 1, the most common being AchR, present in 9
           recovery (FLAIR) hyperintensities  [Figure 1].  Further   of 16 cases, with 5 having symptoms of myasthenia
           treatment  included  chemotherapy with cisplatin,   gravis (MG).  This is not surprising as up to  37% of
           doxorubicin, and cyclophosphamide given the invasive   patients with thymic tumors but without MG have been
           nature of the thymoma. Prior to thymomectomy, his   reported to have positive antibody titers to  AchR.
           course was complicated by gastrointestinal dysmotility   Voltage-gated potassium channel (VGKC) was the 2nd
           syndrome thought to be a result of his paraneoplastic   most common antibody seen in 5 patients. It has been
           syndrome. He underwent a successful thymomectomy   proven  that the antibodies  to VGKC actually  target
           with complete resection approximately  3 months    the associated proteins LGI1 and Caspr2, and not the
           after  initial presentation, and continued to improve   channel itself, therefore rendering the term, “antibodies
           thereafter.                                        to VGKC” obsolete.  Antibodies to LGI1 and Caspr2
                                                              were present in 3 and 1 of the patients, respectively.
           DISCUSSION                                         Both CRMP-5  and GAD were occasionally  present
                                                              among the  cases.  The  presence of  GAD  antibodies
           Based on literature review, our patient is one of the   in thymoma is associated with stiff person syndrome
           very few reported  cases of thymoma-associated     and unlikely  to manifest as encephalitis.  CRMP-5
           panencephalitis  (TAPE).  These cases highlight  the   has been shown to be a marker of immune response
           similar neurological  symptoms  at  presentation --   initiated by thymomas in different PNS, and therefore,
           seizures, confusion, and memory loss being the most   may not be neuropathogenic.  Antibodies  against
           common -- with a constellation of positive antibodies   Hu, Ri, and  Yo were the least common, absent in
           and different responses to  treatment  [Table 1].  The   50% of the patients. Review of associated antibodies
           similar  presentations  and  MRI  findings  in  these   in these previously  reported  cases does not show a
           patients  support  TAPE as a distinct  disease  entity   clear pattern, and it is unclear which antibodies  are
           and autoimmune  disorder. Our case was unique      actually pathologic and which ones are incidental. Of
           as our patient was found to  have multiple neuronal   significant  importance,  Petit-Pedrol  et  al.   recently
           and non-neuronal antibody  responses  and had a    reported 6 patients who presented very similarly to

           Figure 2: Computed tomography chest showing large right mediastinal mass. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography images (A:
           axial; B: coronal), showing a large multilobulated right anterior mediastinal mass measuring 6.0 cm × 4.7 cm in transverse dimension by
           approximately 13 cm in craniocaudal dimension. There was found to be mass effect with mild compression of the right atrium and superior
           vena cava (though patent). Thymoma was suspected, and proven later on biopsy
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