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Liu et al.                                                                                                                                                                   Necroptosis and immune dysfunction in ALS

           MN death by surgery in an acute manner. Because    degeneration. [70,71]   Furthermore,  FNA  can  induce
           of the chronic nature of ALS disease, no peak time   CD4  T cell responses in both WT and SOD1 G93A  mice.
           of  immune  response  has  been  defined  previously.   Lastly and importantly, as we mentioned in the earlier
           Without a peak time, it is challenging to characterize   section of “TH17  CELLS,  NERVE  INJURY  AND
           the subtle change of immune parameters. Our        ALS”,  FNA  can  “artificially”  create  an  acute  “onset”
           previous studies for immune responses following    of neurodegeneration and provide a predictable
           nerve injury indicated that CD4  T cell responses can   time frame during which to study the acute immune
           be detected by intracellular staining for the cytokine   response in mice. [64,72]  Using this model, we found
           production from the day 3 to day 14 post-axotomy.    that  FNA  induced  greater and prolonged  immune
           Such  axotomy model  allows us to  design the best   responses in draining lymph nodes of SOD1 G93A  mice
           measuring time point for the research and can be   than  WT  mice, [68]   suggesting  Th17  cell  could  be  a
           utilized as a model tool for further study of immune   potential therapeutic target for ALS treatment.
           response in ALS mouse.
                                                              A HYPOTHESIZED WORKING MODEL OF ALS
           While more and more genetic risks (gene mutation) for   PATHOGENESIS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS
           ALS are being defined, the environmental risk factors
           for  ALS  are  relatively  poorly  defined.  One  defined   Based on the literature and our data, we reason that
           environmental risk is related to occupations, such as   there is a cascade in the ALS disease development/
           military veterans, varsity athletes, and professional   progression. As illustrated in Figure 1, we hypothesize
           football players. [65-67]  Because these populations share   that motor nerve injury triggers MN necroptosis (❶),
           the  same  risk  which  distinguished  them  from  other   which induces Th17 cell responses (❷), and Th17 cell-
           populations, that is, they have increased chance of   mediated autoimmune reactions (❸), leading to more
           motor  nerve  injury,  we  reasoned  that  motor  nerve   MN death and promoting rapid disease progression.
           injury might trigger the development and/or accelerate   Specifically, ❶ environmental insult including physical
           the progression of ALS. Therefore, we conducted a   damage or Wallerian-like degeneration, such as
           study to determine the immune responses after nerve   physical injury, toxin, radiation and/or intrinsic genetic
           injury in mouse  ALS model. [68]  Without axotomy,   defect  cause  the  necroptosis  of  a  small  portion  of
           SOD1  G93A  mice showed a higher level of Th17 cells   MNs. During necroptosis, dying MNs release MN-
           in  term  of  both  frequency  and  absolute  number,   specific antigens (MN-Ag) as well as pro-inflammatory
           when  compared  to  WT  mice.  Th17  cell  frequency   stimuli,  such  as ATP,  mitochondria,  and  alarmins;
           and total  number can be further increased by      ❷ MN-Ag is processed and presented to naive  T
           nerve injury. We  speculate that  nerve injury might   cells in draining lymph node, where naïve CD4  T
           promote autoimmune responses, especially in those   cells are primed into a  Th17 cell phenotype in the
           individuals with a genetic susceptibility. Collectively,   presence of Th17-promoting  cytokines [TGF-β, IL-6,
           these data suggest that motor neuron death,        IL-21 (murine) and IL-1 (human) and IL-23];  ❸ MN-
           autoimmune  responses,  and  disease  progression   Ag-specific  Th17  cells  are  potentially  recruited  into
           may mutually promote each other.                   the CNS, where they further promote more MN death
                                                              through two possible mechanisms: (1) amplifying non-
           Regarding further study for the roles of Th17 cells in
           mouse ALS model, the FNA in ALS mice may be a
           useful tool. First, FNA is a well-established paradigm
           for the study of MN survival, functional recovery and
           immune response after nerve injury. [69]  After  FNA,
           neuronal death occurs by two potential mechanisms:
           necrosis directly resulting from the disruption of cell
           integrity, and apoptosis resulting from the stimulation
           of excitatory neuronal transmitters and oxidative
           stress  mediators.  These  death  mechanisms  have
           been also proposed for the MN death in  ALS.
           Additionally,  ALS MN degeneration exhibits axonal
           “die-back” pathology, in which degeneration occurs
           at the neuromuscular junction causing the axons to
           withdraw from target muscle in a “die-back” manner to   Figure 1: A working model of MN injury, necroptosis, and Th17
                                                              cell responses, and their roles in the development and progression
           the cell bodies in the CNS. This process is very similar   of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. MN: motoneuron; APC: antigen-
           to  axotomy-induced  axonal  damage  and  neuronal   presenting cell
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