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Liu et al.                                                                                                                                                                   Necroptosis and immune dysfunction in ALS

           necroptotic  pathway  with  the  involvement  of  RIPK3,   While the glial cell-mediated neurotoxicity is relatively
           and mixed lineage kinase domain-like protein (MLKL).   well documented, elucidating how other immune cells
           Taken  together,  it  appears  that  necroptosis  plays  a   are involved in regulation of glial cell function and MN
           critical role in connecting certain gene mutations with   death remains a challenging project. First, the immune
           the development of ALS.                            regulation in ALS appears to be more complicated than
                                                              our understanding for it on the basis of the knowledge
           While necroptosis itself results in MN loss directly,   acquired from other conditions. For examples, it has
           it  also activates the  immune system  and results   been well known that NF-κB is a factor that mediated
           in  a  secondary  inflammatory  response.  We  think   the signals of most inflammatory factors.  TNF-α, a
           that  inflammation/immune  responses  subsequently   classical  inflammatory  cytokine  that  activates  NF-κB
           amplify MN degeneration.  During  this process, the   and significantly increased in ALS mice and patients.
           innate  immune  responses  may  act  as  the  first  line   TNF-α  is one of  the  best known factors  mediating
           of reactions to clean up the debris of dead cells with   necroptosis, [17,18,46]  but knockout of TNF-α in SOD1 G93A
           the  involvement  of  vascular  reaction,  infiltration  of   mice did not block ALS disease in SOD1 G93A  mice.
           neutrophil  and macrophage, as well as the pro-    In contrast, inhibition of NF-κB can slow down disease
           inflammatory cytokine production. Later, the adaptive   progression,   suggesting  that  other  inflammatory
           immune components (T and B  cells) get involved in   cytokines, other than TNF-α, might also activate NF-
           after certain MN-derived antigens (not clearly defined   κB and contribute to MN death. Second, the transgenic
           thus far) are processed and presented to T cells. This   animal model of ALS is our current major tool to study
           notion is supported by our recent finding of the roles of   this disease. However, findings in animal model may
           necroptosis in autoimmune bone marrow failure. We   not be applicable  for patient. For example, inhibition
           found that necroptosis of a small portion of stem cell/  of microglial  activation with  Minocycline  significantly
           progenitors with gene mutation resulted in autoimmune   delayed the onset of motor neuron degeneration and
           responses,  which  caused  a rapid  depletion  of bone   slowed down disease  progression in  ALS mice,
           marrow  cells, which  could  be prevented  by blocking   its  effect  in  ALS patients remains in question.
           necroptotic pathway  via deletion of  rip3.  We    Furthermore, the mutual inhibitory  effect among
           speculate  that similar  roles  of necroptosis  may also   immune components, such as the counteracting
                                                              functions between  Th17 and  Treg cells, as well as
           exist in ALS: a small portion MN that die of necroptosis   between Th1 and Th2 cells (this topic will be further
           may cause the autoimmune responses, in which the   discussed in the below  section of  ENVIRONMENT-
           MN-specific  antigens  are  released  and  presented  to   DEPENDENT  FUNCTION  OF  CD4   T CELLS IN
           CD4  T cells. These T cells may preferentially develop   ALS), make it more complicated  to use a general
           into pro-inflammatory subsets and further amplify the   immunosuppressant to achieve therapeutic effect. For
           inflammation/immune responses, and cause more MN   example,  Sulindac,  a  nonsteroidal  anti-inflammatory
           death. Below, we continue discussing the dysfunction   drug (NSAID) and inhibitor of pro-inflammatory COX-
           of immune system that has been identified in ALS.  1  &  COX-2,  significantly  increases  the  survival,  and
                                                              preservation of spinal cord motoneurons.  However,
           IMMUNE DYSFUNCTION IN ALS                          a  large number of  immunosuppressive  approaches,
                                                              such as cyclosporine,  cyclophosphamide,  and total
           In the past few decades, accumulating evidence     lymphoid  removal  failed  to  benefit ALS  patients. [51,52]
           indicates that immune system abnormalities and     The previously published data for both beneficial and
           inflammation contribute to the development of ALS.    detrimental effects of immune components imply that
           Macrophage,  T  cell,  and  mast  cell  infiltration  have   immune system has dual roles in ALS.
           been observed in  ALS CNS tissues.  Because of
           the large amount of inflammatory cells infiltrating the   NECROPTOSIS AND IMMUNE DYSFUNCTION
           CNS  during  disease  progression,  it  was  postulated
           that, similar to MS,  ALS may also be in part an   Recently, Re  et al. [32]  and Ito  et al. [34]  found that
           autoimmune disease. [38,39]   Several  anti-inflammatory   necroptosis may be involved in the MN death. This
           and/or immuno-compromising drugs also support      finding  provides  an  important  connection  between
           the  contribution  of  inflammatory  components  in  the   neurodegeneration  and  previously  observed
           pathogenesis  of ALS.  While the  gene  mutation  and   abnormal  inflammation/immune  response  in  ALS.
           the resultant protein in MN may mediate a direct toxic   Unlike apoptosis that does  not elicit immune
           effect for neuron, dysfunctional microglial cells and   responses, necroptosis results in the releases of MN-
           astrocytes with gene mutations may also contribute to   specific antigens (MN-Ag) and other pro-inflammatory
           neuronal death. [40-44]                            stimuli,  which are also  called  Damage-Associated
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