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Peng et al. Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation 2017;4:132-5          Neuroimmunology and
           DOI: 10.20517/2347-8659.2016.50

            Commentary                                                                          Open Access

           Hot topics of autoimmune encephalitis

           Ying Peng , Jia-Wei Wang 1,2
           1 Department of Neurology, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100730, China.
           2 Department of Medical Research Center, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100730, China.
           Correspondence to: Dr. Jia-Wei Wang, Department of Medical Research Center, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100730,
           China. E-mail:

           How to cite this article: Peng Y, Wang JW. Hot topics of autoimmune encephalitis. Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation 2017;4:132-5.

           Article history:  Received: 24-11-2016      Accepted: 20-03-2017      Published: 11-07-2017

           INTRODUCTION                                       of the disorder, earlier treatment, andincreasing use
                                                              of second-line immunotherapy.  Early diagnosis of
           Within the last few years, a new group of diseases   these disorders is, therefore, required.
           featured  with  cognitive  impairment,  seizures  and
           behavior disorders was reported. And these diseases   DISCUSSIONS ON “A CLINICAL APPROACH
           were commonly diagnosed as “viral encephalitis” and   TO DIAGNOSIS OF AUTOIMMUNE
           “sporadic encephalitis” than autoimmune encephalitis
           (AE)  before  AE  had  confirmed  etiological.  With  the   ENCEPHALITIS”
           development of autoantibody serological tests, many
           patients who had been previously  considered as    In a paper published in  The Lancet Neurology,
           patients with “viral encephalitis” can now be definitively   Graus  et al.  propose new guidelines for the
           diagnosed with  AE. Currently,  AE has become one   diagnosis of AE. This guideline includes five diseases
           of the hotspots in neuroimmunology. A retrospective   involving limbic encephalitis (LE), anti-NMDAR
           review  suggests  that  earlier  treatment  of  N-methyl-  encephalitis, Bickerstaff brain stem encephalitis,
           D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) antibody encephalitis   acute  disseminated  encephalomyelitis  (ADEM)  and
           in children results in better outcomes.  Also, there is   hashimoto encephalopathy.  These diseases show
           another study that showed that people who received   some  similar  characteristics  of  onset  and  clinical
           immunotherapy within 40 days from onset had a better   features. When AE is suspected, a stepwise diagnosis
           recovery than those who received immunotherapy after   should be made according to the recommended
           40 days from onset.  Therefore, early immunotherapy
           could  improve the  prognosis  of AE. Also, treatment   diagnostic  path.  This  guideline  classifies  the
           regimens vary from different types of AE. For example,   diagnosis of AE into three levels: possible, probable
           anti-NMDAR (detected) encephalitis usually requires   and definite. The two former levels do not rely on the
           intensive immunosuppression, whereas encephalitis   tests of auto-antibodies, while the definite diagnosis
           associated with LGI1 antibodies usually responds   of AE generally need positive antibody result. Each
           well to steroids alone.   The lower frequency of   level needs some supportive and exclusive points to
           neurological relapses is likely due to better recognition   diagnosis.

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