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Peng et al.                                                                                                                                                                                               Autoimmune encephalitis

           Diagnosis of possible  AE should exclude other     asking history. So, near-term memory disorder could
           probable  diseases  reasonably.  Increased  signal  on   be included into the diagnostic criteria, but still needs
           T2-weighted  fluid-attenuated  inversion  recovery   further clinical validation.
           (FLAIR) imaging in the medial aspect of the temporal
           lobes is an important differential diagnosis essential.   AUTOIMMUNE ENCEPHALITIS AND OTHER
           Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis and characteristic   NERVOUS SYSTEM DISEASE OVERLAP
           clinical  manifestations  also  count.  However,  some   SYNDROME
           diseases  are  difficult  to  preclude  due  to  atypical
           clinical manifestations or due to the lack of relevant   Demyelinating disease
           detection methods, such as viral encephalitis. [6-8]    A recent case study  of a large number  of patients
           Whether  to  continue  in  accordance  with  the   showed that a group of patients with anti-NMDAR
           recommendations of diagnostic path remains to be   antibody  encephalitis  have  an  overlap  in  clinical/
           further verified. Concerned to the imaging features of   MR manifestations with optic neuromyelitis and
           LE, the guideline emphasizes that bilateral temporal   myelitis.  In this group of patients, MR usually
           lobes involvement is one of the necessary factors for   shows multifocal, subscapular or extensive T2/FLAIR
           the definite diagnosis of autoimmune LE. However, it   phase abnormalities which suggests an overlap with
           does not imply to deny the existence of LE which is   demyelinating disease such as optic neuromyelitis.
           just unilateral temporal lobe involved or with normal   More than half of these patients suffered demyelinating
           imaging. [9,10]  When  the autoantibody  test  results   disease before or after the onset of anti-NMDAR
           are unknown, the diagnostic criteria of autoimmune   antibody encephalitis. In some patients in this group,
           LE  can exclude the disease involving the limbic   anti-NMDAR antibody encephalitis and demyelinating
           system  as well, such as viral encephalitis, glioma,   disease  occurred  at  the  same  time,  which  greatly
           epilepsy, etc., to avoid over-diagnosis.           challenges  the  diagnosis.  Some  patients  with  early
                                                              diagnosis  of ADEM, neuromyelitis optica  or  multiple
           The guideline  lists anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis   sclerosis  could  appear  psychiatric  symptoms,
           separately,   and  for  the  first  time  presents   faciobrachial dystonic  seizures and/or  autonomic
           detailed  probable  and  definite  diagnostic  criteria.   dysfunction which strongly suggests  a  diagnosis  of
           The  diagnosis  is  based  on  the  specific  symptoms,   anti-NMDAR encephalitis.
           auxiliary  examination,  autoantibody  detection  and
           tumor evidence. Anti-NMDAR encephalitis  is singled   Herpes simplex virus encephalitis (HSE)
           as an independent  diagnosis  may be due to the    It  is reported  that HSE  has  a  recurrence  rate  of
           following  reasons: (1) anti-NMDAR encephalitis    25%.  Some of the recurrent patients would recover
           has a characteristic manifestation  other than typical   after antiviral treatment. But some recurrent patients
           LE, such as the involuntary  movement of the face,   presented with new symptoms such as choreoathetosis
           speech disorders, autonomic dysfunction and central   and so on. As for them, virological examination was
           hypoventilation;  (2) although the exact incidence  of   negative and antiviral therapy was not effective.
           various types of AE cannot be calculated, anti-NMDAR   This  part  of  patients’  serum  and  CSF  anti-NMDAR
           is much higher than other types of AE based on current   antibody was positive.   Their conditions improved
           data; [5,12]  (3) there was a clear correlation  between   after  immunotherapy.  Some  studies  have  reported
           NMDAR  encephalitis  and  teratoma; (4) the most   anti-NMDAR  antibody  encephalitis  could  occur  after
           common magnetic resonance imaging manifestations   HSE. [16,17]  Since then,  HSE  recurrent  patients were
           of anti-NMDAR encephalitis are abnormal non-specific   found  other  non-specific  neuronal  surface-mediated
           signals in cortical or subcortical, and the positive rate   antibody  positive  in  serum  or  CSF,  suggesting  that
           is low. Moreover, Imaging evidence of bilateral limbic   HSE infection may be one of the causes of AE.
           system involvement  is the necessary  condition  of
           the clinical  diagnosis  of autoimmune  LE. [5,12]  To  sum   AE combined with other antibodies
           up, anti-NMDAR encephalitis  is currently diagnosed   Overlap anti-neuronal antibodies in AE is rare. Anti-
           independently  of autoimmune limbic encephalitis   NMDAR encephalitis is the most common type of
           disease. It  is noteworthy that the diagnostic criteria   AE.  This disease combined with other neuronal
           for anti-NMDAR encephalitis do not include near-term   antibodies, such as anti-Aquaporin antibody, anti-
           memory impairment in the clinical  manifestations.   myelin  oligodendrocyte  glycoproteinantibody  is
           Because  it  is  difficult  to  assess  memory  impairment   rarely reported.  The proportion of anti-GABABR
           in those patients with psychiatric symptoms or in   encephalitis with multiple antibodies appears to
           child patients.  As the more common symptom of the   be higher. Höftberger  et al.  reported 20 patients
           disease,  memory disorders can often be obtained by   with GABABR antibodies, seven of them had
                          Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation ¦ Volume 4 ¦ July 11, 2017                133
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