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Hochhalter et al.                                                                                                                                                                Association between HCMV and GBM

           The main approach to anti-viral therapy revolves   development of immunotherapy targets include
           around the use of valganciclovir [64-68]  and GTPases. [69]    immediate  early 1  (IE1), phosphoprotein 65  (pp65),
           The rationale for using valganciclovir stems from the   and glycoprotein B (gB). [74]
           hypothesis that it will suppress HCMV replication in
           HCMV-positive GBM cells leading to the suppression   CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS
           of virus-mediated tumor promoting mechanisms.
           Recently, researchers at Vanderbilt University     HCMV is a ubiquitous virus infecting nearly the entire
           investigated the use of combination therapy using   world population. With all the attention aimed at
           bevacizumab and valganciclovir in treating recurrent   targeting HCMV in GBM cells, the validity of HCMV
           GBM, which demonstrated a trend toward improved    as a clinical target is being explored. As of February
           survival  in  those  patients. [67]   Finally,  valganciclovir   2017, there are 13 clinical trials being conducted in
           may  target  other  viruses  besides  HCMV,  which   the United States evaluating anti-HCMV therapy for
           have unclear roles in tumorigenesis. Despite       GBM patients registered on [Table 2].
           these advantages, valganciclovir suppresses viral   Of  these  studies,  two  were  terminated  because  of
           replication, but does not eradicate the virus. Therefore,   poor patient accrual. The first was a study sponsored
           short-term  treatment  of  valganciclovir  would  not  be   by Penn State University entitled, “A Phase I-II study
           ideal in treating glioma patients as the benefits of tumor   of  allogeneic  CMV  specific  cytotoxic  T  lymphocytes
           suppression only last during treatment, necessitating   (CTL)  for  patients  with  refractory  glioblastoma
           long-term treatment to maintain the suppressive    multiforme  (GBM). ” The  goal  of  this  study  was  to
           effects. Further, this therapy would not be suitable for   evaluate the safety and efficacy of the administration of
           GBMs where there is no HCMV present as the tumor   partially matched, allogenic HCMV specific cytotoxic T
           cells would not be targeted.                       cells for patients with GBM who failed primary therapy.
                                                              The other study entitled, “Phase I/II administration of
           The  investigation  of  Rho  GTPases  and  their   CMV  (cytomegalovirus)-specific  cytotoxic  T  cells  in
           contribution  to  tumor  progression  is  another  area   patients with glioblastoma multiforme (COGLI)” was
           that is under investigation as a potential treatment   sponsored by Baylor College of Medicine.  The
           option. [69]   The rho GTPase family is known to play   goal of this study was to determine the maximum
           a  crucial  role  in  cytoskeleton  organization,  cell   tolerated dose of HCMV-specific T cells administered
           movement, and division.  Three proteins within this   in combination with temozolomide (TMZ) in patients
           family  that  are  frequently  altered in  tumors  include   with newly diagnosed GBM. Additional goals of this
           RhoA & RhoC, which are typically overexpressed,    study included identifying potential side effects and
           while  RhoB  is  usually  downregulated. [70-72]   Using   assessing the efficacy of this therapy for the treatment
           a naive GBM cell line, a GBM cell line that stably   of GBM.  Additionally, one study sponsored by the
           expresses  HCMV  IE1,  and  shRNA  technology  to   University of Florida entitled, “Peptide targets for
           knockdown the Rho GTPases, it was determined       glioblastoma against novel cytomegalovirus antigens,”
           that HCMV infection and  Rho isoform states  affect   was withdrawn prior to enrollment of participants by
           cell morphology and influence proliferation rate and   the principal investigator.  The goal of this study was
           motility of human GBM cells. [69]                  to identify the optimal and safe HCMV peptide specific
                                                              vaccine regimen in combination with TMZ for patients
           The other approach to treating HCMV associated GBM   with newly diagnosed GBM.
           involves the use of HCMV directed immunotherapy.
           The  idea  of  HCMV  in  GBM  has  led  to  potential   There are 8 studies currently active and/or recruiting
           immunotherapy  targets  for  treatment  of  GBM. [73,74]  A   patients. A phase I clinical trial sponsored by Baylor
           study  conducted  by  Nair  et  al.   evaluated  whether   College of Medicine entitled “Administration of
           T  cells  stimulated  by HCMV  pp65  RNA-transfected   HER2  chimeric  antigen  receptor  expressing  CMV-
           dendritic cells target and eliminate GBM tumor cells.   specific cytotoxic T cells in patients with glioblastoma
           The authors of this study concluded that HCMV-     multiforme (HERT-GBM)” is being conducted to
           specific  T  cells  can  effectively  target  GBM  tumor   determine the largest safe dose of HER2-CD28
           cells and their results support the rationale for the   CMV-T cells, to identify the potential side effects
           development of HCMV-directed immunotherapy in      of  this  therapy,  and  to  evaluate  its  efficacy.  As  of
           patients with GBM.  As a result of this association   September 2016, this study is listed as ongoing but
           and the potential therapeutic options, several groups   not recruiting participants. Another phase I/II clinical
           are exploring novel approaches to developing GBM-  trial entitled “A Phase I/II clinical trial of autologous
           directed  immunotherapy  and  vaccines.   Potential   cytomegalovirus  (CMV)-specific  cytotoxic  T  cells  for
           HCMV proteins that are being investigated for the   glioblastoma (GBM) patients” is being sponsored by
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