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Hochhalter et al.                                                                                                                                                                Association between HCMV and GBM

           performed ISH using a HCMV DNA probe cocktail and   this study reported no strong evidence of HCMV in any
           found  that  81%  of  samples  analyzed  demonstrated   of the samples. A few samples were found to contain
           HCMV  specific  staining.   Another  study  utilized   low levels of viral reads but upon closer inspection
           multiple detection assays to test for the presence of   the authors report that these reads likely represented
           HCMV. The targets for these assays were IE1-72, pp65,   artifact or non-pathological infections. Finally, evidence
           and late antigen. A total of 36 formalin-fixed paraffin-  of human papillomavirus (HPV) and hepatitis B were
           embedded (FFPE) GBM samples were tested across     found  in  a  few  LGG  samples,  however,  the  authors
           each assay with varying rates of detection. A total of   of  this  study  state  that  these  findings  need  further
           33 out of the 36 samples (91.6%) stained positive for   evidence to substantiate this association. [36]
           IE1-72. The other two HCMV antigens, pp65 and late
           antigen, stained positive in 28/36 (77.7%) and 26/36   Lastly,  another  study  used  droplet  digital  PCR
           (72.2%), respectively. [60]                        (ddPCR) to detect the presence of HCMV, human
                                                              herpes virus 6 (HHV-6), and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
           On  the  other  hand,  several  recent  studies  have   in brain tissue samples.  A total of 112 brain tissue
           reported no association between HCMV and GBM.      samples comprising 45 glioblastoma, 12 astrocytoma
           One  study  utilized  several  approaches  including  a   grade III, 2 astrocytoma grade II, 4 astrocytoma grade
           prospective and retrospective analysis to detect the   I, and 49 controls were included in this study.  The
           presence of HCMV in tissue, plasma, and serum of   study reported that neither HCMV nor HHV-6A was
           high-grade glioma (HGG) patients. [35]  The  authors   detected in any of the astrocytoma samples. A higher
           of  this  study  retrospectively  analyzed  25  fresh   frequency  of  positivity  was  observed  for  EBV  and
           frozen tissues from GBM patients using PCR, tissue   HHV-6B compared to controls. [61]
           microarrays from 70 HGG patients using IHC, and 20
           FFPE GBM tissues using IHC and CISH targeted at    A few recent studies may shed light onto why there is
           IE1/2 and pp65. All tissue analyzed for the presence   such discrepancy observed in the literature. A study
           of HCMV were found to be negative irrespective of   by Yamashita  et al.  attempted to detect HCMV
           method  used. [35]   The  prospective  arm  of  the  study   in  GBM  samples  through  a  wide  range  of  detection
           contained 18 patients with newly diagnosed HGG.    methods.  They  were  unable  to  detect  the  presence
           From  these  patients,  a  total  of  11  FFPE  whole   of HCMV in many of the samples. Interestingly, the
           sections, 38 plasma samples, and 15 serum samples   authors noted that the HCMV positivity demonstrated
           were  analyzed.  Tissue  samples  were  analyzed  for   in a few samples were actually the HCMV antibodies
           HCMV using real-time PCR, CISH, and IHC under      binding  to  non-viral  human  proteins  such  as  human
           the same protocols as the retrospective arm. Utilizing   albumin and myelin basic protein.   This  finding
           these different detection methods there was no     suggests a previously unknown cross-reactivity among
           evidence of HCMV in the 11 FFPE samples. Eight     HCMV antibodies. Another study by Holdhoff et al.
           of 15 patients were seropositive for HCMV. Of the   assessed whether altering experimental conditions
           38 plasma samples that were collected HCMV was     could generate false positive results. The authors of
           detected in low levels in 3 samples at baseline and   this study demonstrated positive staining in previously
           only one in follow up. [35]                        negative  control  fibroblast  cells  by  using  higher
                                                              concentrations of  the  primary HCMV  monoclonal
           Another study took a comprehensive approach to     antibody. Similarly, varying antibody concentrations
           analyze a wide variety of samples using NGS to detect   in brain  tumor  FFPE  samples demonstrated  false
           the presence of viral genomes in the samples.      positive staining.  Taken together, the authors of
           This analysis was performed through the publically   this study suggest that false positive staining can
           available sequencing datasets from the Cancer      be readily achieved simply by using high antibody
           Genome Atlas (TCGA). The samples tested included   concentrations even with antibodies that are designed
           157  RNA-seq  datasets  from  primary  GBM,  13    to be specific. [35]
           recurrent GBM, 514 low-grade gliomas, 17 recurrent
           low-grade  gliomas,  and  5 normal  brain, and whole   THERAPEUTIC TARGETS FOR HCMV
           genome sequencing (WGS) datasets from 51 primary
           GBM, 10  recurrent GBM, and 20  normal matched     The potential for novel breakthroughs  in treating
           blood  samples.  In  addition,  92  RNA-seq  datasets   patients with GBM  has led to  a search for  HCMV
           from MRI-guided biopsies and 9 glioma stem-like cell   specific  targets.  Currently,  there  are  two  main
           cultures were analyzed. Finally, 64 DNA-seq datasets   approaches that  are being pursued; one focuses on
           from 11 meningiomas and their corresponding blood   anti-viral  therapy and  the other focuses on HCMV
           control samples were also analyzed. The authors of   directed immunotherapy.
                          Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation ¦ Volume 4 ¦ June 16, 2017                101
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