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Hochhalter et al.                                                                                                                                                                Association between HCMV and GBM

           to be diagnosed in the United States in 2017.  Nearly   genesis.  To determine whether HCMV was actually
           everyone  diagnosed  with  GBM  succumbs  to  the   associated with GBM, they developed a standardized
           disease, which has a median survival of 12-15 months   viral detection protocol. However, in a recent paper,
           even with aggressive treatment.  Despite years of   Baumgarten  et al.  demonstrated negative results
           research, there has been minimal improvement in the   for HCMV in their GBM cohort despite demonstrating
           overall survival rate. Reports of human cytomegalovirus   positive  staining  in  their  control  samples.  In  a
           (HCMV) in GBM 15 years ago by Cobbs et al.  raised   paper  addressing  this,  Cobbs  et  al.   stated  that
           hopes for potential viral targeted therapeutic options   Baumgarten  et al. [10]  did not use the carefully
           for this disease. Recently, anti-HCMV immunotherapy   optimized protocol established in his lab,  which is
           based clinical trials have been established to     crucial  to  detect  low  level  HCMV  infection  in  GBM.
           assess efficacy in treating this disease. At the basic   In  response,  Cinatl  et  al.   stated  that  in  observing
           research level, efforts are being made to investigate   similar staining in  their glioma samples  from HCMV
           the oncogenic potential of  individual HCMV genes   seropositive and seronegative patients, they reached
           to understand how HCMV might contribute to GBM.    out to the 3 groups reporting positive results. In one
           Despite these continuing efforts and the time lapsed   group, the data could not be reproduced. The other
           since the discovery of HCMV in GBM, the association   two groups agreed to stain samples from Cinatl’s lab,
           remains controversial. This review serves to highlight   however, found no difference in staining in the glioma
           the latest developments in this association and its   samples observed between the HCMV seropositive
           clinical validity as a therapeutic target for primary   and seronegative patients. Despite demonstrating
           brain tumors.                                      negative results, this data was not available to publish.
                                                              Moving forward, both groups agree that a standard
           ENVIRONMENTAL ETIOLOGIES OF GBM                    protocol for detecting HCMV in GBM samples needs
                                                              to be established and agreed upon.
           Although several studies have investigated risk factors
           for brain tumors, our knowledge  of their etiology is   Several hypotheses have been proposed to  help
           limited. The only clear environmental  risk factor that   explain discrepancies reported in the literature including
           has  been  identified  for  glial  neoplasms  is  ionizing   geographic  differences, differences in seropositivity,
           radiation.   The relationship  between  viruses and   the use of different cohorts, and  differences  in
           the development of primary brain tumors is complex   protocols and experimental conditions  used for
           and unclear. While the majority of efforts have been   traditional detection methods,  such as polymerase
           focused on studying HCMV,  other viruses such as   chain reaction (PCR), in situ hybridization (ISH), and
           polyomaviruses  JC and BK have been implicated     immunohistochemistry  (IHC) assays, which can lead
           in brain tumors. [5,6]  JC and BK viruses typically  are   to differences in sensitivities for detecting low levels of
           asymptomatic infections that predominately  present   viral gene expression.
           in immune  suppressed  individuals. Disease  states
           from  polyomavirus infections  are broad and range   Although differences in HCMV seropositivity have been
           from BK virus-related  nephropathy  to JC virus-   investigated, there is currently no clear association
           related progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy.    between HCMV seropositivity and incidence of GBM.
           The propensity for  the CNS characteristic of  these   HCMV seroprevalance  is lower in Whites than in
           viruses has led to attempts to develop better screening   Blacks and  Hispanics;  however, GBM incidence  is
           methods to clarify this relationship. [9]          higher.  Additionally, HCMV seroprevalance is higher
                                                              in women than men, while the  incidence of  GBM  is
           HCMV AND GBM ASSOCIATION                           higher in men. [16]

           Although an  association  between  HCMV and GBM    As a way to consolidate the data regarding the
           was  first  reported  in  2002,   there  is  still  a  high   detection of HCMV in CNS tumors, a symposium
           degree of inconsistency in the literature regarding   was convened in Washington, DC on April 17, 2011.
           the detection of viral agents in CNS tumors. Further,   At this symposium, oncologists and virologists
           the recent debate between Cinatl and Cobbs labs as   studying this very relationship had the opportunity to
           to the presence of HCMV in GBM continues to fuel   discuss data addressing this topic. At the conclusion
           this  ongoing  controversy. [10-13]   The  initial  concept  of   of this symposium, a summary paper was published
           oncomodulation  was  developed  by  Cinatl  et  al.   in   reporting the consensus  position  in 4 major areas
           1996. In their study, they proposed that HCMV could   including the existence of HCMV in gliomas, the role
           increase tumor malignancy by infecting tumor cells and   of HCMV in gliomas, HCMV as a therapeutic target,
           affecting either directly or indirectly cofactors for tumor   and key future investigative directions.  Based on
                          Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation ¦ Volume 4 ¦ June 16, 2017                 97
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