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Grebenciucova et al.                                                                                                                                           Etanercept-associated Miller-Fischer syndrome

           CASE REPORT                                        with intravenous immunoglobulins or plasmaphoresis,
                                                              although  according  to the Cochrane  review, patients
           A 54-year-old male with history of psoriatic arthritis   who were not treated with either therapy had similar
           presented  for  an  evaluation  of  the  acute  onset  of   outcomes  at  6  months.   However, the  data  are
           ocular pain and double vision. He had recently started   difficult  to  interpret  due  to  the  low  incidence  of  the
           Etanercept, an anti-TNFα antibody. Five days after   disease and consequent lack of randomized placebo-
           the 1st infusion, he developed rhinitis and a  cough,   controlled  trials. In most cases, the course  of the
           which  resolved  in  several  days.  He  proceeded  with   disease is self-limiting and the outcomes are favorable.
           his weekly 2nd and 3rd infusions, but 2 days after the   In our patient, the onset of MFS was preceded by a
           3rd infusion he developed blurred vision in the right   viral prodrome, but also occurred in the context of an
           eye and pain with eye movement.  Two days later,   anti-TNFα agent.
           he  developed  double  vision  and  ocular  pain  when
           attempting upgaze, followed by headache and pain   The use of anti  TNFα agents in the treatment
           with eye movement in all directions.               of various rheumatological disorders such as
                                                              sarcoidosis,  rheumatoid  arthritis,  and  psoriasis  has
           Three days after the onset of his symptoms, he was   been  increasingly recognized as  causal to cases  of
           evaluated by an ophthalmologist who noted incomplete   demyelination,  some  of  which  remain  monophasic,
           adduction of the left eye on far right gaze. Five days   with a minority transitioning into multiple sclerosis.
           later,  a  neuro-ophthalmologic  examination  showed   Due  to  their  anti-inflammatory  activity,  anti-TNFα
           bilateral eye adduction weakness with an upgaze    agents have been previously investigated in multiple
           palsy,  along  with  a  mild  left  eye  ptosis  and  miosis.   sclerosis, however a randomized placebo-controlled
           Direct and consensual reaction of pupils was intact.   trial of anti-TNFα agent in multiple sclerosis showed
           There was no afferent pupillary defect or disc edema.  worsening  of  the  disease  activity  in  the  anti-TNFα
                                                              group. [5]
           The rest of the neurological examination was significant
           for areflexia, while cerebellar exam was normal.   TNFα is a cytokine that binds to  TNF receptor 1
                                                              (TNFR1) or 2 (TNFR2). TNFR1 binding results in the
           A contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging     inflammatory  effects  of  TNF,  while  TNFR2  binding
           (MRI) of the brain was performed 3 days after onset   contributes to the maintenance of immune tolerance.
           of symptoms, and no midbrain or pontine lesions were   TNFα binding to  TNFR2 in conjunction with IL-2
           noted. There was no optic nerve enhancement noted   result in  T regulatory cells proliferation, increase
           on orbital imaging. Acetyl-choline receptor and muscle   in forkhead box P3 expression and an increased
           specific kinase antibodies were both negative.     immunosuppressive activity.  Thus,  inhibiting TNF
                                                              can  alter the  balance between the  effector  and
           He underwent another MRI two weeks after the onset   regulatory T cells, potentially leading to dysregulation
           of  symptoms,  and  both  MRI  of  the  brain  and  orbits   of immune tolerance and allowing an increased activity
           with and without contrast were again unremarkable.   of autoreactive T cells. As a result of this imbalance,
           At this point, MFS was considered, and a GQ1b      humoral immunity can be further activated resulting in
           antibody was tested, which was positive with a titer of   the auto-reactive antibody generation.  It is possible
           1:12,800. One month after the onset of his symptoms,   that in the immunogenetically susceptible people, the
           he was essentially asymptomatic, and his neurologic   use of anti-TNFα agents may result in an episode of
           examination normalized, other than residual areflexia.  demyelination or unmask the predilection for multiple
                                                              sclerosis. The detailed pathophysiological mechanism
           DISCUSSION                                         has not been fully elucidated.

           MFS  is  a  rare  self-limiting  demyelinating  syndrome   Cases of GBS have also been associated with the use
           that is considered to be a variant of GBS.  Annual   of anti-TNFα agents.
           incidence is estimated to be one case per million.  A
           clinical triad of ophthalmoplegia, arreflexia, and ataxia   Besides our case, a review of the literature uncovered
           is the classic presentation.                       three prior cases of MFS in association with the use
                                                              of anti-TNFα blockers  [Table 1]. [8-10]   The underlying
           An antibody to the neuronal GQ1b (or in some cases   mechanism  of  MFS  in  association  with  anti-TNFα
           GT1a) is highly sensitive and specific for the diagnosis   blockers is likewise unclear. In our case, given
           of MFS. About 60% of cases are preceded by a viral   a  preceding  viral  illness,  it  becomes  of  interest
           or in some cases bacterial illness. The disease occurs   whether the anti-TNFα agent further contributed
           more commonly in males than females and is treated   to the development of the syndrome or if it had any
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