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Marcet et al.                                                                                                                                             The inflamed CNS takes hits centrally and peripherally

           damage from the initial injury, and further research has   Immediately after TBI, blood flow to all organs either
           suggested that the spleen plays a role in mounting an   remained  the same or increased  for 30 min, then
           immune response to  the injured CNS, researchers   gradually decreased.  Blood flow to the kidney and
           tried knocking out the function of the spleen to observe   spleen were decreased the  most  after  TBI,  which
           the effect on TBI and stroke. Ajmo et al.  showed that   was attributed to sympathetic activity because of the
           removal of the spleen two weeks before permanent   high  amount  of  sympathetic  vasoconstrictor  fibers
           MCAO  significantly  reduced  the  infarction  volume.   running to those organs.  The resulting hyperactive
           In  another study,  researchers showed that  removal   sympathetic response, similar to what happens after
           of  the spleen just before temporary MCAO  caused   TBI, is characterized by a widespread vasoconstriction
           a reduction in the accumulation  of monocytes in   that  is  also  selective;  flow  is  decreased  through
           the brain, but did not significantly change the infarct   kidneys  and splanchnic  organs  such as the spleen
           size.  In addition, splenectomy  in rats immediately   but not decreased to the heart.  It will be interesting
           after traumatic brain injury reduced circulating levels of   if a similar phenomenon characterized by blood flow
           pro-inflammatory cytokines, decreased mortality, and   alterations in the spleen accompanies stroke.
           increased cognitive functioning.  Furthermore, it has
           been shown that splenectomy immediately after mild   Brain-spleen inflammatory coupling in CNS
           TBI in rats attenuated CCL20 chemokine expression   injuries
           and neurodegeneration in the brain. [27]           Lastly,  it  has  been  shown  that  immune  cells  in  the
                                                              spleen respond to cholinergic input. Studies have
           The spleen and cognitive deficits                  shown that there is a correlation between brain
           Although  splenectomy is probably  not advisable  in   injury  and  autonomic  release  of  pro-inflammatory
           human patients that have received a traumatic brain   cytokines  from  splenic  macrophages.  In  a  concept
           injury or stroke, these studies highlight the importance   known  as  “brain-spleen  inflammatory  coupling”,
           of the spleen in CNS injury. The splenectomy studies,   researchers have hypothesized that the changes in
           in conjunction with the studies that show a loss of   autonomic input after CNS injury lead to systemic
           immune cells from the spleen and the appearance of   responses, including a response from the spleen.
           the same subset of cells in infarcted brain tissue after   In  increase  in  pro-inflammatory  cytokines  in  the
           stroke, lead researchers to believe that the spleen is   brain after CNS injury stimulates the posterior
           bolstering the immune response in CNS injury.  This   hypothalamus to increase sympathetic tone, leading
           data suggests that the spleen  plays a role in the   to  catecholamine  release  from  the  adrenal  glands
           secondary  wave of neurodegeneration  after TBI and   and peripheral vasoconstriction.  It has been shown
           stroke, leading to more severe cognitive deficits.  that macrophages in the liver respond to adrenergic/
                                                              cholinergic input, and thus can respond to changes
           Blood flow and microglial cytokines                in autonomic tone. [71,73,77]  The body responds to CNS
           Quantifying  blood  flow  to  the  spleen  after  injury  is   injury  by  increasing  sympathetic  tone,  and  immune
           important to understand  the role of the spleen as   cells  in the spleen respond to this adrenergic input
           a mediator in the immune  process. Several ways    by producing large amounts of the pro-inflammatory
           of  measuring  blood  flow  to  the  spleen  have  been   cytokines TNF-a and IL-1β. [71,78]  It is hypothesized that
           described. The control of blood supply to the spleen   this systemic inflammatory response to TBI and stroke
           involves several aspects. It  has been shown that   exacerbates TBI pathology.
           IL-1  increases  splenic  blood  flow  by  affecting  the
           sympathetic vasoconstrictor tonus. In order for the   Whereas elevated sympathetic tone increases
           spleen  to remain perfused, resident macrophages   the  pro-inflammatory  response  from  the  spleen,
           must produce IL-1β to counteract  noradrenergic    increased parasympathetic tone has been shown
           vasoconstriction. [75]  Sympathetic  tone  reduces  to  decrease  the  pro-inflammatory  response  from
           perfusion,  whereas  inflammatory  mediators  such  as   the spleen. [71]   Macrophages  in  the spleen  express
           IL-1β increase perfusion.                          a nicotinic catecholamine receptor a7nAChR which
                                                              responds  to  parasympathetic  input  by  reducing
           Blood flow after CNS insult and spleen             production   of   the   pro-inflammatory   cytokine
           Blood  flow to the spleen  after TBI shows  a biphasic   TNFa. [71,79]  Selectively activating this receptor after
           hemodynamic  pattern. In a study by  Yuan  et al.,    stroke  in  rats  was  shown  to  reduce  infarct  size
           blood flow measurements were taken at 5 min, 15 min,   and improve survival. [80]  Other studies have shown
           30 min, and 60 min after injury. Fluid percussion brain   improved neurological outcomes in animal models
           injury produced an immediate systemic hypertension   for  stroke  by  either  direct  or  indirect  stimulation
           followed  by hypotension and low cardiac output.   of this receptor. [71]   This evidence suggests that
                          Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation ¦ Volume 4 ¦ May 17, 2017                  89
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