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Marcet et al.                                                                                                                                             The inflamed CNS takes hits centrally and peripherally

           allows a CCR6 independent pathway of recruitment of   ROLE OF THE SPLEEN AS A MAJOR
           T cells to the brain parenchyma in the EAE model.    PERIPHERAL INFLAMMATORY
           CCL20 expression is upregulated by proinflammatory   CONTRIBUTOR TO CNS INJURY
           cytokines IL6, and IL17. [65]
                                                              Function of the spleen
           In a lateral fluid percussion model of TBI, Das shows   It has been shown that the spleen initiates an immune
           that CCL20 expression is upregulated in the thymus   response that exacerbates the pathology of stroke
           and spleen 24 h after  TBI, and upregulated in the   and TBI, however the connection between brain injury
           cortex and hippocampus 48 h after  TBI.  Based     and a splenic response has yet to be fully elucidated.
           on the evidence obtained from the EAE model, this   The spleen has several functions in the body. It is a
           suggests a mechanism for peripheral involvement    major lymphatic organ that lies within the peritoneal
           in  neuroinflammation. [27,28,64]   The fact that CCL20 is   cavity; it actively monitors the body’s circulation and
           expressed in the spleen and thymus after TBI, before it   filters blood. [68,69]  In humans, the spleen plays a role
           is expressed in the brain, and brain CCL20 expression   in the mononuclear phagocyte system, recycles iron
           is reduced in rat’s who’s spleens have been removed   from old red blood cells, and mounts a defense against
           suggests  a  peripheral  mechanism  of  activation  for   blood borne pathogens. [69,70]
           CCL20 expression in the CNS.  It also speaks to the
           role that CCL20 plays in neuroinflammation after TBI.   The spleen as a reservoir of systemic
           In other words, CCL20 upregulation in the spleen and   immune cells
           thymus after TBI could indicate a peripheral signal that   The spleen is also a reservoir of platelets, peripheral
           drives neuronal degeneration. [27]                 macrophages, and other immune cells. [28,70,71]  Scientists
                                                              used to think that the majority of monocytes patrolled
           In  stroke,  we  see  a  similar  peripheral  involvement   the circulation, and irreversibly differentiated into
           in  chronic  inflammation  after  insult.  Nguyen  and   macrophages  and dendritic cells upon extravasation
           colleagues characterized the cytokine profiles in mice   and tissue entry.  It  is now known that the spleen
           after ischemic CNS infarct, and showed a polarized   actually acts as a reservoir for undifferentiated
           T cell response based on the type of mouse used.    monocytes, and monocytes in the spleen outnumber
           C57BL/6 mice had a  Th1 polarized response, and    monocytes patrolling  the circulation. [68,70]  This  means
           BALB/c mice had a Th2 polarized response.  This    that a majority of undifferentiated monocytes reside in
           suggests  that  the  chronic  inflammatory  response   the spleen, waiting to be deployed. Monocytes, distinct
           in  stroke  patients  could  follow  different  courses,   from macrophages and  dendritic  cells, cluster in the
           depending on the individual afflicted. [66]        cords of the subcapsular red pulp of the spleen. [70]

           In all of these instances, peripheral involvement in   Splenic immune cells home to injuries
           neuroinflammation  acts  in  addition  to  the  central   throughout the body
           inflammation  perpetuated  by  microglia  and  other   Spleen has the ability to rapidly deploy this cohort of
           inflammatory  mediators.  In  summary,  injury  to  the   undifferentiated monocytes. [68,70,72]  Splenic monocytes
           CNS leads to a peripheral and central response that   have been shown to exit the spleen and accumulate
           act together to cause inflammation, which eventually   in the heart after myocardial infarction to participate in
           leads  to  a  chronic  inflammatory  state  that  causes   immunological processes such as wound healing.  In
           neural degeneration rather than repair and resolution   the context of CNS injury, several aspects of the splenic
           after insult.                                      response have been observed. One study has shown
                                                              that the number  of  T cells  in the spleen  decreases
           Although a strong connection between CNS injury and   1-2 days after traumatic brain injury.  In a study that
           the immune system has been shown, little research   induced middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) on
           has been directed at exploring the role of the thymus   mice, researchers observed  both splenic  contraction
           in  TBI. Recent  studies have  shown  upregulation  of   and a  reduction  in the  number  of  splenic cells after
           CCL20 in the thymus after TBI.  Other studies have   stroke was induced.  In that same experiment, splenic
           shown that the liver may play a role in exacerbating   contraction coincided with a  decrease in monocytes
           the neuronal degeneration after TBI (Campbell et al. ).   in the spleen, and a concurrent increase in the same
           Depletion  of  hepatic  Kupffer  Cells  reduced  ED-1   subsets of monocytes in the ischemic brain. [68]
           positive  macrophage  and  neutrophil  migration  into
           an IL-1β injected brain.  As a reservoir of peripheral   Spleen and CNS injuries
           immune cells, the spleen has been shown to play a   Since research  has shown that the immunologic
           major role in traumatic brain injury. [28]         response to TBI and stroke can in fact exacerbate the
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