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Marcet et al.                                                                                                                                             The inflamed CNS takes hits centrally and peripherally

           and even up to years after initial injury.  In animal   contribute to the pathogenesis of  TBI. [28,59]  Leakage
           models it has been shown that microglia can be     of  chemokines  and  other  inflammatory  molecules
           active for up to one year after TBI. [6,52-55]  Post mortem   through the compromised blood brain barrier into
           studies  have  shown  activated  microglia  up  to  17   systemic  circulation  can  attract  peripheral  immune
           years after  TBI in adult humans. [6,55]   The  observed   cells to the site of injury.  This can potentially lead
           cognitive decline, in conjunction with the presence of   to  an  overactive  inflammatory  response  known  as
           activated microglia after injury suggests a persistent   systemic immune response syndrome.  Negative
           chronic  inflammatory  stage  mediated  by  microglia   feedback to systemic inflammation is provided by the
           that exacerbates TBI and stroke pathology.         hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis and sympathetic
                                                              nervous  system  efferents.   In  TBI,  an  imbalance
           Peripheral source of neuroinflammation             between systemic immune response and negative
           The immune system consists of a network of cells,   feedback can lead to either excessive organ damage or
           tissues, and organs that  coordinate to  protect   susceptibility to infections and lack of regeneration. [28]
           the  body  from  foreign  pathogens,  and  promote
           tissue  healing  and  regeneration.  When  the  body   Role of peripheral chemokines
           is injured, cell death leads to leakage of nuclear   Cytokines  and  chemokines  are  very  important  to
           or  cytosolic  proteins  or  protein  fragments  into  the   the pathogenesis of TBI. Although their exact role is
           extracellular space.  These intracellular fragments   unclear, data suggests that cytokines play a pivotal role
           are   pro-inflammatory   signals   called   damage   in the body’s response to TBI. After insult to the CNS,
           associated  molecular  patterns  (DAMPS).  DAMPS   upregulation of the following cytokines occurs: TNFa,
           are recognized  by pattern recognition receptors on   IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, IL-4, IL-18. [60-62]  One important
           dendritic cells, macrophages, and other cells such   peripherally secreted chemokine chemokine (C-C
           as vascular cells, epithelial cells, and fibroblasts, and   motif) ligand 20 (CCL20) is upregulated after  TBI,
           elicit a pro-inflammatory response from these cells. [56]    and interacts with CC chemokine receptor 6 (CCR6)
           Once an immune response is mounted, it can either   to induce chemotaxis of T cells, B cells, and dendritic
           persist  as  chronic  inflammation,  or  move  towards   cells. [28]   These cells can be found in the spleen,
           resolution and tissue healing.                     and are known to contribute to the pathogenesis of
                                                              TBI. [28]  Other peripheral cells are found at the site of
           Peripheral immune cells are recruited after        injury, and contribute to the inflammatory process. It
           CNS insult                                         is known that the concentration of neutrophils peaks
           The inflammatory response activates the complement   around 3-24 h after injury, and the concentration of
           system to recruit immune cells to the intrathecal   monocytes peaks around 1-2 days after spinal cord
           compartment; [48]  neutrophils,  monocytes   and   injury. [63]
           lymphocytes all cross the blood brain barrier and
           chemotax towards the site of injury.  Once these   Synergistic central and peripheral
           cells have reached the site of injury, they are activated   inflammation
           to  secrete  free  radicals,  pro-inflammatory  cytokines,   In the case of chronic neuroinflammation, both central
           prostaglandins  and  other  inflammatory  mediators,   and peripheral sources of inflammation work together
           resulting in recruitment of  more immune cells and   to create a hyperactive immune response that
           microglia to the site of injury. [57,58]   A great deal  of   ultimately leads to further damage rather than repair
           research has been done on microglia, highlighting  it   of neural tissue. [27,28]
           as the key player in coordinating the immune response
           after an insult to the CNS.                        It is well known that CCL20 acts as a chemokine
                                                              for CCR6 expressing cells. In an experimental
           Systemic immune response                           autoimmune  encephalomyelitis  (EAE)  model,  which
           The role of resident immune cells in the CNS after   is  an  animal  model  for  brain  inflammation  similar
           TBI is only part of the  story. To  get  a  full  picture  of   to multiple sclerosis in humans, researchers have
           the  inflammatory  response  to  TBI  we  must  also   observed that CCL20 acts as a ligand for CCR6,
           look at the peripheral immune system. Multi-organ   allowing homing of lymphocytes, and other leukocytes
           damage following  TBI can lead to a more robust    to neural tissue.   In  this  specific  case,  it  allows
           immune response in the brain,  highlighting the    trafficking  of  Th17  or  Th1  CD4+  Th  cells,  which
           possibility  that  systemic  inflammation  could  play   release  pro-inflammatory  cytokines  that  can  cause
           a  role  in  neuroinflammation.  Because  the  BBB  is   chronic  inflammation. [64,65]   CCL20  expression  in  the
           compromised in a CNS injury, circulating inflammatory   choroid plexus allows passage of CCR6+ Th cells to
           cells and cytokines can access the brain and       enter  the  CNS  in  the  uninflamed  brain,  which  then
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