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Marcet et al.                                                                                                                                             The inflamed CNS takes hits centrally and peripherally

           sympathetic and parasympathetic tone affect  the   Health, National Institute  of  Neurological  Disorders
           splenic response to CNS injury, and targeting this   and  Stroke  1R01NS071956,     1R01NS090962,
           response has the potential for novel therapeutic   1R21NS089851, 1R21NS094087 and 1R21NS094908,
           strategies.                                        Department    of  Defense    W81XWH-11-1-0634,
                                                              James and  Esther King  Foundation  for Biomedical
           A PARADIGM-SHIFT IN OUR                            Research Program, SanBio Inc., KM Pharmaceuticals,
           UNDERSTANDING OF CNS INFLAMMATION                  NeuralStem Inc, and Karyopharm Inc. The content is
                                                              solely the responsibility  of the authors and does not
           Many neurological  disorders, including  traditionally   necessarily represent the official views of the sponsors.
           considered  acute injuries such as stroke and  TBI,
           have now been recognized  as being plagued  by     Conflicts of interest
           neuroinflammation,  which  significantly  contributes   C.V.  Borlongan  has patents and patent applications
           to the disease  progression  and is associated     relating to stem cell therapy for stroke and TBI.
           with secondary cell  death  reminiscent  of chronic
           neurodegeneration. A worsening  prognosis  of stroke   Patient consent
           and TBI has implicated massive inflammation, arising   There is no patient data involved.
           not just from the injured but equally robustly detected   Ethics approval
           from  the  peripheral  organs,  specifically  the  spleen.
           By  investigating  the  sources  and mechanisms of   Not applicable.
           neuroinflammation,  in  particular  the  role  of  spleen-
           mediated  inflammatory  response,  novel  cell  death   REFERENCES
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