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Grebenciucova et al.                                                                                                                                           Etanercept-associated Miller-Fischer syndrome

           Table 1: Literature cases of MFS in association with anti-TNFα agents
                               Anti TNF    Underlying   Duration of   Symptoms at   GQ1b
            Reference  Patient                                                          Treatment  Outcomes
                               agent       condition  treatment  onset         titre
            Kurmann    77 years/  Adalimumab  Rheumatoid   2 infusions  Ataxia, areflexia,   Negative  Steroids/  Gradual
            et al. [9]  female             arthritis            nystagmus               azathioprine  recovery over
                                                                                                   1 year
            Shin       56 years/  Infliximab  Rheumatoid   10 infusions  Ataxia,   < 1:100  Steroids/  Independent
            et al. [8]  male               arthritis            nystagmus               IVIG       ambulation at
                                                                                                   6 months
            Ratnarajan   43 years/  Infliximab  Ulcerative   2 infusions  Ophthalmoplegia  1:6,400  No   Full resolution
            et al. [10]  female            colitis                                      treatment  at 10 weeks
            Our patient  56 years/  Etanercept  Psoriatic   3 infusions  Ophthalmoplegia,   1:128,000  No   Full recovery
                       male                arthritis            areflexia               treatment  1 month
           MFS: Miller-Fischer syndrome; TNF: tumor necrosis factor; GQ1b: ganglioside Q1b; IVIG: intravenous immunogloblin
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           the pathophysiological mechanisms of the aberrant     findings. Eur J Neurol 2012;19:15-20.
           immune  responses  leading  to  MFS,  and  the     4.   Overell JR, Hsieh ST, Odaka M, Yuki N, Willison HJ. Treatment for
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                                                              5.   TNF neutralization in MS: results of a randomized, placebo-controlled
           Authors’ contributions                                multicenter  study.  The Lenercept  Multiple  Sclerosis Study Group
           Analyzed the data and drafted the manuscript:  E.     and The  University  of  British  Columbia  MS/MRI Analysis  Group.
           Grebenciucova, J.H. Pula                              Neurology 1999;53:457-65.
                                                              6.   Chen   X,   Oppenheim   JJ.   TNF-alpha:   an   activator   of
           Financial support and sponsorship                     CD4+FoxP3+TNFR2+  regulatory  T  cells.  Curr  Dir Autoimmun
           Conflicts of interest                              7.   Robinson  WH,  Genovese  MC,  Moreland  LW.  Demyelinating  and
           There are no conflicts of interest.                   neurologic events reported in association with tumor necrosis factor
                                                                 alpha antagonism: by what mechanisms could tumor necrosis factor
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           According  to  the  requirements  of  the  affiliation,  this   sclerosis? Arthritis Rheum 2001;44:1977-83.
           case report does not require patient consent.      8.   Shin IS, Baer AN, Kwon HJ, Papadopoulos EJ, Siegel JN. Guillain-
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           Ethics approval                                       factor alpha antagonist therapy. Arthritis Rheum 2006;54:1429-34.
           According  to  the  requirements  of  the  affiliation,  this   9.   Kurmann PT, Van Linthoudt D, So AK. Miller-Fisher syndrome in
           case report does not require ethics approval.         a patient  with rheumatoid  arthritis treated with adalimumab.  Clin
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           REFERENCES                                         10.  Ratnarajan G, Thompson A, Dodridge C, Parry A, Elston J. Novel
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