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Hochhalter et al.                                                                                                                                                                Association between HCMV and GBM

           the data presented at the symposium and discussions   US28 regulates several cellular pathways including
           with experts at that time, it was concluded that HCMV   STAT3, VEGF, and e-NOS signaling which promotes
           sequences  and  viral  gene  expression  exist  in  many   GBM pathogenesis by regulating angiogenesis,
           high-grade gliomas and that in vitro studies suggest   invasion, and immune evasion. [28,29]  While these
           that HCMV can modulate key signaling cellular      experiments  show  that  these  viral  genes  have  the
           pathways in glioblastomas. [17]                    potential to be oncogenic, the question as to whether
                                                              HCMV is association with GBM remains unclear.
           Currently, HCMV is not considered to be a classic
           oncogenic virus because it has not been demonstrated   The current line of thinking in the association between
           to possess acute transforming activity.  Instead, it is   HCMV and GBM revolves around four potential
           believed that HCMV contributes to GBM pathogenesis   hypotheses.   The  first  is  that  HCMV  is  causal;
           through oncomodulation of host cellular pathways.   however, there is no evidence to date to support this
           This notion of HCMV modulating host cellular       concept in humans. The best evidence we have at this
           pathways  stems  from  evidence  generated  in  other   time for HCMV causing GBMs is in a mouse model.
           model  systems.  Specifically,  studies  performed  in  a   Researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital
           mouse model have shown that persistent infection of   developed a mouse CMV-infected GBM mouse model
           endothelial cells by CMV, defined as the expression of   using mut3 mice, which spontaneously develop grade
           viral genes without evidence of cytopathogenic effect   III  and  IV  astrocytomas.  They  demonstrated  that
           on host cells, resulted in the production of inflammatory   MCMV-infected mut3 mice had decreased overall
           cytokines and renin, which led to the development   survival compared to naive mut3 mice.  The second
           of  hypertension.   Applying  this evidence  to  GBM,   hypothesis is that HCMV may be oncomodulatory,
           one  hypothesis  proposes  that  persistent  infection   thereby  enhancing  tumor  progression  by  a  specific
           with HCMV could lead to production of inflammatory   mechanism or a combination of mechanisms, which
           cytokines that may contribute to pathogenesis through   were detailed in the previous section. [17,18,20,22-24,26-29,32,33]
           disruption of the cell cycle. [17]                 The third hypothesis is that HCMV may be a
                                                              bystander  with  little  effect  on  tumor  growth,  and
           Of the estimated 173 open reading frames present in   the HCMV antigens are expressed because of the
           the HCMV genome,  only a few of the gene products,   highly  immunosuppressive  tumor  microenvironment
           such as IE1, pp71, glycoprotein B, and US28, have   observed  in GBM.  There  is  no  direct  evidence  to
           been detected in GBMs. Forced expression of HCMV   date to support this concept. The last hypothesis is
           IE1 was shown to increase stemness properties      that these observations are merely an experimental
           (e.g. self-renewal) and proliferation of glioma stem-  artifact. Several recent publications have outlined
           like cells  in vivo.  Follow-up studies demonstrated   possible scenarios where detection of HCMV may be
           that IE1 promotes the tumor phenotype in these     due to experimental artifact including cross-reactivity
           settings through inactivation of the p53 and Rb tumor   of  antibodies,   the  concentration  of  antibodies,
           suppressor proteins and through activation of the   or presence of expression vector genetic material in
           PI3-K/AKT signaling pathway.  Long-term HCMV       sequencing datasets. [36]
           infected glioma cultures demonstrated upregulation
           of key signaling mediators such as SOX2, STAT3,    HCMV DETECTION IN GBM
           BMX and IL-6.  In addition, infection of GBM cells
           with  HCMV  led  to  upregulation  of  CD133  and  other   Several studies have investigated the association
           stem cell-like factors such as Notch1, Sox2, Oct4,   between HCMV and GBM in an attempt to resolve
           and Nestin.  HCMV infection of GBM cells has also   this controversial issue. Various detection approaches
           led to tumor proliferation through an upregulation of   have been utilized by several investigators including
           a proteoglycan, endocan, which has been shown to   traditional techniques (e.g. PCR, ISH, and IHC) and
           be involved in several cellular processes including   next generation sequencing (NGS) technology in an
           angiogenesis. [25]  Previously,  overexpression  of  attempt to detect the presence of HCMV in GBM cells
           HCMV pp71 was shown to induce a pro-inflammatory   [Table 1].
           response via activation of NFKB signaling in adult
           neural  precursor  cells.   HCMV  glycoprotein B has   The most recent studies that have reported a positive
           been  shown  to  mediate  viral  cellular  entry  via  the   association utilized traditional detection methods. One
           receptor tyrosine kinase PDGFR-alpha resulting in   study looked for the presence of HCMV antigens pp65
           activation  of  the  PI3-K/AKT  signaling  pathway.    or IE1-72 in 25 pediatric GBM patients.  The study
           Another key HCMV product that is implicated in GBM   showed a 66.7% detection rate in the samples for
           development is the chemokine receptor US28. HCMV   either pp65 or IE1-72.  The authors of this study also
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