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Marcet et al.                                                                                                                                             The inflamed CNS takes hits centrally and peripherally

           the  peripherally  acting cells of  the  myeloid lineage:   elements, antigen presentation to  T lymphocytes,
           macrophages and dendritic cells.  Resident microglia   and  production  of  soluble  factors  that  at  sufficient
           are capable of clearing foreign pathogens or mediating   concentrations can induce further tissue injury
           a local, innate immune response in the brain.      and gliosis. [6,35]   Pro-inflammatory  cytokines,  such
           Microglia can be observed along a continuum of three   as these released  after neuronal  injury,  are strong
           idealized  phenotypic states: resting, activated non-  activators of microglia. [41-43]  Once activated, microglia
           phagocytic (antigen presenting cell like), and activated   produce  more  pro-inflammatory  cytokines  such  as
           phagocytic, depending  on their level of activation,   IL-1β, which ultimately leads to an extensive chronic
           which is dictated by the amount and type of cytokines   proinflammatory state in the CNS. [11,44]
           in the surrounding  microenvironment. [33-35]   Microglia
           sense the microenvironment, and mount a protective   Both TBI and stroke is characterized by an initial insult
           immune response after  TBI,  however the response   to the CNS, compromising the blood brain barrier and
           is excessive and prolonged,  and ends up leading  to   causing  microglial activation.   Prolonged  microglial
           further  degeneration  instead of  regeneration  and   activation leads to a chronic inflammatory response that
           repair.  Like macrophages, microglia can polarize into   causes excitotoxicity,  oxidative stress,  mitochondrial
           two subcategories, M1 or M2.  M1 is predominantly   dysfunction, blood  brain barrier disruption,  and
           pro-inflammatory,  and  secretes  high  levels  of  pro-  inflammation. [45-49]   Inflammation  activates  microglia,
           inflammatory cytokines like IL-1, IL12, and IFN-γ, and   which  then  release  more  pro-inflammatory  cytokines
           low levels of anti inflammatory cytokines like IL-10.    such as TNFa and IL-1β which cause upregulation of
           M2  is  typically  anti-inflammatory,  and  acts  to  clear   cell adhesion molecules in the surrounding vasculature
           debris and promote regeneration.   Pro-inflammatory   and lead to a further increase  in blood  brain barrier
           M1 macrophages predominate after CNS injury. [6,11]  permeability,  and  allows  systemic  involvement  in
                                                              neuroinflammation. [6,11,44,50]
           Central immune cells contribute to diffuse
           axonal injury                                      M1 microglia afford neurodegenerative
           As mentioned in the previous section, current research   effects
                                                              As mentioned before, microglia can polarize into
           shows  that  neuroinflammation  is  a  major  source  of   either M1 or M2 when activated.  After CNS injury,
           secondary cell death after  TBI  and stroke. [36-38]   The   both  types  of  microglia  are present,  but  type
           major players in neuroinflammation are immune cells,   M1 tends to predominate and persist, leading to
           microglia, cytokines, and chemokines that altogether   neurodegeneration instead of repair. [6,11]  The capacity
           exacerbate neuronal  cell  death after initial  injury,    of the microglia to drive the response to CNS injury
           and lead to a phenomenon known as diffuse axonal   towards  either  further  damage  or  repair  exemplifies
           injury, which  leads  to extensive  lesions  of cerebral   its role as a key player in central immunity, and is
           white  matter over a widespread  area, outside  of the   the reason it has become the target in studying the
           initial lesion. [27,40]  Insult to the CNS, either TBI or stroke,   cognitive  decline  due  to  neuroinflammation  after
           generates  a neuroprotective immune  response  to   traumatic brain injury and stroke.
           prevent infection and stimulate neuronal repair. After
           injury to the CNS, neurons, astrocytes, and microglial   Pathological processes involving microglia
           cells  all  respond  to  play  a  role  in  the  inflammatory   In addition to recruiting other immune cells to the site
           response that ensues.  Glutamate release after TBI   of injury, microglia  contributes  directly  to neuronal
           causes hyperactivity of neurons, leading to prolonged   damage through several pathological  processes.
           levels  of intracellular  calcium, and eventually  cell   When highly activated, microglia are capable of
           death, this is known as excitotoxicity.  Both astrocytes   phagocytosis.  In the case of CNS damage, activated
           and microglia contribute to the inflammatory response   microglia  phagocytose  neuronal  elements.  Activated
           by producing  chemokines;  chemokines  then attract   microglia  also  produce  reactive oxygen  species  and
           monocytes to the site of injury. [27]              reactive nitrogen species.  These are highly reactive
                                                              molecules that increase the oxidative stress, and lead
           Microglial cell function and CNS injury            to destruction of neuronal  cell membranes  through
           Microglia  has several  distinctive  properties  that   lipoperoxidation.  Cell  membranes  allow  the cell
           allow  them to participate in the pathological     to maintain  homeostasis;  once  the membrane  is
           neurodegenerative processes after CNS injury. Upon   compromised the cell can die.
           activation, microglia undergo morphological changes,
           proliferation, and expression of major histocompatibility   Chronic activation of microglia
           complex (MHC) class II molecules.  They are capable   The  secondary  inflammatory  damage  after  insult  to
           of phagocytosis of damaged and fragmented neuronal   the CNS can be observed as cognitive decline days
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