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Hochhalter et al.                                                                                                                                                                Association between HCMV and GBM

           on overall survival.  A phase I clinical trial entitled   Karolinska University Hospital in Sweden and has a
           “AVeRT: Anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibody (Nivolumab)   current status that is listed as “unknown”.  Despite
           in combination with DC vaccines for the treatment of   the status on, results from this study
           recurrent Grade III and Grade IV brain tumors” is being   have been published in the  International Journal of
           conducted to assess the safety of giving DC vaccines   Cancer and will be presented in more detail below.
           with nivolumab, an anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibody, to
           patients  with  high  grade  gliomas.   Overall  survival   While we await the results of these studies, there have
           and progression-free survival will also be evaluated.   been two published clinical trials reporting differences
           This  study  is  currently  recruiting  participants  as  of   in clinical efficacy. The first study was conducted by
           December  2016.  Two  additional  studies  sponsored   Stragliotto  et al.  in Sweden and consisted of 42
           by Duke University Medical Center are both ongoing   patients randomized 1:1 to valganciclovir or placebo
           but are not currently recruiting participants as of July   in addition to standard therapy. The primary endpoint
           2016. One of these studies, entitled “Regulatory T-cell   of the study was tumor volume at 3 and 6 months
           inhibition with Basiliximab (Simulect ) during recovery   assessed by neuroimaging. Secondary endpoints
           from therapeutic temozolomide-induced lymphopenia   included progression free survival and overall survival
           during antitumor immunotherapy targeted against    at 6, 12, 18, and 24 months. Authors of this study
           cytomegalovirus in patients with newly-diagnosed   concluded that valganciclovir is safe and well tolerated
           glioblastoma multiforme”, is a phase I clinical trial   in patients receiving both temozolomide and radiation
           and will evaluate whether basiliximab, a monoclonal   therapy. However, primary and secondary endpoints
           antibody  to  the  IL-2  receptor  of  T  cells.  In  addition,   were  similar  between  the  two  groups,  with  trends
           the  study  in  determine  whether  basiliximab  inhibits   but  no  significant  differences  observed.  Despite
           the functionality and numeric recovery of T-regulatory   demonstrating no significant differences, the authors,
           cells in GBM patients with TMZ-induced lymphopenia   in  a  retrospective  analysis  of  the  same  cohort  with
           who  are  undergoing  targeted  immunotherapy  using   inclusion of additional patients on valganciclovir for
           CMV pp65-LAMP mRNA-loaded dendritic cells and      compassionate reasons, found that the rate of survival
           GM-CSF.   The other study from Duke is also a      of valganciclovir treated patients at 2 years was 62%
           phase  I  clinical  trial.  The  study  entitled  “Anti-tumor   compared to 18% in historical controls with similar
           immunotherapy  targeted  against  cytomegalovirus   demographics.   The  interpretation  of  this  data  has
           in patients with newly-diagnosed glioblastoma      called into question whether the quoted survival rate
           multiforme  during   recovery  from   therapeutic  is misleading. [89]
           temozolomide-induced lymphopenia” is to determine
           the feasibility and safety of vaccinating with HCMV   Another study conducted by Mitchell et al.  at Duke
           pp65-LAMP mRNA-loaded dendritic cells, with or     University consisted of 12 patients randomized to pre-
           without autologous lymphocyte transfer, in patients   treatment with mature dendritic cells (DC) or tetanus
           with newly diagnosed GBM who previously had TMZ-   toxoid (Td), to help stimulate the immune system,
           induced lymphopenia. [86]                          with HCMV-specific dendritic cell vaccine in addition
                                                              to standard therapy. The main objective of this study
           A few additional studies investigating the use of HCMV   was  not  to  test  the  validity  of  HCMV  as  a  tumor
           as a novel target for GBM therapy have recently been   specific target since the authors have previous shown
           completed. The phase I clinical trial entitled “Evaluation   the presence of HCMV antigens  in  GBM.  As such,
           of recovery from drug-induced lymphopenia using    the authors surmise that HCMV is a viable target for
           cytomegalovirus-specific  T-cell  adoptive  transfer”   immunotherapy. Therefore, the authors of this study
           sponsored by Duke University Medical Center is listed   wanted to evaluate methods for enhancing the efficacy
           as completed on  In this study,   of HCMV-specific dendritic cell vaccines. In so doing,
           the investigators assessed if administering HCMV-  six patients were pretreated with mature dendritic cells,
           specific  DCs  to  adult  patients  with  newly  diagnosed   while the other 6 patients were pretreated with tetanus
           GBM  with  TMZ-induced  lymphopenia  enhanced  the   toxoid. Primary endpoint was DC accumulation and
           T-cell response and whether this therapy was safe   migration. Secondary endpoints included progression
           for  patients.  Another  study  entitled  “A  randomized   free and overall survival. The authors demonstrated
           double blind controlled proof of concept study of the   that there was greater DC migration in Td-pretreated
           efficacy and safety of Valcyte  as an add-on therapy in   patients than in those treated with mature DCs.
           patients with malignant glioblastoma with successful   Also,  Td-pretreated  patients  showed  a  significant
           surgical resection of at least 90% of the initial tumor   increase in both progression-free survival and overall
           and  CMV  infection  demonstrated  histologically   survival compared to DC-pretreated patients.  The
           and immunohistochemically,” was sponsored by       authors concluded that pre-conditioning with Td may
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