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subacute in  onset,  chronic in  course,  neuropathic,   postinfective irritable bowel syndrome associated with
           nociceptive, regional, or diffuse. It is significantly   inflammatory enteric neuropathy,  chronic intestinal
           associated with Caspr‑2 antibody positivity, but    pseudo  obstruction,   and  esophageal  and  colonic
           not with LGI‑1 antibody,  and occurs in isolation   dysfunction secondary to infection by the protozoan
           or with recognized  neurologic manifestations of    parasite trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas’ disease).
           VGKC‑complex autoimmunity. [11,35,36]  It is characterized   The presence  of VGKC‑Ab (or  other  antineuronal
           by prominent morbidity and in some cases may require   antibodies) in the early phases of gastrointestinal
           to be treated by narcotics. It has been hypothesized   neuromuscular diseases  still  remains  contentious.
           that pain related  to VGKC  antibodies is due to the   However, if present, early detection, followed by
           hyperexcitability of nociceptive pathways,  although   proper immunotherapy could be important in order to
           such  involvement is  difficult to be demonstrated,   prevent the progressive deterioration of gut function.
           and patients’ symptoms are often disproportionate to
           objectively measured neuropathic dysfunction. It has   CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM MANIFESTATIONS
           been demonstrated that VGKCs act synergistically with
           the potassium/sodium  hyperpolarization‑activated   LE
           cyclic nucleotide‑gated  ion channel  2  (HCN2),    LE is generally characterized  by a subacute and
           that  is  an  inward  rectifying channel  acting as  a   progressive onset of episodic memory  deficits,
           regulator of nociceptive pain.  VGKC and HCN2       disorientation, and recurrent seizures. Additional
           act synergistically to maintain nociceptive afferent   features are hallucinations, sleep‑cycle disturbances,
           sensory neural thresholds, [38,39]  and it is reasonable   agitation, and delusions. There  is histological
           to  hypothesize  that VGKC‑complex  antibodies  may   evidence of mesial  temporal  lobe inflammation.
           interfere with their functional activity.           LE can be associated with several antibodies
                                                               including anti‑Hu,  anti‑CV2/CRMP5,  anti‑Ri, [47,48]
           Membrane‑stabilizing  antiepileptic  drugs  may     anti‑Ma2, [49,50]  and anti‑amphiphysin. [51,52]  Antibodies
           have some benefit in patients with VGKC‑complex     targeting neuronal cell surface antigens, such as
           autoimmune chronic pain.  Interestingly,  81% of    ion channels and ligand‑gated ion channels have
           patients described by Klein  et al.  experienced    been recently identified. VGKC complex‑IgG are a
           improvement in their  pain by immunotherapy,        good example of the second category of antibodies.
           allowing narcotics to be discontinued in some cases.  VGKC antibodies were first reported in 2001 in two
                                                               patients affected by reversible LE [53]  and then in two
           More recently, Rosch  et al.  reported two          series in 2004. [8,9]  VGKC‑LE has been described in
           cases of ganglioside antibody‑negative pediatric    association with antibodies against LGI‑1 in 80‑90%
           Guillain‑Barrè syndrome associated with Caspr‑2     of patients  or Caspr‑2 in 5‑10%.  Very few patients
           antibodies. Both patients experienced a full recovery.   have  contactin‑2 antibodies,  and  some patients
           Thus, Caspr‑2 might be a possible autoimmune target   have  no specific target.  VGKC‑LE is frequently
           in Guillain‑Barrè syndrome. Certainly, further studies   diagnosed in the absence of associated tumors. [57,58]  In
           are needed in order to fully understand the relevance   a recent study, only the 21.4% of the patients showed
           of Caspr‑2 as an autoantigen in the pathophysiology of   malignancies.  Hyponatremia is a characteristic
           Guillain‑Barrè syndrome.                            feature of VGKC‑LE. It is present in about 60% of
                                                               patients, and it is initially resistant to treatment, but
           Autonomic nerves                                    it usually resolves as the VGKC complex‑IgG titers
           Gastrointestinal neuromuscular  disorders described    decline.  The serum hyponatremia usually follows
           in association with VGPC complex‑IgG                a  syndrome of  inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
           Gastrointestinal  neuromuscular   diseases   are    (SIADH) secretion pattern. Intermittent and episodic
           characterized by symptoms of intestinal neuromuscular   hypothermia, along with neuropathic pain, both
           dysfunction.  These disorders may be attributable to   responsive to immunotherapy,  have been reported
           congenital or, more frequently, acquired conditions.   in patients affected by VGKC‑LE. [60]  A severe sleep
           An autoimmune pathophysiology has been proposed     disorder,  characterized  by  insomnia,  deep  diurnal
           to explain acquired gastrointestinal neuromuscular   drowsiness and complete disappearance of rapid
           diseases. Interestingly, inflammatory neuropathy    eye movement sleep has also been associated with
           is common in patients affected by gastrointestinal   VGKC‑LE.  Autonomic dysfunctions have been
           neuromuscular diseases and autoantibodies directed   extensively described in VGKC‑LE patients. Vincent
           against neuronal antigens are present in some       et al.  reported sweating and hypersecretion due
           patients.  VGKC  complex‑IgG  have  been  detected  in   to an effect of the antibodies on the postganglionic
           the sera of patients with primary and paraneoplastic   sympathetic neurons. More recently, episodic
           slow‑transit constipation, [15,16]  primary achalasia,    bradycardia has been recognized as a prodrome

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