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epilepsy group. Three patients with antiepileptic   The demographic, clinical and neuroradiological
          drug‑resistant epilepsy had anti‑LGI‑1 antibodies.   characteristics of the patients positive for VGKC
          Twelve patients received immunotherapy and 9 (75%)   complex‑IgG  (except for FBDS,  dysautonomia,
          achieved a > 50% reduction in seizure frequency.    and hyponatremia) are not distinguishable from
          Interestingly, LGI‑1 is also linked to seizures of genetic   CJD [36,77]  and most patients fulfilled the World Health
          etiology. Mutations in the LGI‑1 gene are responsible   Organization diagnostic criteria for  sCJD. [36,79]  Thus,
          for autosomal dominant temporal lobe epilepsy       it is critical to consider autoimmune encephalitis in
          with auditory features (buzzing and tinnitus). [74‑76]    the differential diagnosis of sCJD in order to promptly
          Indeed, the identification of autoantibodies, such   test for the relevant antibodies.
          as those targeting VGKC‑complex, has changed
          paradigms in the diagnosis and management of        MORVAN’S SYNDROME
          epilepsy and has expanded the phenotypic spectrum
          of  autoimmune disorders.  In  future,  the discovery   Morvan’s “fibrillary chorea” or MoS was first described
          of new autoantibodies may also further expand the   by the French physician Augustin Marie Morvan [80]  in
          range of the autoimmune epilepsies.                 1890 in a patient who exhibited myokymia combined
                                                              with excessive sweating and disordered sleep. It is a
          Psychiatric manifestations                          rare entity characterized  by peripheral  and  central
          Several psychiatric manifestations have been described   nervous  system  (CNS)  involvement,  specifically,
          in patients with VGKC‑complex antibodies.    [12,14]    neuromyotonia, hallucinations, delirium, insomnia,
          These are often  affective‑predominant  and  include   and autonomic disturbance [Table 2]. [80,81]  Peripheral
          confusion, memory impairment, personality changes,   nerve involvement is  mainly  characterized  by
          depression, agitation, hallucinations, and anxiety. A   neuromyotonia, but neuropathic pain in the feet and/
          clinical improvement has been reported in the  majority   or legs and back, areflexia and a stocking‑type sensory
          of the patients who received immunotherapy.         loss may also be present.  In some cases, insomnia
          Neuropsychiatric presentations are significantly    may be severe, amounting to not less than complete
          more common in patients with higher autoantibody    lack of sleep (agrypnia) for weeks or months in a row.
          values, and clinical improvements are more likely in   Common encephalopathic manifestations are spatial
          patients treated early. Further studies are needed in   and temporal disorientation, confusion, amnesia,
          order to clarify the exact prevalence of VGKC‑complex   hallucinations and agitation. Epileptic seizures,
          antibodies  in  patients  from the  general  population   including generalized  tonic‑clonic seizures  and
          with psychiatric manifestations.                    partial seizures consistent with FBDS, are present in
                                                              about one‑third of the cases.  Compulsive behaviors,
          Subacute encephalopathy that mimics Creutzfeldt‑Jakob   stereotypies, and reduplicative paramnesias can
          prion disease associated with VGKC complex‑IgG      be part of the CNS  involvement.   Autonomic
          Rossi  et al.  described three patients that were   disturbance   includes  hyperhidrosis,  pruritus,
          referred with possible prion disease. Their         drooling, severe constipation, urinary incontinence,
          clinical picture was in keeping with autoimmune     excessive lacrimation, and cardiac arrhythmias.
          encephalitis, and they had very high VGKC‑complex/  Autonomic system dysfunction has been described
          LGI‑1 antibodies. Otherwise, low titers of neuronal   in the 93% of MoS patients, being  hyperhidrosis
          antibodies  occurs  rarely  in  suspected  patients  with   and  cardiovascular instability  the  most common
          sporadic Creutzfeldt‑Jakob disease (sCJD) and  when               [81]
          present should be interpreted with caution. Atypical   manifestations.  Weight loss, skin lesions or itching,
                                                              and  hyponatremia due to the SIADH secretion are
          features in sCJD, such as FBDS, hyponatremia [36]  and
          autonomic dysfunction, may suggest an autoimmune    Table 2: Symptoms and signs of Morvan’s syndrome
          disorder.  A high titer of VGKC‑complex Ab (LGI‑1   Peripheral   Central nervous  Autonomic  Systemic
          negative) was also identified in a 61‑year‑old Caucasian   nervous   system    system     features
          man with a novel prion protein (PRNP) gene mutation   Neuromyotonia  Insomnia  Hyperhidrosis  Weight loss
          and  Gerstmann‑Straüssler‑Scheinker disease,  but   Neuropathic pain Disorientation/  Tachycardia   Skin lesions
          despite 1  year of aggressive immunosuppressive                  confusion
          treatment the patient died. [78]                    Areflexia    Amnesia       Blood pressure Hyponatremia
                                                              Stocking‑type   Hallucinations   Drooling
          Interestingly, nonspecific markers of neuronal      sensory loss
          degeneration in CSF such as 14.3.3 and S100B proteins            Agitation     Constipation
          may test positive in patients with VGKC complex‑IgG              Delusions     Urinary
          encephalitis, thus being not completely reliable for             Seizures      Excessive
          the definite diagnosis of sCJD. [77]                                           lacrimation

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