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also possible symptoms. MoS usually presents with   CONCLUSION
           a slow, insidious onset over months to years  and is
           almost exclusively seen in males. In about the 90% of   The clinical spectrum of the neurological disorders
           cases, it spontaneously goes into remission, while in   associated with VGKC complex‑IgG is rapidly
           the remaining 10% of cases leads to death. [86]     expanding, and new associated conditions have
                                                               been described in the last years. The vast majority
           Patients with MoS may have an associated underlying   of these disorders are reversible by immunotherapy,
           tumor, including thymoma, that is the most common,   and it is becoming increasingly recognized that
           lung cancer,  sigmoid cancer,  testicular  cancer   early diagnosis  and detection of VGKC complex‑IgG
           and lymphoma, thus indicating the paraneoplastic    is critical in order to rapidly start the treatment.
           nature of the disease.  On the other hand, patients   As a result, VGKC complex‑IgG are now part of the
           without an associated tumor have been also been     investigation of patients with unexplained subacute
           studied, and they generally experience a good clinic   onset of epilepsy, memory or cognitive problems, or
           response to immunotherapy.  Interestingly, it has   peripheral nerve hyperexcitability syndromes. It is still
           been described the occurrence of MoS after scrotal   not fully  understood  how VGKC  complex‑IgG  could
           tap and injection of sclerosing agent for the treatment   cause such a range of different clinical presentations.
           of hydrocele in 5 males. [90]  Some MoS cases associated   The    accelerated  development that the research  on
           with thymomas and myasthenia gravis have also been   antibody‑mediated syndrome has had in the last
           reported.  VGKC‑complex antibody serum levels are   period has been exciting and has made possible to
           increased in the 90% of the patients [Figure 1] and   diagnose and to treat clinical syndromes that would
           although these are directed against LGI‑1, Caspr‑2, or   have otherwise been poorly defined. Certainly, the
           commonly both, Caspr‑2 antibodies predominate and   development and validation of experimental models
           are always associated with thymoma. Fewer patients    of VGKC  autoimmunity will represent the next
           have been reported also with contactin‑2 antibodies.    critical challenge in order to clearly elucidate how
           It  is  intriguing that  low  levels  of  Caspr‑2  mRNA   the  antibodies get into the CNS and  understand  if
           have been detected in the human prostate: although   also antibody‑binding, internalization and  loss of
           Caspr‑2  is  predominantly  expressed  in  the nervous   the target  surface antigens,  along with  complement
           system, the male reproductive system may be a source   activation, are involved in the physiopathology. In
           of the antigen and MoS onset after scrotal drainage [90]    fact, there is a need to extend our understanding of the
           may be a crucial factor to break the immune tolerance.   pathophysiological  mechanisms  of these syndromes
                                                               in order to improve their diagnosis, and ultimately, to
           Moreover, thymectomy and thymoma chemotherapy
           may act as disease triggers, thus suggesting that
           thymic tumors may also harbor the antigenic targets,
           in particular, Caspr‑2. CSF analysis in MoS usually
           shows normal protein, glucose, white cell count, and
           IgG index. Oligoclonal bands may be detected. Marked
           changes in circadian serum levels of neurohormones
           have been described, with serum levels of melatonin
           and  prolactin substantially lower than normal and
           without a circadian rhythm of release.  Plasma levels
           of norepinephrine were found to be high throughout
           the 24 h period, without the physiological nocturnal
           decrease. [83,87]  Increased serum levels of cortisol were
           also  observed.   A negative MRI  is  a  characteristic
           finding in MoS, [81,88]  but frontal T2 hyperintensity in
           one patient and bilateral hippocampal T2 high signal
           in another patient have also been reported  and
           in these cases the diagnosis of “LE associated  with
           neuromyotonia” should be more appropriate. MoS
           treatment is based on immunotherapies, including
           plasma exchange, intravenous immunoglobulin,
           corticosteroids, azathioprine, cyclosporine, and
           cyclophosphamide. In the paraneoplastic forms of
           MoS, the management of the underlying malignancy    Figure 1: Indirect immunofluorescence showing IgG in the serum of a patient
                                                               with Morvan’s syndrome binding to the surface of a live rat hippocampal
           is mandatory.                                       neurons

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