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          (Caspr‑2), which is localized at the juxtaparanodes in   due to  continuous  muscle activity.   The main
          myelinated axons and associates with Transient axonal   electromyographic hallmark of the neuromyotonia
          glycoprotein 1,postsynaptic density‑95/discs large/  is the presence of spontaneous, continuous doublet,
          zonula occludens‑1, and the ankyrin‑spectrin protein; [4]   triplet or multiplet single motor unit discharges,
          leucine‑rich, glioma inactivated 1 (LGI‑1) protein that is   firing at  a  high  intraburst  frequency  (30‑300  Hz).
          most strongly expressed in the hippocampus; and the   In addition, fibrillation potentials and fasciculations
          protein Tag‑1/contactin‑2, associated with Caspr‑2.   are often present, the former indicating the discharge
                                                              of a single muscle fibers. About 40% of patients with
          Bien et al.  demonstrated that T‑cell cytotoxicity is   acquired neuromyotonia have detectable anti‑VGKC
          not a major contributor for the pathogenesis of the   antibodies  and the percentage increases to 80% if
          neurological syndromes associated with VGKCs,       there is  an  associated  thymoma.  Interestingly,  the
          whereas antibody and complement‑mediated neuronal   dysfunction of peripheral nerve VGKCs can be also
          cell damage are prevalent.                          due to genetic cause, that is, episodic ataxia type I. In
                                                              fact, episodic ataxia type I is caused by a mutation of
          Neoplasms are detected only in a minority of        the potassium channel gene KCNA1 on chromosome
          seropositive patients for VGKC complex‑IgG (16%     12. [25]
          in the experience of Mayo Clinic) [2,4]  and do not
          significantly associate with Caspr‑2 or LGI‑1. Among   The acquired, immune‑mediated  form of the
          the tumors that are believed to be associated with   neuromyotonia has been described  in association
          VGKC complex‑IgG, lung carcinoma, thymoma and       with many autoimmune diseases, such as myasthenia
          hematologic malignancies are the most commonly      gravis,  Addison   disease,  vitiligo,  Hashimoto
          described. [2]                                      thyroiditis, pernicious anemia, celiac disease,
                                                              and rheumatoid arthritis.  It is well established
          We will review all the major neurological conditions   that neuromyotonia may also be paraneoplastic.
          associated with VGKC complex‑IgG. These include     In such cases, the pathophysiology is likely due to
          Isaacs’ syndrome,  Morvan syndrome (MoS),      [7]   cross‑reactivity of tumor antigens and VGKCs.  Most
          limbic encephalitis (LE), [8,9]  facio‑brachial dystonic   cases of paraneoplastic neuromyotonia are related
          seizures (FBDS), [10,11]  chorea and other movement   to small cell lung carcinoma [27,28]  and thymoma, [29,30]
          disorders,  epilepsy,  psychosis,  gastrointestinal   but it has also been reported an association with
          neuromuscular      diseases, [15,16]  a  subacute   Hodgkin lymphoma,  bladder  and ovarian
          encephalopathy that mimics Creutzfeldt‑Jakob prion   carcinoma.   Membrane‑stabilizing  drugs,  namely
          disease both  clinically and  radiologically  and   the anticonvulsants carbamazepine, phenytoin,
          autoimmune chronic pain. [17]                       sodium valproic acid, lamotrigine are used for
                                                              symptomatic relief in patients with Isaacs’ syndrome
          PERIPHERAL NERVE HYPEREXCITABILITY                  as they usually provide significant improvement of
                                                              stiffness, muscle spasms, and pain. Their mechanism
          Motor nerves                                        of  action  helps  reducing neuronal  repetitive firing
          Isaacs’ syndrome (neuromyotonia) Immune‑mediated    through interaction with VGKCs. If the response is
          neuromyotonia, also known as Isaacs’ syndrome,      not sufficient, oral corticosteroid may be prescribed,
          is the most severe phenotype of peripheral nerve    and nonsteroid immunosuppressive drugs such
          hyperexcitability. It is characterized by spontaneous   as azathioprine and  methotrexate may also be
          and continuous muscular activity resulting from     considered as treatment.  Plasma exchange often
          repetitive motor unit action potentials of peripheral   produces clinical improvement lasting about 6 weeks
          origin. The syndrome was described for the first    with a significant fall in VGKC antibody titers.
          time by Isaacs in 1961.  Isaacs also established    Intravenous immunoglobulins are also  indicated for
          the  peripheral nerve  origin of the  discharges    severe neuromyotonia, providing short‑term relief.
          by documenting the persistence of abnormal          In the paraneoplastic form of the neuromyotonia,
          electromyographic activity after proximal nerve block.   treatment of malignancy is warranted. [34]
          The main clinical features of the neuromyotonia are
          muscle twitching at rest (visible myokymia), cramps   Sensory nerves
          and muscle stiffness, impaired muscle relaxation    Chronic pain
          after  voluntary  contraction  (pseudomyotonia),  along   Klein et al.  found that the 50% of VGKC‑complex
          with hyperhidrosis. Patients may also suffer from   antibody positive patients experience pain in
          weakness. Other symptoms include myokymia of        isolation (28%) or with accompanying neurologic
          the limb, trunk,  face [20]  and tongue  muscles. In   manifestations (72%), not attributable to an alternative
          some patients, hypertrophy of muscles can occur     cause. VGKC‑complex  antibodies related  pain is

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