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of  LGI‑1‑LE [62]   and  in  all  the patients  reported,  led   prevent the onset of LE. The FBDS was first described
          to pacemaker implantation. Interestingly, in other   in 2008 by Irani et al.  and then better characterized in
          cell‑surface   antibody‑associated   neurological   2011.  As compared to the initial descriptions, it is now
          disorders (i.e. N‑methyl‑D‑aspartate receptor antibody   evident that the age of onset of FBDS is broad, varying
          encephalitis) bradycardia has been rarely reported.  from 28 to 92 years, [65,66]  possibly with a small male
                                                              prevalence. [11,65]  The daily frequency of FBDS is high,
          FBDS represent a typical manifestation that may     ranging from 6 to 360 attacks per day at their peak.
          precede the development of LGI‑1 LE.  The clinical   Emotions and movements are common triggers of
          features  of FBDS  will  be  extensively  discussed   FBDS, [11,65]  and a sensory aura or auditory hallucinations
          elsewhere in this review. They may be characterized   may precede them.  Every FBDS is characterized by
          by  facial  twitching,  hand  and  leg posturing.  The   a dystonic posturing of the arm, both proximally and
          antiepileptic drugs do not usually reduce  seizure   distally, and may involve also the ipsilateral face and
          activity.  In  contrast,  early initiation of plasma   less commonly, the trunk and the ipsilateral leg. It is
          exchange and immunosuppression help to avoid the    worth noting that events involving the leg alone have
          development of full‑blown LE.                       been  rarely  observed.   Furthermore,  synchronous
                                                              bilateral dystonia and rapidly alternating events have
          Routine cerebrospinal  fluid  (CSF)  analysis  may   been reported.  Either side can be involved, but FBDS
          reveal a mild  lymphocytosis in some patients and   are usually unilateral on any occasion. [11]   If FBDS can be
          protein, and glucose levels may be modestly raised or   classified as tonic seizures, or as a movement disorder,
          within normal limits. Polymerase chain reaction is   namely a form of dystonia, is still a matter of debate
          obviously negative for herpes simplex virus and other   and data to support the former and the latter hypothesis
          neurotropic viruses while oligoclonal bands may be   are summarized in Table 1. FBDS are often accompanied
          present, but rarely unmatched with serum bands. [9]  by ictal automatisms and may be, followed by fear,
                                                              agitation and speech arrest.  The duration of FBDS was
          In a recent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)        reported to last < 3 s in the early description,  however
          study on patients affected by VGKC‑LE   [59]  initial   it is now clear that they may last also between 10 and
          MRI findings included unilateral or bilateral       30 s.  Serum sodium levels are often reduced in FBDS
          amygdala  and/or hippocampal  enlargement  and  T2   patients presenting also with cognitive impairment but
          hyperintensity in 78.6% of patients at some time point   are rarely low during the period with facio‑brachial
          during the disease course. Restricted diffusion, mild   dystonic seizures alone. [11,65]  If the patient experiences
          ill‑defined contrast enhancement, and extratemporal   FBDS  alone,  with  no  cognitive  impairment,  routine
          findings were also reported. Interestingly, more than   MRI is unremarkable in the vast majority of cases. [11,65]
          a quarter of the patients with initially negative MRI   However, routine MRI showed a high signal change
          or only unilateral abnormalities then progressed to   in the putamen in a patient described by Irani et al.
          bilateral  involvement,  supporting the hypothesis of
          radiologic progression of the disease. It is still a matter   Table 1: Data to support the hypothesis of FBDS as tonic
          of debate whether these changes reflect persistent   seizures, or as a movement disorder
          inflammation or alternatively they are secondary to   Movement disorders  Epileptic seizures
                                                              Loss of consciousness not  The majority of patients experiences
          recurrent seizures. In fact, patients with VGKC‑LE   always noted       loss of awareness, although not
          have a very high frequency of epileptic seizures, [58]                  during every attack
          and this has been hypothesized to be related to the   Electroencephalography:  Electroencephalography: focal
          development of mesial temporal sclerosis, often     epileptic activity in a   slowing or epileptiform changes
                                                              minority of patients (24%) in 24% of cases with FBDS is a
          seen in follow‑up VGKC‑LE patients. Patients with                       significant proportion (very brief
          VGKC‑LE and high signal in the medial temporal                          duration of the attacks arising from
          lobes typically develop hippocampal atrophy as the                      spatially limited or deep foci)
          high signal declines. [63,64]  It is not clear yet whether   Functional   Brief duration and highly stereotyped
                                                              neuroimaging: altered
          the cases of otherwise “cryptogenic” mesial temporal   glucose metabolism in
          sclerosis are at least partly related to a remote effect of   different cerebral regions,
          VGKC autoimmunity.                                  including basal ganglia
                                                              Poor response to    LGI‑1 antibodies associated with
                                                              antiepileptic drugs  typical medial temporal lobe seizures
          FBDS                                                                    in the context of limbic encephalitis,
          FBDS are very brief highly distinctive seizures                         often refractory to anticonvulsants
          associated  with VGKC‑complex  antibodies, almost   Chorea and other    The frequent ictal presence of
          always in the LGI‑1 subtype. They carry a high chance   movement disorders   automatisms, and fear, agitation and
                                                              associated with VGKC
                                                                                  speech arrest after the motor event
          of developing VGKC‑LE, and their recognition should   FBDS: facio‑brachial dystonic seizures; VGKC: voltage‑gated potassium channels;
          prompt consideration of immunotherapies in order to   LGI‑1: leucine‑rich, glioma inactivated 1

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