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in 2013 and a gadolinium‑enhancing lesion involving   memory improvement after the immunotherapy.
           the caudate and globus pallidus in a patient that we   These sequelae further suggest the involvement of
           described in 2013.  When cognitive impairment       a subcortical neuronal network in these patients.
           is present, both unilateral and bilateral medial    Furthermore,  myoclonus  was  reported  in  29%
           temporal lobe and also caudate signal changes have   of patients with positive VGKC complex‑IgG.
           been described. [11,65]  Interestingly, the basal ganglia   The majority of the patients showed generalized
           signal changes are controlateral to the facio‑brachial   myoclonus, but segmental/multifocal, unilateral and
           dystonic  seizures  in  all  the patient  described   focal cortical myoclonus have also been reported.
           so far. [65,68]  Electroencephalography shows ictal
           epileptiform activity in a minority of patients with   Epilepsy
           a frontotemporal, frontal, or temporal focus.  The   In recent years, a number of studies have reported
           LE following FBDS  is  clinically  undistinguishable   antibodies targeting neuronal cell surface antigens in
           from  the other  VGKC‑LE with  amnesia,  confusion,   patients with epilepsy, including antibodies against
           hallucinations,  sleep  disturbances  and  other    the VGKC‑complex and the N‑methyl‑D‑aspartate
           nondystonic seizure types.  The initial treatment   glutamate receptor. [70‑72]  The role of such antibodies
           with antiepileptic drugs is ineffective in the majority   in  the pathogenesis of epilepsy has not been fully
           of the patients, while the initiation of immunotherapy   established,  but they have been found more
           with corticosteroids, intravenous immunoglobulin,   likely to occur in patients with focal epilepsy of
           and plasma exchange has proven to be useful in order   undetermined  cause rather  than  in  patients  with
           to  reduce the frequency of FBDS. [11,65]   The  cessation   structural/metabolic focal epilepsy.  In particular,
           of FBDS after the immunotherapy is associated with   VGKC‑complex antibodies are of interest in epilepsy,
           a significant reduction  in  serum  VGKC  complex/  as they target VGKC that play an important role in
           LGI‑1 antibody titers.  Antiepileptic drugs are also   regulating neuronal excitability. Lilleker  et al.
           responsible for adverse cutaneous reactions in a high   found that in patients with unexplained adult onset
           proportion of patients and the involvement of both   epilepsy, VGKC‑complex antibodies were positive in
           eyes and mouth has been reported in one patient,    the 8% of cases and the 4.2% of the patients had titers
           while the documented psychiatric side effects       higher than 400 pM. Patients with VGKC‑complex
           of steroids (including paranoia and  hypomania)     antibodies titers higher than 400 pM had focal seizures
           generally improve by tapering steroids. In patients   and in 4 out the 6 described cases the seizure focus
           with   persisting  VGKC‑complex/LGI1‑antibodies,    was diagnosed in the temporal lobe. These patients
           relapses of FBDS have been described during the     reported  rising  abdominal  sensation,  olfactory
           steroid tapering period, and all the relapses showed an   hallucination, piloerection, dejà  vu, oromasticatory
           absolute response, after increasing the corticosteroid   automatism and  depersonalization. Two patients
           dose.                                               had generalized  tonic‑clonic seizures in addition to
                                                               focal seizures, and one patient had FBDS. No patient
           The recognition of FBDS is critical because the     had the clinical syndrome of LE, and no patient was
           response to anti‑epileptic drugs  is  unsatisfactory   diagnosed with cancer. The sera of all 6 patients
           while response to immunotherapy is excellent, and   were tested  for LGI‑1  and  Caspr‑2  antibodies.  The
           early initiation of immunosuppressant therapy offers   serum of the patient who presented with FBDS tested
           the chance to modify the course of this neurological   positive for LGI‑1 antibodies; one patient was positive
           disorder avoiding the development of full‑blown LE.  for Caspr‑2 antibodies; all the other patients were
                                                               negative for both LGI‑1 and Caspr‑2 antibodies. Brain
           Chorea and other movement disorders associated with   MRI was normal in all patients except in one patient
           VGPC complex‑IgG                                    showing increased signal in the  left hippocampus
           Extrapyramidal involvement has been reported in     and amygdala that was attributed to recent  seizures.
           21% of  patients  with  positive VGKC  complex‑IgG.   Interestingly, all the patients improved with
           The majority of these patients have tremor associated   immunotherapy, although not all of them have been
           with Parkinsonism, some patients experience tremor   rendered seizure‑free. Furthermore, Iorio  et al.
           only while  few patients have chorea.  Tofaris  et   found that patients with neural antibodies not
           al.  described two patients in which chorea was     responding to antiepileptic drugs may benefit from
           the main symptom and anticipated by several weeks   immunotherapy. They studied 81 patients (39 patients
           the onset of LE. The involvement of the basal ganglia   with epilepsy and other neurological symptoms and/
           has been extensively demonstrated in patients with   or autoimmune diseases responsive to antiepileptic
           LGI‑1  antibodies [11,65,68]   and  it  is  worth  noting that   drugs and 42 patients with AED‑resistant epilepsy).
           both  the patients  described  by  Tofaris  et  al.   had   Neural  autoantibodies  were detected  in  22% of
           residual executive dysfunction despite significant   patients, mostly from the antiepileptic drug‑resistant

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