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Table 1: Age dependent cellular viability (in percentage)   (n = 3). Whereas in case of young adults as the volume
          as obtained in culture                              of brain and number of cells obtained from each adult
          Groups                        % of viable cells     rat was sufficiently higher 3 individuals (n = 3) were
          Early embryo (ED 10 ± 1)          87 ± 3            used for three sets of experiments. In each age group,
          Late embryo (ED 18 ± 2)           86 ± 2            cell numbers were diluted to 10  cells/mL. The isolated
          Neonates (D 5 ± 1)                90 ± 3
          Young adult (D 45 ± 5)            92 ± 3            cells along with 0.1% NBT and ultrafine carbon particle
                                                              were allowed  to incubate  at 37 °C overnight. The
          voltage. The specimens were scanned and photographed.  reaction was stopped with 0.1 N chilled HCl. A sample
                                                              of cells from each reaction mixture was transferred to a
          Phagocytosis and measurement of oxidative burst of
          microglia by nitroblue tetrazolium chloride reduction   Neubauer’s chamber to observe under a phase contrast
          assay                                               microscope (Nikon Eclipse TS 100) and documented
                                                              using a CCD Camera (DS-Fi2-U3) and analysed with NIS
          Phagocytic properties of the isolated cells from different   Elements BR software (Nikon Corporation, Japan). The
          age groups were observed and quantified parallel    remainder of each reaction mixture was centrifuged,
          by incubating cells with ultrafine carbon particles   supernatant removed, pellets resuspended in pyridine,
          (SRL,  India)  and nitroblue  tetrazolium  chloride   and boiled for 10 min, which converted the extract
          (NBT) salt (Sigma, USA). NBT reduction assays with   into blue by reducing NBT into formazan, which can
          carbon particle ingestion, were performed to visualize   be measured colorimetrically at 540 nm. The OD value
          phagocytosis  and  measure  the  oxidative  burst  of   is directly proportional to the level of phagocytosis
          phagocytic cells. For both early and late embryos, a   or, more precisely, the reactive oxygen species (ROS)
          pool of cells was made from a single mother’s foetus or   generation,  by different developmental age groups.
          pups. In case of early embryos from a single mother, an   Statistical analysis
          average of 7 embryos were obtained from which cells
          were isolated. The same process was done for another   Microsoft Excel (Redmond, WA) was used to compute
          2 pregnant mothers (n = 3 pregnant mother foetus). For   and tabulate experimental  results. For statistical
          late embryos, an average of 6  embryos were isolated   interpretation,  one-way  ANOVAs,  followed  by  Tukey-
          from a single mother for an experiment, which was   Kramer  post-hoc  tests,  were performed, and  the
          conducted in triplicate (n = 3 pregnant mother foetus).   results were analysed using OriginPro 8 Software and
          In the case of neonates, 3 sets, each containing an   graphically represented. Data were expressed as mean
          average of 6 pups, were taken to execute the experiment   ± SD and a P value < 0.05 was considered significant.

          Figure 4: Isolated microglial cells. (A) Microglia isolated from rats shows varied morphology i.e. both irregular and elongated cells with extended pseudopod. (×10); (B)
          immunostaining of isolated cells from adult rat brain showing CD11b+ (positivity) prominently with morphological variations, i.e., both irregular and elongated cells are
          observed (×10); (C) whereas in case of neonates most of CD11b+ cells are showing irregular morphology (×10)

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