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Original Article

          Morphological and behavioural variation in CNS

          innate defence cell microglia is development and

          age sensitive

          Payel Ghosh, Anirban Ghosh
          Department of Zoology and Immunobiology Laboratory, Panihati Mahavidyalaya, West Bengal State University, Sodepur, Kolkata
          700110, West Bengal, India.
                          Payal Ghosh is a Junior Research Fellow holding   Dr. Anirban Ghosh is working on neuroimmunology
                          the prestigious UGC-NET fellowship from           for last 15 years. Also, he is interested on microglia and
                          MHRD, Government of India and working with        its morpho-functional features, colonization pattern
                          Dr. Anirban Ghosh for over three 3 years. She is   etc. in brain development and maturity, as well as the
                          involved to find out the colonization and morpho-  contribution of microglia in glioma restriction and/
                          functional pattern of microglia with its cellular   or progression. His research is supported by different
                          adaptability throughout the developmental         Government of India funds like UGC, SERB, ICMR &
                          continuum in rodent model.                        CSIR and he has considerable publications throughout
                                                                            the period in the field.

                                                   A B S T R AC T
           Aim: Microglia, the innate defence cells in central nervous system (CNS), alters their shapes and function with age. We observed
           and identified these morphological changes and functional association throughout the developmental gradient until adulthood in rat
           brain. Methods: Early and late embryonic stages, neonates and adult brains of albino rats were sectioned for routine Haematoxylin
           Eosin (HE) staining and specialized silver-gold staining to show distribution and morphological variation in situ. Isolated microglia
           from different age groups was subjected to scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for observing ultrastructural shapes of microglial
           cells. The Viability of isolated cells was measured by trypan blue staining and their cellular identity by immuno-staining for CD11b.
           Finally, phagocytic limitations of the cells in normally developing brain were assessed by carbon particle ingestion and oxidative
           burst through nitroblue tetrazolium assay to investigate microglial age-sensitivity behavioural response. Results: HE staining
           spotted overall cellular distribution in the brain and cells with monocytic appearance among the other CNS cells. On contrary,
           silver-gold staining showed variable morphologies of microglia in various age groups and also showed the appearance of ramified
           microglia in adult. Nearly 90% of isolated cells were viable and positive for CD11b. SEM showed variable shapes of amoeboid
           and ramified forms. Immunofluoresence confirms microglial identity. Functionally, microglia showed an age dependent baseline
           phagocytic capacity in normal condition which changes with developmental phase and age with most active phagocytic behaviour
           around perinatal phase.  Conclusion: In normally developing brains, microglia shows variability in morphology and baseline
           phagocytic activity that changes with age. These results may represent the normal physiology of CNS development and function.

           Key words: Microglia; central nervous system; development; phagocytosis; nitroblue tetrazolium assay

          INTRODUCTION                                        are myeloid/monocytic lineage cells and acting as the
                                                              sentinel of this delicate organ on behalf of the innate
          Among the ectodermal allies in brain there are some   immunity of the body. Although there is a consensus
          mesodermal aliens spread throughout the tissue. They   about the myeloid origin of microglia, much controversy
                                                              remains regarding the precise nature of microglial
          Corresponding Author: Dr. Anirban Ghosh, Department
          of Zoology and Immunobiology Laboratory, Panihati   progenitors. Many authors claim that microglial cells
          Mahavidyalaya, West Bengal State University, Barasat   arise early  during development from progenitors  in
          Road, Sodepur, Kolkata 700110, West Bengal, India. Email:

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                                                               Cite this article as: Ghosh P, Ghosh A. Morphological and behavioural
                                   DOI:                        variation in CNS innate defence cell microglia is development and age
                                   10.20517/2347-8659.2015.32  sensitive. Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation 2016;3:38-47.
                                                               Received: 25-07-2015; Accepted: 04-11-2015

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