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can be beneficial to neuronal survival at low concentra  the nervous system, specifically on neurons, both the
           tions. [43,105,54,106]  On the other hand, glucose deprivation   fields  of neurodevelopment  and  neurodegeneration
           increased TLR4 expression and cell death in neuronal   have much to explore with regards to TLR8. This TLR
           cultures while TLR4  neurons were less susceptible to   could be considered critical to study the role of TLRs
           glucose deprivation induced cell death. [29,37]  In agreement   on neurons in neurodegeneration, and PD in particular.
           with the in vivo results, it seems that TLR4 stimulation
           per se is not harmful to neurons and it might even be   NEURONAL TLRS AND VIRAL INFECTIONS
           beneficial. During stroke TLR4 has a negative impact
           on neuronal survival, possibly in part through glucose   In  the previous  sections  we have discussed  that
           deprivation, but most likely also as the result of a more   TLRs play an important role in microglial-mediated
           profound inflammatory process. [107]  In relation to the   neuroinflammation of neurodegenerative  diseases.
           opposing effects of TLR4 in PD, it is curious that TLR4   In this context it is extremely relevant to investigate
           can have either protective or detrimental effects in the   further the TLR-induced immune-like functions of
           context of stroke.                                  neurons and to understand the role of neurons in
                                                               neuroinflammation.  Viral  infections  offer useful
           TLR8                                                conditions to study TLR-mediated neuronal immune
           In  innate immune cells  TLR8  functions  as  an    functions, because neurons respond to viral infections
           endosomal  receptor that recognizes viral single-   by upregulating TLR and secreting IFN.
           stranded RNA. Stimulation of TLR8 induces the       Neurons upregulate TLR3 and TLR4 mRNA in
           activation of the My88 signaling pathway leading to
           an anti-viral response. [108]                       response to HIV and adenovirus infection, they also
                                                               upregulate IFN-β mRNA in response to Sendai virus,
                                                               and increase IFN production after TLR3 and TLR8
           The role of TLR8 in PD and AD has not yet been studied
           in detail, and is therefore unknown. In stroke patients a   stimulation. [16,27,45,111]  TLR3 and TLR8 are virus-sensing
           higher level of TLR8 mRNA expression in whole blood   receptors and virus-infected cells use IFNs to signals
           sample was positively correlated with poor patient   to the neighboring cells that an infection is ongoing
           outcome after three months, larger infarct volume   and to induce an immune response from nearby
           and greater inflammatory response. [109]  Similar results   immune cells (or glial cells). All together, such findings
           were found in a mouse stroke model: diseased animals   suggest that neurons can act as immune cells. These
           had increased TLR8 mRNA expression in their brain   neuronal TLR-mediated immune responses seem to be
           and systemic administration of a TLR8 agonist before   protective to the neurons themselves. Stimulation of
           ischemic insult increased infarct size and neurological   TLR3 on neuronal cell lines inhibits HIV replication
           problems. [110]  The neuronal damage in stroke patients   through IFN-λ, and TLR3 and TLR8 stimulation of
                                                               a neuronal cell line results in lower susceptibility to
           and mice could be mediated by neuronal TLR8, since   herpes simplex virus-1 potentially through IFN-α.
           TLR8 stimulation of neurons results in fewer and shorter          -/-
           neurites and apoptosis and slightly but significantly   Moreover, TLR3  primary neurons showed increased
                                                               infection when exposed to West Nile virus compared to
           increases oxygen-glucose deprivation induced cell   WT neurons which was not due to changes in IFN-α of
           death, while TLR8  silencing reduced oxygen-glucose   IFN-β production. [16,45,46]  The protective effect of TLR3
           deprivation induced cell death. [26,110]  Interestingly,   during viral infection of the CNS has been confirmed
           neurodevelopmental research has shown that TLR8     in mice: infection of TLR3  mice with West Nile virus
           is differentially expressed in the embryonic and    resulted in a higher viral burden in neurons and
           postnatal brain in mice. [25,26]  In the mouse brain TLR8   increased mortality compared to WT mice.  The viral-
           expression increases between embryonic day 12 and   sensing receptors TLR3 and TLR8 are able to initiate a
           postnatal day 1, and decreases between postnatal day 7   protective immune-like response in neurons upon viral
           and adulthood.  During early embryonic development   challenge. Unfortunately, it is not clear whether TLR2
           TLR8 expression is high in postmitotic migrating    or TLR4 have a similar potential to protect neurons
           cells, but not in the periventricular proliferative   against pathogenic (bacterial) attack, and what the
           area.  During late embryonic development, TLR8      resulting immune response would be. Therefore, it
           was restricted to axonal tracts (including the olfactory   is interesting to investigate a wide range of possible
           nerve fiber layer, cortical intermediate zone, internal   immune-like responses in neuronal cultures exposed
           capsule, anterior commissure, fimbria of hippocampus   to endogenous and exogenous TLR2 and TLR4 stimuli.
           and optic chiasm).  Postnatal expression is diffuse
           throughout  the brain  and  located in  soma.   This   CONCLUSION
           indicates a potential role of TLR8 in brain development.
           Considering how little is known about its function in   This review summarizes the relevance of TLRs in the

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