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as to the impact of TLR4 on disease development,    microglia, activated astrocytes, and Aβ protein in the
          since TLR4 was both protective and harmful in these   brain. [101,102]  Effects of TLR4 knock-out on behavior
          models. Since TLR4 is suggested to be protective in   or disease progression have not been reported. The
          the context of  α-synuclein overexpression, TLR4    increase of Aβ protein in the brain of TLR4  animals
          seems likely to be protective in the context of PD,   could be due to a lack of TLR4-mediated Aβ clearance,
          since  α-synuclein misfolding and  aggregation is  a   potentially by microglia. [102,103]
          hallmark of the disease. The harmful contribution
          of TLR4 to MPTP-induced PD seems to suggest that    Cell culture  data support a pro-inflammatory role
          TLR4  might have a negative impact on the health    for microglia, and implicate microglia-induced
          of a subgroup of PD patients who suffer from toxin-  inflammation in neuronal degeneration. Mouse
          induced PD (for instance after exposure to MPTP or   microglia  initiate an  inflammatory  and  phagocytic
          rotenone). Therefore, TLR4 appears mostly protective   response to aggregated Aβ through TLR4, resulting
          in the context of PD, but it might be harmful in the   in microglia-mediated neuronal death. [82,99]  Microglia
          context of toxin-induced PD.                        need TLR4  to initiate LPS-stimulated Aβ uptake, in
                                                              fact they trigger a stronger inflammatory response to
          Similar to TLR2, microglia form a link between TLR4   Aβ in combination with LPS. [84,102]
          and PD. Microglia are necessary for LPS-induced
          degeneration  of  rat  cortical  neurons  in  cell  culture   Neurons  themselves  respond  to Aβ  and  AD-related
          since  these  neurons themselves do not  express    peroxidation product HNE through TLR4, resulting
          TLR4, and nitric oxide and superoxide seem to be    in apoptosis. [40]  Since little is known about the
          at least partially responsible for microglial-induced   role of neuronal  TLR4  in  AD,  it is  important to
          neurodegeneration. [97,98]  On the other hand, microglial   start exploring the function of this receptor in
          TLR4 is necessary for the neuroprotective endocytosis   animal models and in patient tissue, in a way that
          of α-synuclein.  Microglia activated with α-synuclein   differentiates glial-mediated TLR4 responses from
          downregulate TLR4, disabling any neuroinflammatory   neuronal responses, for instance by selective knock-
          positive feedback loop, but also reducing the ability   down of TLR4 in neurons in AD mouse models.
          of the microglia to take up  α-synuclein from their   Collectively, it seems that TLR4 induces an immune
          environment.  These results are contradictive and   response in AD through pro-inflammatory cytokines,
          whether TLR4 is protective or injurious in PD is still a   aimed at the removal of Aβ by microglial uptake,
          matter of debate. The balance between the contribution   but  also  phagocytosis  of  neurons  by  microglia.
          of microglial TLR4 to neuroinflammation and the     Insufficient removal of Aβ results in an increase of Aβ
          endocytosis of α-synuclein might eventually determine   in the extracellular space, the subsequent activation
          whether this receptor is protective or harmful to the   of microglia and astrocytes, and neuronal apoptosis.
          surrounding neurons. TLR4 is a promising target     In light of this hypothesis, it is also interesting to note
          for future PD research. The role of TLR4 during PD   the similarity in the role of microglial TLR4 in AD and
          can be both beneficial and harmful, and the factors   PD, where this receptor is responsible for the uptake
          determining  the  outcome  need  to  be  investigated   of disease-specific aggregated protein and initiation of
          in more detail. It seems that neuronal TLR4 could   neuroinflammation, possibly causing neuronal death.
          be protective, but the role of microglial TLR4 is still
          not fully understood. Resolving this debate could   Stroke
          potentially lead to approaches aimed at turning     TLR4  has  both  beneficial  and  detrimental  effects  in
          harmful TLR4 responses into protective ones.        stroke models. Neurons of I/R treated mice show TLR4
                                                              upregulation, a first clue that TLR4 is involved in stroke-
          AD                                                  induced brain damage. [29,37]  Paradoxically, mice treated
          One of the first lines of evidence suggesting that TLR4   with low dose systemic LPS two days before I/R injury
          might be involved in AD pathology comes from two    had smaller infarct sizes and less neuroinflammation
          studies where  a TLR4  polymorphism  was  found  to   in the brain, while TLR4  mice had less stroke-induced
          be protective against late onset Alzheimer’s disease   brain damage and less neurological deficits after I/R
          in the Italian population and glial cells surrounding   treatment. [29,104]  Although these results do not suggest a
          Aβ  plaques  showed  increased  TLR4  expression  in   beneficial or harmful role of TLR4 in stroke, the data are
          post mortem brain tissue. [99,100]  In a genetic AD mouse   not mutually exclusive. TLR4 stimulation before stroke
          model  TLR4  knock-out reduced  the expression  of   seems to be protective, while TLR4 stimulation during
          TNFα and chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 4 (also known   stroke seems detrimental. This hypothesis is supported
          as macrophage  inflammatory protein-1β) in cortex   by  in  vitro  experiments.  Increased  TLR4  activity  does
          homogenate, while increasing the amount of activated   not increase neuronal death, and TLR4 stimulation

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