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of opioids exposure, ischemia/stroke, viral infections   TLR  expression has also been  found  in several
           and Alzheimer’s disease (AD), [28,29,37-43]  via GSK3β and   neuronal  cell lines.  The teratocarcinoma derived
           JNK. [28,29]  TLR3 and TLR8 negatively regulate neuronal   human post-mitotic dopaminergic neuronal cell line
           development and axonal growth and are involved in   NT2-N expresses TLR3. [9,59-61]  TLR3 is also expressed
           fighting viral infections, [9,16,24,25,27,44-46]  through PI3K   by human neuroblastoma cell lines (including
           pathway.  Other information also indicates a role for   noradrenergic cell  lines,  CHP-212  and  SK-NSH;  a
           TLRs in the nervous system during disease. TLR1-5,   noradrenergic and gamma-aminobutyric cell line, SH-
           TLR8 and TLR9 are overexpreesed in PD and multiple   SY5Y; SH-SY5Y and a noradrenergic and dopaminergic
           systems atrophy (MSA) patients and in animal models   cell line, BE(2)-C) and primary human neuroblastic
           of PD, AD, MSA and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. [47-53]    cells. [27,44,45,59]  The rat neuroblastoma cell line B103
           Of these receptors, TLR2 and TLR4 are  of special   expresses TLR2.  The expression of TLR1-9 has been
           interest  in  PD,  as  will  become clear in  the sections   reported in the human CHP-212 neuroblastoma cell
           dedicated to these TLRs. The current knowledge      line.  Although cell lines are further removed from
           about TLR2 and TLR4 in PD has focused heavily       their original biological environment than primary
           on microglia, and not so much on neuronal TLRs.     cells, they do offer a more readily available source of
           To better understand the potential importance  of   material for further research towards understanding
           neuronal TLRs in neurodegeneration and specifically   the functions of neuronal TLRs.
           in PD, AD and stroke the current knowledge about the
           function of neuronal TLRs in neuronal development   Glial TLR expression
           and neurodegenerative diseases will be discussed here.  The importance of glial TLRs in neurodegeneration
                                                               is indisputable. [19,32,53,62-65]  Glial  cells come in many
           NERVOUS SYSTEM TLR EXPRESSION                       shapes and sizes, and have a critical role in the CNS
                                                               and PNS, such as immune surveillance, the regulation
           This section will cover the expression of TLRs on   of chemical environment and the production of
           neurons and glial cells [Figure 3]. To discuss the   the myelin  sheath,  which  makes  them  biologically
           function of TLRs on neurons it is important to know   relevant to the functioning of neurons.
           whether neurons express TLRs. For the convenience
           of the reader, the information about expression has   Glial cells are a heterogeneous group of cells all of
           been organized based on location in the nervous     them expressing TLRs. Microglia act as immune
           system, and stage of life. To discuss the function of   surveillance of the CNS and  express TLR1-9  in
           TLRs in the nervous system it is also necessary to first   both humans and mice. [19,20]  Astrocytes regulate the
           address whether glial cells express TLRs, because of   chemical environment of neurons, and they express
           their biological relevance for the functioning of the   TLR1-9 in mice and TLR1, TLR3-5 and TLR9 in
           CNS and PNS.                                        humans, while TLR2 and TLR6-8 were not detected
                                                               in human astrocytes.  [17,18]  Oligodendrocytes and
           Neuronal TLR expression                             Schwann cells respectively produce the myelin sheath
           TLR expression on primary neurons has been found in   around neuronal axons in the CNS and PNS. Schwann
           several species, amongst which are humans, [10,12,13,15,16,45]    cells express TLR1-9  in mice, [14,66]  while only TLR2
           mice, [13,14,26,28,43,54,55]  and rats. [10,27,56,57]  Neuronal TLRs   has been studied and detected in humans,  whereas
           are present  in  both  parts  of  the nervous  system;   TLR4 has been studied and detected in rats. [68,69]
           the  CNS [12,26,28]   and  the PNS. [10,13,14,43,54,57]   Expression   Human oligodendrocytes only express TLR2 and
           of TLRs by neurons has been confirmed at mRNA       TLR3, while TLR1 and TLR4-9 were undetectable.
           level, [14,21,24,28,43]  and protein level. [10,13,24,26,28,43,54,57,58]  Most   In glial cells of the enteric nervous system TLR2 -9
           results on neuronal TLRs come from experiments in   have been found, while TLR1 is absent.
           embryonic neurons because these are easier to culture   NEURONAL TLR FUNCTIONALITY
           than neurons from adult animals. Nonetheless,
           neurons express TLRs throughout life, starting at   Here we provide a comprehensive overview of the
           the embryonic stage, [14,24,26,28,43,58]  followed by the   current knowledge about TLR functionality in the
           postnatal,  and the young stages, [10,56]  and finally in   nervous system in relation to neurodegeneration.
           the adult stage of life. [10,12,13,21,58,55,57]  Taken together,   Specific information about neurons, microglia, and
           these data offer many opportunities to study neuronal   other cell types is included when appropriate.
           TLRs for a wide range of research questions, since
           it is reported that TLRs are  expressed throughout   TLR2
           the nervous system and  throughout the lifespan of   TLR2 is a TLR family member that is able to recognize
           animals.                                            bacterial  lipopolypeptides  and  peptidoglycans.

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