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          In this context, cancer stem cells isolated from SVZ   than HGG cells  identified by CD44. [68]
          could be used for drug screening to develop new
          therapeutic strategies aimed at understanding their   At the same time, other questions need to be addressed:
          mechanisms of resistance [Figure 2]. Targeting the   (1) what is the role of the other well  characterized
          SVZ will require extensive  characterization  of  the   neurogenic region in the adult brain (i.e. the SGZ); could
          phenotype(s) of these cells as well as their studies to   this be also source of neural precursors responsible for
          assess  the  response  to  radiation.  Interestingly,  it  has   initiate HGG and other brain tumors in patients? (2)
          been shown that irradiation of the SVZ in HGG patients   what are the evolutionary trajectories in those patients
          improves progression-free survival. [62]            where the HGG lies in the cortical mantle and does not
                                                              show any contact with the SVZ by using FGMS? We
          The involvement of the SVZ in HGG also prompt to the   have just started to scratch the surface of what seems
          need of classifying tumors according to their location in   to be a complicated dynamic process of HGG evolution
          the brain and integrating these data with molecular and   that involves the SVZ, in addition to more recent
          phenotypic analysis and clinical information [Figure 2].   publications by us  and others  deciphering the
          A previous work showed that HGG involving the SVZ   genomic architecture of the T. There is hope that these
          give rise to recurrences far from the primary tumor site,   findings and more studies on the role of SVZ in brain
          contributing to the hypothesis that this is due to migrating   tumors might impact on improving patient survival and
          neural precursors.  However, another study suggested   leading to personalized treatments.
          that there is no evidence of a “stem cell signature” in
          HGG with involvement of SVZ in comparison to those   Acknowledgments
          with no involvement of this region.  This might be   The author is grateful to Mr. M. Locatelli for support and
          reconciled considering that, as suggested by animal   encouragement throughout the preparation of this work.
          model studies, HGG originated in the SVZ grow along
          white matter tracts and macroscopically do not show   Financial support and sponsorship
          involvement of the SVZ.  The combination of studies   Nil.
          on the adult human SVZ in HGG patients and animal   Conflicts of interest
          models might shed new light on the functional role of   There are no conflicts of interest.
          this region in neuro-oncogenesis.
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