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has investigated the presence and role of inflammatory   from highly immature [33,34]  to terminally differentiated
          cells in the SVZ of brain tumor patients.           cells. [35,36]  This has further suggested that a stem
                                                              cell hierarchy might operate in HGG and might be
          It has been shown that inflammatory processes involving   responsible for its highly heterogeneous phenotype. [31]
          interleukin-6 (IL-6) are initiated after neonatal CNS after
          injury and that both IL-6 and another member of the same   However, more recent studies have pointed out that
          cytokine family, i.e. leukemia inhibitory factor, contribute   the capacity of tumor cells to mimic the functional
          to the expansion of neural stem and progenitor cells in   properties of stem cells is a “plastic” process that can
          the SVZ after injury [22,23]  by activating the JAK/STAT   be influenced by extrinsic factors (for instance, a more
          pathway.  Despite the high expression of IL-6 in HGG   permissive microenvironment characterized by high
          and its promotion of tumor growth  and invasion,  the   immunosuppression [37,38] ) or by instrinsic factors (for
          role of this cytokine is not fully understood. In a mouse   instance, transcription factor that can induce a stem
          model of astrocytomas with inactivation of the IL-6 gene   cell transcriptional program in tumor cells ), thus
          locus, tumor formation is suppressed suggesting that   suggesting that cancer stem cells are the result of an
          IL-6 is required for glioma growth.  Additional studies   aberrant program of cell plasticity. [40]
          are required to elucidate the functional role of IL-6 in the
          SVZ of HGG patients. This might extend our knowledge   THE SVZ AS AN ONCOGENIC NICHE
          about its role in promoting malignancy and sustaining
          neural stem cell self-renewal.                      The  importance  of  the  SVZ  as  a  potential  oncogenic
                                                              niche stems from an initial study in the 40s’ suggesting
          THE SVZ AND THE CANCER STEM CELL                    that brain tumors with ventricular walls contact
          HYPOTHESIS                                          might originate from the embryonic rests present in
                                                              the SVZ.  This was followed by studies in the 60s’
          The idea that cancers derive from stem cells is not   showing that mitosis occurs in the sub-ependymal
          entirely new.  In recent years evidence supporting this   layer of rodent and primate brain [5,42]  and in the 70s’
          concept has been provided by several works on non-solid   with the intraventricular injections of oncogenic
          and solid cancers. Intriguingly, the concept of a stem cell   viruses. [43,44]  More recently, other studies took advantage
          hierarchy inside a tumor found confirmation in several   of the development of genetically-modified viruses and
          pathologies, from leukaemia to solid cancers (i.e. breast,   animal models. Interestingly, in mice it was initially
          brain, colon cancers) [29,30]  with the hematopoietic system   shown that undifferentiated (precursor) cells can be
          providing the best example in both chronic myeloid   more easily transformed when compared to cells that
          leukaemia and multiple myeloma.                     are terminally differentiated, [45,46]  thus corroborating
                                                              the hypothesis that neural stem/precursor cells might
          However, the initial evidence for the existence of cancer   represent the target of malignant transformation. In
          stem cells in several tumors has been followed by the   addition to the above findings, a subsequent study
          consistent observation that these cells hijack functional   comparing cultures of astrocytes  vs. neurosphere
          properties of normal stem cells. In particular, it has been   precursor cells has shown  that dedifferentiation  of
          thought that virtually all cancer cell lines available can   astrocytes (promoted by EGFR activation) makes
          be turned into cancer stem cells by changing the growth   these cells susceptible to  malignant transformation
          medium and by exposing them to mitogenic stimuli. More   similarly to neural stem cells, by combining loss of
          importantly, the functional similarities with normal   critical tumor suppressors, i.e. p16Ink4a/p19Arf. [47]
          stem cells has also led to speculate that if cancer cells
          resemble stem cell features then the tumor itself might   Following the characterization of the adult brain SVZ
          originate from the malignant transformation of normal   as stem cell niche in rodents and humans [8,12,48]  and the
          stem cells of that particular tissue, therefore cancer stem   identification of “cancer stem cells”,  animal models
          cells might represent the tumor “cell of origin”. However,   have been extensively developed in order to understand
          “cancer stem cell” and “cell of origin” represent  two   if the SVZ can be a source of brain tumors. [31]
          different concepts  that are often confused and used
          interchangeably.                                    In HGG, it has been shown that neurogenic regions are
                                                              susceptible to malignant transformation, in particular
          In HGG, there is evidence that the tumor derives from   following stereotactic infusion of growth factors, such
          stem/precursor cells in genetically-engineered animal   as PDGF, in the SVZ. [50,51]  Similarly, using genetically-
          models of the disease (see next section “The SVZ as an   engineered mouse models, it has also been demostrated
          oncogenic niche”). Histological studies on HGG patients   that HGG can be driven by tumor suppressor
          revealed a mixture of cell morphologies including   inactivation in neural stem/progenitor cells [52,53]  and
          virtually all the spectrum of differentiating cells,   that  a  subpopulation  of  stem-like/Nestin(+ve)  cells  is

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