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Case Report

           Central nervous system blastomycosis presenting as

           a year-long chronic headache

           Elena Grebenciucova , Maciej S. Lesniak , Peter Pytel , Rimas V. Lukas 1
           1 Department of Neurology, University of Chicago Medical Center, Chicago, IL 60637, USA.
           2 Department of Neurosurgery, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL 60637, USA.
           3 Department of Pathology, University of Chicago Medical Center, Chicago, IL 60637, USA.

                                Dr. Elena Grebenciucova is currently a senior neurology resident at the University of Chicago Medical Center.
                                Her interests lie in the field of neuroimmunology and neuro-infectious disorders. This year, she will continue
                                serving patients with neuroinflammatory diseases in a new capacity, as a Neuroimmunology fellow at the
                                University of Pennsylvania.

                                                   A B S T R AC T

            This case describes a posterior fossa mass due to blastomycotic infection in a non-immunocompromised 41-year-old male
            presenting with a chronic headache for over one year. Given the risk of herniation, no lumbar puncture could be performed. A
            full work-up found no evidence of systemic infection. Surgical resection helped identify the mass as a blastomycotic abscess.
            Magnetic resonance imaging characteristics of the mass were helpful in the identification of the mass as a fungal abscess.
            Key words: CNS blastomycosis; blastomycotic abscess; chronic headache; posterior fossa mass; fungal abscess

           INTRODUCTION                                        CASE REPORT

           Blastomycosis isolated to the central nervous system (CNS)   A 41 years old male from rural Illinois with a history
           is exceedingly rare. In the absence of other more common   of hypertension and alcohol abuse presented for
           systems’ involvement (such as lungs), blastomycosis is   evaluation of 16 months of progressive dull occipital
           rarely considered high on the differential. This case   headaches, unresponsive to pain medications. Over the
           describes a nonspecific presentation of a blastomycotic   prior 6 months the patient developed nausea with rapid
           abscess as a chronic headache and discusses the     head movements as well as dysarthria and right hand
                                                               clumsiness. Non-contrast computed tomography (CT)
           difficulties associated with the prompt diagnosis of this   of the brain demonstrated an ill-defined mixed density
           disease. The scope of this case is to demonstrate that   lesion in the cerebellum [Figure 1]. Magnetic resonance
           when presenting as a posterior fossa mass, blastomycotic   imaging (MRI) revealed a 3.5 cm × 2.6 cm intra-axial
           abscesses have a vast differential and ultimately require   mass  in  the  midline  superior  cerebellum  abutting  the
           a  biopsy  or  resection  for  the  correct  diagnosis.    MRI   tentorium and compressing the 4th ventricle. The mass
           imaging may be helpful in helping distinguish fungal   was mildly hyperintense on T1-weighted images and
           abscesses from their neoplastic or bacterial counterparts.   heterogeneous but  predominately hypointense  on  T2/
                                                               FLAIR  [Figure  2].  It  demonstrated  significant  internal
           Corresponding Author: Dr. Elena Grebenciucova, Department   susceptibility on susceptibility weighted images
           of Neurology, University of Chicago Medical Center, Chicago, IL   compatible with vascularity and/or hemorrhage. There
           60637, USA. Email:
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                                                                Cite this article as: Grebenciucova E, Lesniak MS, Pytel P, Lukas RV.
                                    DOI: 10.20517/2347-8659.2015.26  Central nervous system blastomycosis presenting as a year-long chronic
                                                                headache. Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation 2016;3:17-9.
                                                                Received: 12-06-2015; Accepted: 01-10-2015

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