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metastases tend to have a thicker ring enhancement and a
                                                              reduced diffusion in the necrotic center. Brain metastases
                                                              frequently have a thicker ring enhancement, but typically
                                                              have no reduced diffusion in the necrotic center. [5]

                                                              Definitive diagnosis is established either by isolation of
                                                              the fungus from a culture or direct visualization on the
                                                              histological slides. Isolation from the CSF is uncommon.
                                                              In a case series of 22 patients with CNS blastomycosis, CSF
                                                              cultures were positive only in 2 patients.  Serologic testing
                                                              is generally considered not to be useful in blastomycosis
                                                              due to high cross-reactivity with other endemic mycoses.
                                                              Antigen testing may be positive in the urine and serum.
                                                              PCR is rarely used and typically not commercially
           Figure 3: Histologic analysis of the biopsy sample. (a) Histologic sections
           show a background of reactive fibrosis (arrow) with nodular inflammatory
           cell infiltrates (between vertical lines). Higher magnification (×10); (b)   Thus, most cases require a biopsy and a histopathologic
           chronic inflammatory cells: small mononuclear cells (arrow head) and
           nodular aggregates of pale pink “epithelioid” histiocytes (arrow) imparting  a   examination of the tissue to arrive at the correct diagnosis.
           granulomatous appearance (×20); (c) Small spherical organisms are seen   The  case  described  above  had  negative  serology,  CSF
           (arrow head) and focally a few neutrophils are present in the center of the
           granuloma (arrow, ×40); (d) GMS staining confirms the presence of fungal   culture and required a tissue sample obtained during
           organisms that morphologically appear as small dark stained round yeast   resection to diagnose it as a blastomycosis abscess.
           forms (arrow). Blastomyces dermatitidis (×40).
                                                              Financial support and sponsorship
           producing mass effect (particularly in the cerebellum),   Nil.
           diffuse leptomeningeal enhancement, cerebritis or
           obstructive hydrocephalus. Restricted diffusion is   Conflicts of interest
           frequently one of the earliest MRI findings with fungal   There are no conflicts of interest.
           abscesses. This occurs due to an increased  cellularity
           and viscosity of the pus associated with the infection and  REFERENCES
           frequently precedes gadolinium enhancement. Reduced
           diffusion signal may frequently be heterogeneous. In   1.   Chapman W, Lin AC, Hendricks KA, Nolan RL, Currier MM, Morris
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           their marked diffusion abnormality, fungal abscesses   3.   Szabo G, Mandrekar P. A recent perspective on alcohol, immunity, and
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           may demonstrate only a weak ring enhancement. This   4.   Bush JW, Wuerz T, Embil JM, Del Bigio MR, McDonald PJ, Krawitz S.
           is thought to be secondary to a weak peripheral immune   Outcomes of persons with blastomycosis involving the central nervous
           response. A combination  of ring enhancement and      system. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 2013;76:175-81.
           diffusion signal can help differentiate fungal abscesses   5.   Starkey J, Moritani T, Kirby P. MRI of CNS fungal infections: review
                                                                 of  aspergillosis  to  histoplasmosis  and  everything  in  between.  Clin
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