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the embryonic yolk sac that are then seeded in the   in neuronal circuit development and maintaining
           rudimentary brain and persist there into adulthood. [1]   tissue homeostasis indicates that they have a basal
           Another school of scientists thought that their entry in   physiological function from developing embryo to
           brain from blood also occurs at some points in embryonic   growing adult. [11,13]  In the present study our attempt is to
           and early natal phases, which also gradually populates   find that basal morphological and behavioural variation
           into entire brain and designated as microglia. [2-5]   of microglia from  embryo to growing brain up to its
           Microglia function like a hybrids of glia and leukocytes   maturation, excluding aging brain. With identifying in
           and thus express a variety of cytokine receptors as well   situ distribution and morphological transformation, we
           as producing  cytokines themselves.  Microglia forms   also isolated them to assess the morphological differences
           an extremely stable population in brain and comprise   and functional deviation in terms of phagocytosis.
           up to 20% of total glial population forming an immune
           accessory network. [7,8]  Microglia can adapt according to   METHODS
           the central nervous system (CNS) microenvironment,
           monitor the CNS integrity and also act under the strict   Animal and grouping
           control of neurobiochemical environment. Recent     The Sprague-Dawley rats were maintained for the
           studies indicate that they function in maintaining   experiment as approved by institutional animal
           normal tissue homeostasis in brain at the resting state   ethical committee (Approval No. -AG/CP/IAEC-
           through scanning their territorial domains. [9-11]  They   WBSU/2011-12/5) and according to the animal
           phagocytose cellular debris, contribute to restructuring   experiment procedures strictly followed the “Principles
           neuronal circuits and triggering repair, which are   of Laboratory Animal Care” (NIH publication no. 85-
           assumed to be related with development. [12-16]  Depending   23, revised in 1985). The animals were fed with pellet
           on specific environmental context microglia play a dual   diet, or equivalent, and water ad libitum, 12 h light and
           role of neuroprotection or neurotoxic. [12,17-19]   dark cycle were maintained, examined and weighed at
                                                               regular  interval  throughout  the  experimental  period.
           There  are  few  studies  which  showed  that  microglial   Reproductively matured male and receptive female were
           morphology changes with age, but most of the studies   set for breeding at a rate of 1:2 respectively, examined
           have dealt with their changes in neuropathological   for confirmation of mating usually made by visualising
           conditions.  Microglial transformation from ramified   the copulatory plug, after that pregnant mothers were
           to amoeboid affects their functional modifications. The   separated and pregnancy days were counted to obtain
           effector role of the cells are mostly studied in disease   the  required  embryos.   Neonates  were  maintained
           models or subjects,  But seldom has any attempt been   with their respective mothers in one cage as they were
           made to evaluate the baseline physiological response   at waning age. The groups of animals maintained were
           of the cells in a normally developing brain beginning   (1) early embryo (ED 10 ± 1); (2) late embryo (ED 18 ± 2);
           at birth. However, recent findings showing their role   (3) neonate (D 5 ± 1); (4) young adult (D45 ± 5) and (5)
                                                               mature adult (D 240 ± 10).
                                                               Histological sectioning of brain tissue and haematoxylin-
                                                               eosin staining

                                                               The rats were deeply anaesthetized with sodium
                                                               pentobarbital (50 mg/kg body weight). The whole brain
                                                               was dissected out, initially placed in ice cold Phosphate
                                                               Buffer Saline (PBS) and then postfixed in 10% buffered
                                                               formalin (NICE, India) for overnight at 4 °C. After fixation,
                                                               foetal, postnatal and adult brains were washed in PBS,
                                                               dehydrated through graded alcohol (30%, 50%, 70%,
                                                               95% and absolute alcohol) and embedded in paraffin
                                                               (MERCK, India) through histokinate processing. From
                                                               this block coronal sections of brain were cut at 5-7 µm
                                                               thickness  with  a  microtome  (WESWOXTM  OPTIK
           Figure 1:  Graphical representation of a rat brain showing the sagittal and   Rotary Microtome, Model-MT-1090A, India). The sagittal
           coronal view of the section planes. Dotted line in the sagittal view shows the
           plane of section used for histology and filled grey areas are showing lateral and   and coronal sections [Figure 1] show the schematic
           3rd ventricles. Diagram marked A shows the coronal view of late embryonic and   positions of the rat brain cerebral cortex adjacent to the
           neonatal pups where square boxes are showing the sectioned areas adjacent to
           lateral ventricles and neocortex at the cleavage of two hemispheres which are   ventricular margin and inner and outer cortex which
           the areas represented in the photomicrographs. Diagram B shows the coronal   are used and represented in the study. The sections were
           view of adult rats where square boxes are showing the regions of cerebral
           cortex represented here                             then routinely stained with haematoxylin-eosin (HE)

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