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explanation for these findings, the researchers stated   sleeping patterns for a period of two weeks. Patients
          that patients might associate reduction of negative   without sleeping problems might not understand the
          symptoms with a return to normal functioning and,   therapeutic use of registering their sleeping patterns
          therefore, might decide that they no longer need    and, therefore, might be more likely to not complete
          medication. This assumption is supported by the     the sleep log.
          finding of Quach et al. [40]  whose study indicated that
          a high level of functioning after one year of treatment   In sum, treatment adherence appears to be a complex
          was associated with non-adherence at year two.      phenomenon and can only partly be associated with
                                                              symptom  severity and quality  of  sleep in patients
          However, opposing findings have also been reported   with schizophrenia and patients with depression.
          in the treatment adherence literature on patients   Some  studies  indicate,  for  instance,  that  a  weak
          with schizophrenia. A study by Tattan and Creed [41]    therapeutic alliance and low insight might be related
          regarding negative symptoms of schizophrenia and    to poor adherence in patients with schizophrenia. [42]
          compliance  with  medication,  for  instance, found   Another study by Spiekermann et al. [43]  stated that
          that  patients  with  schizophrenia  who  had  a  poor   patients with schizophrenia who had stronger
          medication compliance experienced a significantly   cognitive impairments  showed  lower  adherence
          greater severity of negative symptoms. Especially   behavior compared to those without cognitive
          avolition, apathy, and alogia were related to poor   impairments.
          compliance. The researchers presumed that patients
          who suffered from avolition and apathy would lack   The present study has several limitations that should
          the motivation to regularly go to a satellite clinic.   be discussed in order to correctly interpret its results.
          They also suggested that these patients might       One limitation of our study is the fact that all data
          question the beneficial effects that the medication   were derived from self-report inventories, which
          given at such clinics had had on their positive     have their strengths and weaknesses.  However,
          symptoms and might have instead focused on the      the disadvantages, for instance, self-report measures
          limited effect that the medication had had on the   being potentially biased by social desirability,  might
          negative symptoms from which they still suffer.     have negatively affected the reliability of the results.
          Another point considered was that patients with     Moreover, future studies might vary in their means to
          alogia could possibly lack insight into their illness   measure treatment adherence. For instance, attendance
          and, therefore, might not understand the importance   at a psycho-education group for patients with
          of taking medication regularly. In sum, hitherto, as for   schizophrenia  could be additionally used to measure
          depression, not much research has been conducted    treatment adherence. Another limitation of our study
          on  the  relationship  between  symptom  severity  and   is that a mixed sample of subjects, e.g., outpatients
          treatment adherence in patients with schizophrenia,   with schizophrenia and outpatients with depression,
          and the results are conflicting. [39-41]  Clearly, negative   was used. Although we have presented our treatment-
          symptoms can be related to adherence, but further   adherence results for the depression group and the
          research is needed to gain a better understanding of   schizophrenia group separately, having a larger sample
          this relationship.                                  of one patient group in order to investigate the possible
                                                              relationships between symptom severity, quality of
          An interesting new finding of our study is the fact   sleep, and treatment adherence would have been better
          that poor quality of sleep significantly predicted   because the main reasons related to non-adherence in
          better treatment adherence in the group of patients   patients with schizophrenia and those with depression
          with schizophrenia. This finding contradicts the    may differ significantly. This is an important issue for
          finding in the study by Ong et al.  who reported that   future research. Finally, the exploratory nature of the
          insomnia might be a risk factor for poor treatment   analyses, as well as the cross-sectional study design, [47,48]
          adherence. To the authors’ knowledge, this study was   used in the present study should be mentioned as
          among the first to investigate a possible relationship   further limitations, making it impossible to generalisze
          between quality of sleep and treatment adherence in   the results.
          patients with schizophrenia; therefore, comparing
          this group of patients to another that has sleep    In conclusion, the current exploratory study revealed
          disorders such as obstructive sleep apnoea and      a significant positive relationship between symptom
          insomnia might be difficult. Possibly, the patients   severity and treatment adherence, as well as a significant
          with a worse subjective quality of sleep were more   negative  relationship  between  quality  of  sleep and
          treatment adherent because they could benefit from   treatment  adherence  in  patients  with  schizophrenia,
          completing the sleep log and, hence, register their own   but no significant relationships between symptom

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