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           of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-V).  The    for  the  schizophrenic  and  depressive  patients,   the
           inclusion criterion for all participants was that   participants were asked to complete a sleep log for two
           they be between 18 and 65 years of age, and the     weeks. It consisted of the following six sleep variables: (1)
           exclusion criteria for the patients with schizophrenia   “total sleep time”;(2) “how many minutes awake during
           or depression were substance abuse, epilepsy, and   the night”;(3) “how many minutes awake before falling
           other  neurological disorders. Finally, all patients   asleep”; (4) “how relaxing was your sleep”; (5) “did you
           took part voluntarily without any inducement and    feel exhausted”; (6) “how was your average performance
           signed the informed consent form.                   level today”. The sleep log was to be completed every
                                                               morning just after awakening and every evening just
           Material                                            before  falling  asleep. [33]  Completing  the  sleep  log  took
           BDI-II                                              approximately 10 min a day, 140 min in total.
           The Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) [29]  was
           used to assess depression severity. The BDI-II is   Procedure
           a 21-item self-report inventory, and each item is   Every participant in the group of patients with
           rated on a 4-point scale (i.e. from 0 to 3). Thus, an   depression was asked to complete the BDI-II
           individual’s scoring range would lie between 0 and   and the PSQI. The PANSS was completed by the
           63. The higher the total scores on the BDI-II, the more   patient’s  psychiatrist  in  the  group  of  patients  with
           severe the depressive symptoms of the patients are.  schizophrenia, and these patients were also asked
                                                               to  complete  the  PSQI.  All  participants  were  asked
           PANSS                                               to keep a  sleep log  and  return  it  to  their clinical
           In addition, the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale   psychologist at the end of the two weeks. At the end of
           (PANSS) [30]  was used to measure the symptom severity   the study, a debriefing was offered to all participants,
           of the patients with schizophrenia. The PANSS has   in which they were individually informed of their
           to be filled in by a psychiatrist. It consists of three   test results. The study was approved by the local
           subscales: the positive scale, the negative scale and   ethics committee (Ärztekammer Nordrhein, number:
           the general psychopathology scale. The scoring range   2008331); moreover, the clinical trial has officially
           for an individual is between 7 and 49 for the positive   been registered under number NTR3132 at the Dutch
           scale, 7 and 49 for the negative scale, and 16 and 112   Trial Register (see also
           for the general psychopathology scale; as a result, the
           total scores on the PANSS are between 30 and 210.   trialreg/admin/rctview.asp? TC = 3132). Finally,
           The higher the total scores on the PANSS are, the   the study was performed in accordance with the
           more severe the positive and negative symptoms of   Declaration  of   Helsinki  (
           the individuals with schizophrenia are.             en/30publications/10policies/b3/).

                                                               Design and statistics
           The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI)  was      An experimental design was used in which the first
           used to measure the subjective quality of sleep of the   categorical dependent variable was called “Absolute
           patients with schizophrenia or depression. The PSQI   Treatment Adherence”; it was measured by using
           is a self-report inventory and measures sleep quality   the returned sleep logs (i.e. if the patient returned
           and patterns of sleep. It has seven separate domains: (1)   the sleep log, the patient was considered as being
           “subjective sleep quality”; (2) “sleep latency”; (3) “sleep   treatment adherent  vs. if the patient did not return
           duration”; (4) “habitual sleep efficiency”; (5) “sleep   the sleep log, the patient was considered as not
           disturbances”; (6) “use of sleep medication”; and (7)   being  treatment  adherent).  The  second  continuous
           “daytime dysfunction over the last month”. Individuals   dependent variable was called “Degree of Treatment
           score all items on a Likert scale, ranging from 0 to 3. As   Adherence” because it consisted of the total number
           a result, the total scores on the PSQI are between 0 and   of days the participants had completed the sleep log,
           21, and the higher the total PSQI score is, the poorer   with 0 day meaning a very low degree of treatment
           the quality of sleep is. In daily clinical practice, often   adherence and 14 days meaning a very high degree
           a cut-off score of 5 [31]  is used, meaning that participants   of treatment adherence. In other words, “Absolute
           who score below 5 have a good quality of sleep and   Treatment Adherence” showed whether a patient
           participants who score above 5 have a poor quality of   returned the sleep log or not while “Degree of
           sleep. In the present study, the total PSQI scores were   Treatment Adherence” showed to what degree the
           used for further analyses.                          patient was treatment adherent. Note that in the
                                                               present study, a very narrow definition of the word
           Sleep log                                           “treatment” was used (e.g. completing and returning
           As part of the treatment adherence measurements     a sleep log) and did not include any pharmacological

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